Prohormone help plz


New member
hey guys i know im new but i joined for some help and clarification...... im currently using AMS Advanced anabolic stack at 4ml per day (both decavol, and ad) for 2 weeks, once thats up im going to start using AMS anabolic growth kit (as directed)... just ordered some halo extreme by ironmaglabs im going to incorporate that with 2 pills per day 1 one morning i pre workout... now for post cycle therapy (pct) i have Triazole, erase, titanium xl Arom-x(the oral version that comes with advanced anabolic stack) and toremifine from purity (40/40/20/20)... for post cycle therapy (pct) should i even use arom-x, do i need serm or will aromx suffice, if serm is needed do i need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and can you help me with dosage of serm im not too sure on this any help would be greatly thanks a bunch
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hey guys i know im new but i joined for some help and clarification...... im currently using AMS Advanced anabolic stack at 4ml per day (both decavol, and ad) for 2 weeks, once thats up im going to start using AMS anabolic growth kit (as directed)... just ordered some halo extreme by ironmaglabs im going to incorporate that with 2 pills per day 1 one morning i pre workout... now for post cycle therapy (pct) i have Triazole, erase, titanium xl Arom-x(the oral version that comes with advanced anabolic stack) and toremifine from purity (40/40/20/20)... for post cycle therapy (pct) should i even use arom-x, do i need serm or will aromx suffice, if serm is needed do i need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and can you help me with dosage of serm im not too sure on this any help would be greatly thanks a bunch

Either way you need to get a serm, there is no natural replacement for one. I think your trying to do too much at once in my opinion, keep it simple and just run the anabolic stack as directed and save the halo for another cycle. You have got a cluster f*ck of a cycle going on here
post cycle therapy (pct) run just the triazole, erase, titanium xl or arom-x
Also Clomid 50/50/25/25

something along those lines, i would recommend HCGenerate but you already started your cycle, it would help your post cycle therapy (pct) recovery and libido~
I would ditch the over-the-counter eblockers and get my hands on some aromasin to use during cycle and pct. Try 8mg everyday of Aromasin during your cycle, and up the dose to around 12-12.5mg during PCT. These are low doses to experiment with so you can find your personal hot spot. Blood work is your friend.

Like BeasintheEast said, a SERM is a must.