Purity vs. AML what direction to go


New member
Any advice here? Was always a pinnacle guy but heard they're down.

Out of these two, who you got? (If this is against the rules now, apologies)
Any advice here? Was always a pinnacle guy but heard they're down.

Out of these two, who you got? (If this is against the rules now, apologies)

Penn has been down for a long time this isn't new news. So why are you just now looking for a source?? People that don't want to do their homework to gather info and just want it to fall in their lap, usually are to lazy to hit the gym or even run a proper cycle. This decision is up to you , but I would do my homework first and then maybe ask some educated questions that someone can help you with!!
I haven't used aml. I only use P.S.L. And for me there's no reason to go anywhere else. I would give them a solid A+ from products to customer service

P.S.L. Is also on their A game with shipping and their prices.
I just recieved yet another order from P.S.L. M1T and some euro prop. I'm ten for ten.

Just think if you would of ordered from P.S.L. The day you were inquiring. You would of only had a short time left before you got to use their products.
Penn has been down for a long time this isn't new news. So why are you just now looking for a source?? People that don't want to do their homework to gather info and just want it to fall in their lap, usually are to lazy to hit the gym or even run a proper cycle. This decision is up to you , but I would do my homework first and then maybe ask some educated questions that someone can help you with!!

Been here two years longer. Homework has been done, just need to know what route to go, whose product is clean and g2g. I don't know how it is currently but back about 5 years ago, people were getting ripped left and right with either dirty product, bunk gear or no ships from busted sources. Looks like it's a lot more stable now.
Been here two years longer. Homework has been done, just need to know what route to go, whose product is clean and g2g. I don't know how it is currently but back about 5 years ago, people were getting ripped left and right with either dirty product, bunk gear or no ships from busted sources. Looks like it's a lot more stable now.

its best to go with the names you know.
Ive got bloods from both of your options. BOTH have gotten me 100% of everything I ordered and even some freebies, as well as both respond to emails. Both are clean, dosed right from my bloods and amounts i take, all thier ancilaries work like anti estrogens and orals. Your in good hands with both
I hear aml has a good product but P.S.L. Has them beat in pricing. Like the 5 mix and match deal P.S.L. Has is untouchable. also the shipping from P.S.L. Is alot cheaper.

In no way am I bashing or hating on aml. I would like to try them one day. But I believe in the old saying of if it isn't broke dont fix it.

From my personal experience P.S.L. Has never given me a reason to try anybody else.

I have never recieved anything for free,and I am not a rep. For P.S.L.
Just a extremely happy and satisfied customer.
I hear aml has a good product but P.S.L. Has them beat in pricing. Like the 5 mix and match deal P.S.L. Has is untouchable. also the shipping from P.S.L. Is alot cheaper.

In no way am I bashing or hating on aml. I would like to try them one day. But I believe in the old saying of if it isn't broke dont fix it.

From my personal experience P.S.L. Has never given me a reason to try anybody else.

I have never recieved anything for free,and I am not a rep. For P.S.L.
Just a extremely happy and satisfied customer.

Lol, we might have to start paying you ;p One of our most loyal customers right here.
Lol, we might have to start paying you ;p One of our most loyal customers right here.

I just tell it how it is I'm a very honest person. And I honestly am 100% satisfied with P.S.L. And when it comes to your competition they are overpriced. From shipping to products P.S.L. Is on their A game.
I have used both and was very happy with both. Like Joz said, if either of them were not legit the board would remove them faster than the Flash can run.
I'm waiting on my eleventh order from P.S.L. right now it's my first time going international. I'm really looking forward to trying their test suspension. I hear it's some wicked stuff.

Also if anyone here has been wanting to try P.S.L's m1t I would strongly recommend it. I'm on my eleventh day and I'm amazed how strong it is. My wife keeps mentioning how she can really tell I added something new. The m1t is my new favorite oral. Also it doesn't make me look poofy like dbol. And it makes my muscles hard as fricken rocks. I haven't felt tired at all like alot of people complain about while on m1t.
Placed several orders with AML in the past with OUTSTANDING results, from customer service to shipping: top notch.

However a recent order of 3 weeks ago has yet to arrive and AML has been radio silent despite repeated requests for tracking info/order status. It's frustrating.

Again, past experiences have been stellar and seamless. But this go around, being patient is tough when a business such as AML is non-responsive.

Update: AML has finally reached out and this matter has been sorted. I would not hesitate to do business with AML in the future. Good folks.
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