New member
hey guys i know im new but i joined for some help and clarification...... im currently using AMS Advanced anabolic stack at 4ml per day (both decavol, and ad) for 2 weeks, once thats up im going to start using AMS anabolic growth kit (as directed)... just ordered some halo extreme by ironmaglabs im going to incorporate that with 2 pills per day 1 one morning i pre workout... now for post cycle therapy (pct) i have Triazole, erase, titanium xl Arom-x(the oral version that comes with advanced anabolic stack) and toremifine from purity (40/40/20/20)... for post cycle therapy (pct) should i even use arom-x, do i need serm or will aromx suffice, if serm is needed do i need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and can you help me with dosage of serm im not too sure on this any help would be greatly thanks a bunch
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