Results on Sustanon (sust) & Deca

Results on Sust & Deca

i been on 2ml of Sustanon x 5wks
and added then Deca 1ml x 3wks

all up im doing a 10wk cycle.

So anyway, i been on the scales yesterday, the moment of truth right, well it turns out ive put on 7kg!.. and lost 1%bf.

The thing is, it sounds good, but visually i (and 3rd parties) cant see much difference at all.


When do i get massive!? lol
Deca at 1ml even 300mgs a ml isnt much depending on weight. I hate t tell you my friend but onw 10 week cycle isnt going to make you massive.
U can shoot all the juice U want, but if Ur diet and rest are not executed properly, Ur not gonna grow, period! There is no Magic Bullet!
I think my diet and rest is good.. im on a clean bult diet. comprising of round 4000cal on heavy days.

im 6'1, 86kg, 11-12%bf

what should i do? boost my dosage or time? or both?
You shouldve started the deca the same time as the Test.... Not a good plan...

You have a post cycle therapy (pct) planned?