PUSH'S Bulk Cycle Log

Where's the squats, maybe not absolutely crucial, but in IMHO very important
Another thing you may want to add is a straight legged calf raises. Seated (bent leg) works the soleus straight leg version more so the gastrocenemius

Thanks for checking in brother. I'll usually don't do squats unless I train at home. I've had two hip surgeries so I'm not as flexible and my range of motion sucks. My fear is that I will hurt myself, plus I love using the hack squat and leg press machines. I really appreciate the advise, and I have added in donkey calf raises lately.

Chest and Shoulders
Pec Dec 1x15, 3x12
Flat DB press 2x15, 1x12, 5x10
HS incline press 1x20, 2x12, 3x4, 2x12, 1x20
Rear machine flye 4x15
Machine shoulder press 1x20, 3x15, 1x20
Seated side laterals 2x25, 3x15, 2x20

After not training for a week I feel totally refreshed.
Took my oldest with me and got in a great chest and shoulder session.

Thanks for checking in brother. I'll usually don't do squats unless I train at home. I've had two hip surgeries so I'm not as flexible and my range of motion sucks. My fear is that I will hurt myself, plus I love using the hack squat and leg press machines. I really appreciate the advise, and I have added in donkey calf raises lately.

Donkey raises are awesome, I used to do them with a partner sitting on my hips. Homophobes raised eyebrows but my calves grew nonetheless

Weight 185
Couple more days of dbol.
Will be adding NPP in soon.

Arm Day
Standing hammer curls / kickbacks
1x20/20, 3x10/12
Seated alt DB curls / DB skullcrushers 1x15/15, 3x12/12
French press / DB preacher 1x30/10, 1x20/12, 1x22/12, 1x20/12, 1x28/12

Calories 4550
Pro 219
Carbs 419
Fat 189

Do your calories vary based on body part worked out that day? Or do you just eat normally varying from 4000-5000 cals a day? I see mostly 4K cals a day and sometimes 4.5.
Do your calories vary based on body part worked out that day? Or do you just eat normally varying from 4000-5000 cals a day? I see mostly 4K cals a day and sometimes 4.5.

My calories vary on how many meals I can get in each day, if i'm busier I may not be able to get in as much food. I'm trying to bulk so right now I'm just trying to eat at least 4000 calories each day. My higher calorie days are usually the days I eat more fatty foods.

I have heard people say to eat more on leg and back days because they are the most taxing on your body, And to eat a little less on rest days. Conversely, rest days are grow days so you could argue that maybe you should eat more on rest days.

Legs Done!
Lying leg curls 2x15, 3x12
Leg extensions 1x20, 3x15
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/15/10, 3x15/10/8
Hack squats 1x15, 3x12
Leg press 1x20/10, 1x15/8, 3x15, 1x25
Superset: seated leg curls/leg extensions 1x20/20, 3x15/15
Donkey calf raise 4x20

View attachment 564783

Post Workout Meal: Ground Beef, broccoli, plain bagel, triple cheddar cheese
Calories 931
Pro 55
Carbs 51
Fat 55

No training today, Back Day after work tomorrow.

Today's Macros:
Calories 4050
Pro 195
Carbs 368
Fat 175

Still Running Sust 250mg eod
NPP will start next Saturday at the latest......

Chest Day in the Garage!
Flat Bench 1x20, 3x12, 3x6, drop set 1x8/8/11
DB incline press 3x10
Slight incline DB flyes 3x12

Seated DB press/seated rear flyes 3x15/15
Standing side laterals/rear flyes 3x15/12

Calories 4250
Pro 197
Carbs 471
Fat 163
My question is why would you think he is???

Come on man... really?

You've just posted a thread asking people to log PSL's products, do you really have to ask why would people wonder if this log was sponsored or not.

I used to be a rep for you guys, I know for a fact that a high percentage of the logs on here are done so with free gear.

That's why it's essential for the logger to say whether he is running a sponsored log or not.

It's not too much to ask is it?
Come on man... really?

You've just posted a thread asking people to log PSL's products, do you really have to ask why would people wonder if this log was sponsored or not.

I used to be a rep for you guys, I know for a fact that a high percentage of the logs on here are done so with free gear.

That's why it's essential for the logger to say whether he is running a sponsored log or not.

It's not too much to ask is it?

It's not too much to ask at all. But the fact is, this is not a sponsored log. These items were purchased by him. We have many sponsored logs. We do not hide that. It's no secret that "sponsored" logs usually involve free or discounted products....that's not to bribe the logger to leave a good review....it's to compensate them for their help in advertising. They are asked only to leave an honest review. I'm sure this is nothing new to you as you've been in this game for quite some time. It would be senseless for us to openly sponsor logs and then conceal a select few. It would make us look stupid and cost us our integrity. Who knows....maybe PushToday is looking for a job? But regardless, he is doing this on his own and if I find out otherwise you all will be the first to know. I don't operate under dishonesty.

Arms today

EZ bar curls/seated hammer curls 1x15/12, 3x12/8, 1x15/12

Alt. DB curls/preacher curls 1x12/10, 3x10/10, 1x12/12

Standing French press/kickbacks 1x20/20, 3x15/12, 1x20/20

DB skullcrushers/DB overhead ext. 4x15/12

Calories 4150
Pro 195
Carbs 396
Fat 149


Leg Day
Leg extensions 2x20, 2x15, 2x12
Lying leg curls 4x12
Seated calf raises rp 1x20/15/12, 3x12/12/10, 1x25/15/15
Machine leg press 2x30, 2x20, 2x15, 4x12
Donkey calf raises 2x20, 3x15
Seated leg curls 4x12

Calories 3450
Carbs 378
Fat 94


No training today.
Back Day tomorrow after work.

Calories 3900
Pro 206
Carbs 398
Fat 147

PSL NPP starts tomorrow!!


Chest and Shoulders

Pec Dec 1x20, 3x15
HS iso incline press 1x20, 3x12, 2x8, 1x12
Pec Dec 3x12
Smith machine paused incline 3x15
Machine Chest press drop sets 1x12/12, 1x14/10, 1x10/10
HS Iso shoulder press superset: facing front/facing rear 1x18/12, 1x14/6, 1x10/12, 1x10/10
Machine rear delts 1x15, 3x10
Seated side laterals 3x20, rp 5x15
Rear DB flyes 3x20

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View attachment 564841
Donut Gains!!
