Question--Not a Winny fan......but


New member
I have used V in the past and never enjoyed the drying out and subsequent injuries suffered a couple of times due to large strength increases that tendons and joints can't keep up with. However a few weeks out from a Highland games heavy event I am running test E and Deca. was running D-Bol but finished today. just looking for opinions on running the oral winny for two to three weeks out from the event. last time I used the 25mg winny tabs the strength increases were very fast, and what I'm wondering is will the winny overtake the water I'm holding from the test and deca?
stats are 6' 255lbs, not sure of bf% but I still have upper abs..haha. not a big issue during heavy events? running about 500mg test E and 700deca.a week. any opinions?have the winny on hand. thanks.
age ?

bodyfat estimate ?

I ask as winny kills lipid profiles and water loss also come s the lube in our joints and I cannot look at winny w o my knee s and shoulders aching...

if your looking to drop water intro an ai for the test...

or some caber or prami if you think the deca is the main culprit...

my 2 cents
thanks Teutonic, not looking to drop the water but keep it, was concerned the winny might dry me out despite the deca and test. this is one event weight even water counts, especially with the heavy training leading up to it and different spots soreness such as elbows. I'm normally the same as you with V but I can't deny the short bursts of strength it does give me. hope this is a little clearer.
stats are 6' around 255lbs, guessing body father to be around 13% right now.oh yeah and I'm 44 years old but don't tell anyone...:)
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As far as strength/aggresion I've used halotestin with good results.
Win I agree strength is absolutely there: but hindered by the achyness :(
agreed, but haven't been able to tolerate headaches I get from halotestin. makes me strong and vascular though, back when I could tolerate it. thanks guys