Recent Pics - Please critique


New member
I actually took these a while back but couldn't post pics at the time.

I am 5'5" to 5'6" weigh 171 today was close in the pics to the same weight, maybe a few pounds heavier. Bench max 325 (will max tomorrow around 340)

Anyway please let me know strengths and weaknesses.
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looking really compact and strong there. maybe work on lat width a bit more. But that's just a suggestion as you're demanding it ;)


I really do appreciate the compliment. I have come a long way from the shape I was in back in 1999 after neck surgery. I do weighted pullups and deads and rows. What else should I be doing for lats?

weasel0803 said:
looking really compact and strong there. maybe work on lat width a bit more. But that's just a suggestion as you're demanding it ;)

Your looking great tman you look good but the lats are okay imo but they can use a lil more work maybe if ur doing lats once a week throw em in twice a week.

benefit said:
Your looking great tman you look good but the lats are okay imo but they can use a lil more work maybe if ur doing lats once a week throw em in twice a week.

Guess I could do lats twice a week for a while. I have to be careful on some of those pulling exercises because they irritate an old arm problem in the left inside arm.
IMO the part thats lagging the most is quads.....500 is a good # for squat, but i'd put some focus on bringing the quads up.
Tman, looking thick bro. Very compact and packed full of muscle.

Your back is fine (from what I can see). Only suggust more thickness in the upper leg. Looks like you have huge calves.

Keep up the good work. I'm impressed.

looking good. you shorter guys sure do pack that muscle on quick!! no, all seriousness you are looking good.
I agree with some of the others that maybe get the quads a little thicker. Calfs look good and the back is looking sick. Other than that, you look impressive.
thanks...i know i am genetically flawed. at least i can get my back big. i am still working on the chest. i'll post new pics in a few months.
tman55 said:
thanks...i know i am genetically flawed. at least i can get my back big. i am still working on the chest. i'll post new pics in a few months.

Genetically flawed??? BS!!! You have great shape and fullness to your pecs. Maybe your back is especially gifted!