RDS's first cycle - Test and Var

final week of PCT. Everything seems to be going just fine. Have been getting stronger the whole time, with none of the potential negatives some people experience.

I'm not sure if it's just because I didn't run very high dosages, or really strong androgens, but PCT's been a piece of piss so far! If all my PCTs are like this I'm laughing.
just read your entire thread, and I'm now thinking about using Anavar (var) instead of dbol with my test E cycle. very nice
just read your entire thread, and I'm now thinking about using var instead of dbol with my test E cycle. very nice

thanks for reading man.

I was never too keen to use dbol as it can be pretty rough (or so I've heard).

I was much more keen for the dryness that var gives.
thanks for reading man.

I was never too keen to use dbol as it can be pretty rough (or so I've heard).

I was much more keen for the dryness that var gives.

Well for me it's a matter of trying to weigh the pros and cons.

Dbol would be much cheaper, give greater initial gains, and be a great start to a massive bulk. However, I think the var would result in fewer sides, a much more dry and lean bulk, and allow you to actually keep more of the gains. So I'll probably go with the var if I can afford it.
@ mavaleu - dbol is definitely stronger, but has much heavier sides. Personally I wanted to keep sides, particularly water bloat, to a minimum. The dbol "moon face" never really appealed. I would go with the var if I were you, and if you can afford it, run it at 100mgs ever day. I used 75mg and I wish I'd used more.

I'll write about my strength gains in my next post.

@piro - thanks for reading man, much appreciated
PCT ended today, so it's time for a round up of my cycle (I'm sorry there's no before/after photos, they were on my ex girlfriend's camera!)

Size Gains

awesome. My shoulders and lats have always been a weak (fuckin non-existent) point of mine, so I decided to do a shoulder/lat specialisation routine. They sure as hell do not lag anymore. My physique now has decent width to it which it totally lagged before.

I came away with 8lbs of muscle. To be honest I expected more, but the dosages I ran were a little low so I guess that explains it. Going into the cycle I was worried about sides so I was cautious with my dosages, which was the sensible thing to do but I wish I'd gone a bit crazier! Haha. Still, the scale weight isn't everything, and like I said I am very happy with my gains, particularly in my shoulders. I actually look like I lift weights now! Haha.

Strength Gains

These turned out to be more satisfying than the size gains. I am a bodybuilder, so strength has always just been a way of measuring progress really; I've never cared too much about maxes but I know if I'm getting stronger I'm eating enough and recovering. That said, beating PRs EVERY TIME you go into the gym is a very cool feeling. To give you an idea of my strength gains, my previous maxes were:

bench: 102.5k
Hip Thrusts: 140k x 3

(i have a bad back so I hip thrust instead of deadlifting. I know how stupid it looks, STFU).

by the end of the cycle my maxes were:

bench 120k
hip thrusts 200k x 3

dayum! I only tested my max on the bench 8 weeks in, so I'm pretty sure I could've got more at the end of the cycle. I didn't try because my shoulder is pretty temperamental and I didn't want to risk not being able to train during PCT.


I got quite bad acne during the last couple weeks of cycle and first couple of weeks of PCT. Meh, can't say I give a shit about that. If that's the only sides I ever get I'll be a happy man


this wasn't as bad as expected. I frontloaded my SERMs a la Bill Roberts, and at no point had any of the lethargy, depression or loss of libido that some people experience. Had I ran a heavier cycle then it might have been a different story but as far as I could tell everything was fine. I haven't lost ANY strength, and am actually a little stronger than I was during my cycle! The noly thing I've noticed is that while "on" I could train for 2 hours without feeling gassed, now I'm back to only being able to train for an hour and a half before I'm too knackered and there's no point continuing.

Final Thoughs

As far as I can tell, the only real downside of taking steroids is it's made me want to take much more steroids! Haha, I understand now why everyone laughs when noobs say "This'll be my only cycle". It's fucking addictive. My reasoning is this: My lifetime goal has always been to hit a ripped, 200lbs. Using steroids, I can have hit this, and maybe even surpassed it by the end of this year! A good way I heard of describing it is "Once you know how it feels to be superman, you never want to go back to being Clark Kent". I thought that was pretty accurate.

And so ends my first ever foray into the world of AAS. All in all, the experience was a positive one which I enjoyed very much. I have no regrets (except maybe that I didn't run the dosage a little higher, haha).

If anyone has any questions then feel free to post them, I'll check back here in a week or two just to see.

Thanks to everyone that read my log, and to all the posters on this site that helped me design my cycle.

@ mavaleu - dbol is definitely stronger, but has much heavier sides. Personally I wanted to keep sides, particularly water bloat, to a minimum. The dbol "moon face" never really appealed. I would go with the var if I were you, and if you can afford it, run it at 100mgs ever day. I used 75mg and I wish I'd used more.

I'll write about my strength gains in my next post.

@piro - thanks for reading man, much appreciated

thanks for the answers bro. Well right now I'm planning on buying 120 25mg tabs. I wanted to do 50mg a day for 60 days, would you recommend doing a higher dose like 75 or 100 for a shorter length of time? I kinda wanted to kick my cycle off with it but if I do a shorter duration I might want to finish the cycle with it instead
I would run it at either 75 or 100 if I were you mate.

there are two schools of thought as to where to put it: either at the start as a kickstart, or at the end to bridge between your last pin and the start of PCT. Using it at the end means you'll keep gaining right up til PCT, but I was too impatient for that.

I would personally use it as a kickstart for the pretty much instant strength gains, they're very motivating. Also, by the time you finish with the var your test levels'll have about peaked so you'll get mad gains from that anyway.
I would run it at either 75 or 100 if I were you mate.

there are two schools of thought as to where to put it: either at the start as a kickstart, or at the end to bridge between your last pin and the start of PCT. Using it at the end means you'll keep gaining right up til PCT, but I was too impatient for that.

I would personally use it as a kickstart for the pretty much instant strength gains, they're very motivating. Also, by the time you finish with the var your test levels'll have about peaked so you'll get mad gains from that anyway.
Thanks man, I think I'll run if at 75mg a day to kick start if I decide to use it.