Roid Rage and Tren!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Just like the thread states
The only side effect tren offers me at times is the rage at times, no sleep disorder, no night sweats ect
I am a pretty laid back guy, outspoken at times but pretty much a laid back guy, but got an aggressive side if pissed or so called temper
One thing I notice on tren liie today I just wanted to be left alone at work as me and the gf got into a heated arguement just before work, so really was on edge if anyone knows what I mean by that edgy feeling where it doesnt take much to piss me off
I knew it once I got to work, went on break was sittingg by myself while a crowd of co workers came out, one co worker made a reply about what I was eating, why I eat like that ect, while he was sitting by me on a bench he had his picture of water inbetween us and swiped it and lost my cool, but he is the type of guy that pushes buttons as well and pushed the wrong ones today
Some girls were outside too and the look on there faces were look oh fuck, and then silence, wasnt good as they looked scared and felt like shit after
Anybody ever get that feeling as well? Would like to hear
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I'm running tren right now... I've been on for almost 2 months now... I have been in your shoes multiple times... Every little thing someone does would set me off.. I'm not a violent person at all either... But the little things that never used to bother me.... PISSES ME OFF now.. I know how you feel... Got a couple guys like that at work.. Just want to take him across the street and smash his face in don't you?
I'm running tren right now... I've been on for almost 2 months now... I have been in your shoes multiple times... Every little thing someone does would set me off.. I'm not a violent person at all either... But the little things that never used to bother me.... PISSES ME OFF now.. I know how you feel... Got a couple guys like that at work.. Just want to take him across the street and smash his face in don't you?
Yes, wanted too, but something crossed my mind before I hit him, just got in his face and told him to fuck off and mind his own business, funny how thigs work they can make fun of how our diet is but as soon as u step on the lines how they eat and look its the end of the world and theyll let everyone know how much of a prick u are for saying that
The guy isnt small by all means about 6'3 240 I would say, walks around like he carries around his chubby weight, but when confronted today he turtled like a little coward minus his nice iced cold picture of water as well, made him look like a little pebble infront of everybody he acts all tough daily
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Yes, wanted too, but something crossed my mind before I hit him, just got in his face and told him to fuck off and mind his own business, funny how thigs work they can make fun of how our diet is but as soon as u step on the lines how they eat and look its the end of the world and theyll let everyone know how much of a prick u are for saying that
Yes sir!! That's how these little shits are... Bunch of pre madonnas... Keep doing what your doing bro.. Just try and keep your cool... I know it's hard!
Agreed bro, on my cruise at 200mg/week I usually just bluff the typical stuff off exspecially the small things, but at times I can feel it is just gonna be one of those days exspecially if the gf isnt happy I am usually the same way exspecially arguements before work suck big time!
Agreed schredder, its just hard at times exspecially when u first wake up they constantly nag on everything u do, at times I even try to go downstairs just to chill out, but they seem to have a radar where I am at atleast my gf does lol
Maybe again abit disappointed or depressed on how my diet has been going the last gew weeks, been hit and miss, ill get my food plan down all my set macro's then ill wake up at 2 in the morning and go on a complete binge, did it 2 or 3 nights this week, one night ate a whole tub of kraft peanut butter lol, and the next day I get depressed why I did that, did some research on this and well known articles of dudes after a competion that get down to show lioe body fat then after the show they goon a uncontrolable binge for weeks, only been for me 1 or 2 shitty weeks but still bothers me right now
Feel more hungry on tren then when I am cruising, always hungry it seems lol, maybe been depleted so long now, even tried eating at maintanence for a week a few weeks ago and was still hungry as hell, very annoying feeling lol, wrong time of year to be feeling hungry or craming food down haha
I am still hovering around the same range give or take, was at 9.5 or 9% bf when I got scaned a few weeks ago, but just a depressing feeling eating like that and feeling bloated for 2 or 3 days after and or very guility as well
I dont know if u guys get this but after a cheat meal or bad meal ect u start to pull your skin in a way of thinking u just got fat, then look in the mirror all the time thinking u got fat, meanwhile u go into a store u usually goto and get a comment u look so lean or in there terms u have dropped a wack of weight u can see it in your face lol, my point being is there is a lot of mind shit going on right now, should I mass up or continue on my cut, am I getting to small, or when I eat at maintanence u think now u are getting fat, so crossed up right now more physcological then anything
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Anybody else went through this phycological crap after been depleted for so long dieting wise, then think they are getting fat after increasing cals to maintanence or alittle above?
Agree with the GF weather shes right or wrong, lol. Makes life way easier brother.

Best advice I got 10 or so years ago. A neighbour told me.... "you want to be happy or do you want to be right" lol. Looked me dead in the eye saying that after his wife and him got into it on some bullshit about some chore.
On topic, i would say this sounds consistent with what I hear about tren. Dont like the paranoia get you bro. Stay the course with your original plan and never let a cheat meal guilt you or take you down. Going down in mood can often be a one way street...i mean one thing drags into the next and into the next etc. Just try and stay positive. You will bounce back. Dont let doubt get the best of you (goes for everyone).
Lol and women do have a radar
Seems my last old lady knew exactly when i WASNT paying attention and would at those EXACT times get me to agree to something then like make plans or promise to do something a week or two later. That shit killed me. Also why I ended it with her ;)
Anybody else went through this phycological crap after been depleted for so long dieting wise, then think they are getting fat after increasing cals to maintanence or alittle above?

You haven't a clue what it is like if you're Bi-Polar type I with a lot of manic rage in your history and you get on Tren.
Now after recently loosing everything and my wife after 35 yrs (just separated) I realize the severity of the consequences. When I get to talk to and see my wife I treat her like a queen and I will disagree very quietly then she can have it her way. Nothing is as important to me now as having lost her.

I just completed anger management. The consequences for rage are hurting someone, jail, losing someone forever, losing a good job and much more. I am going around saying If only I didn't, but I didn't mean that and on.

It's like praying or meditating and knowing where you are at all times. NOT EASY, but one must hold back and think, think, think. Being right or getting back is all self defeating. Most of the time you look back and shit, it wasn't that bad. So let the guy pass you, if he drives too fvckin slow well slow down and wait for a good time to pass etc... usually you get to the next light at the same time.

Slow, and slower we go , just take all your move slower and be self conscious. Good luck, slow down.
As crazy as thus sounds on a steroids forum, it sounds like you can't handle this drug and should quit it now and find another drug that you can handle before you regret something you do while on it. Trent is not for everyone.
Anybody else went through this phycological crap after been depleted for so long dieting wise, then think they are getting fat after increasing cals to maintanence or alittle above?

Actually, its not only physcological. There is also a physiological response. Ghrelin (appetite stimulating hormone) levels increase whenever your in a caloric deficit.. It's part of the many hormones that help to maintain homeostasis. Since your losing weight, your body is trying to make you feel hungrier and crave calorically dense foods (like peanut butter.)

I know exactly where your coming from bro... But until you try a PSMF style diet, you don't know what cravings are lol. That hit me hard when I finished that up, went on a huge binge for weeks couldn't stop myself. Basically ruined all my progress I had made.

A cheat meal every now and then is normal bro.. Dont sweat it. Dont let it get to you, it happens. I recall even 3J himself saying every now and then he'll cheat and put on a couple extra % of bf. it happens to the best of us. Best thing to do is keep your head high and keep at it!
Just a bad day gorilla, I suppose all started this morning with the gf then lead into things at work, I need to just let things fly when it happens liie stated agree to her and let it ride and not bring my shit to work, usually people dont even wonder if I am on roids or not at work cause I act the same on my cruise or blasting with tren, but today was a dif story, like I have stated tho, I have always had an ego problem, been working on it lately trying to stay humble and such, outspoken at times "yes", sometimes no filter at times, but then again working on it too, I kmow what u mean as well musclemike, after jail I had probation and with that I had anger management due to the assault charged laid on me, sucks but learn a lot there or things I use at times that stick in my head from the classes, like today I could of easly punch the guy, but something told me not too, hmmm job, and him being an idiot wouldnt be worth it, just the picture of water got the best of me :)
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Punching someone doesn't help you win. It helps them win, cause it will bring you down with work problems or otherwise if you know what I mean.

Keep on your path bro and you will keep winning. It takes time. It's a journey, not a single battle. That's why a misstep here or there with food ain't that big of a deal. The best revenge in life is SUCCESS. Never forget that. It's being what others can't be.

Tomorrow start fresh. New day, no diet slip up, go into work and just forget about the shit days you had. People will get over it. And if they don't, don't let it hang you up -- it's their problem not yours.

Good luck bud.
Agree with the GF weather shes right or wrong, lol. Makes life way easier brother.

This ^^^ but it also makes you a better man. It gives you the opportunity to show and be a humble individual as you admit some of you egotistical behavior as in the aggression to be right or get back when someone wrongs you.

I mean this as a suggestion not in a condemning way. I am just beginning to get the hang of this in my life and I am 62 ya know. I guess I am a slow learner when it comes to being humble and less selfish in my ways. Again take this in the right way and Good luck Matt.