Sachets SEIZED!

From what I understand, a-s is switching to other methods besides satchets... not sure how much to say about it though. The coding is different now, instead of the old serial number like before.
No, you can PM the rep on the outlaw board too. He usually answers fast. They have had some seizures lately from what I've read... keep the customs letter and they will resend, according to A-S's posts over there.
I recently ordered from them and everything came fine in 6 days nonetheless. It did not comein sachets though and that is all I will say. I am surprised they sent yours in sachets. Worst case I think you are just out about $130. No big deal.
josh1095 said:
im 3 wks into my 500/wk cyp cycle right now. what do you think about the quality of this shit.

I haven't started mine yet either. You're three weeks into it. What do you think of it?
^^^nothin yet. ive only had experience with eco oil test e. that if i remember right took about 4 wks or so, but i definitely felt it. huge surge of energy and a feel good kind of deal with it. im gettin bloodwork done at wk 6 to compare to normal test level of 531.
im also a member over at isteroids so if its bunk ill post my results over here in a new thread cuz theyll surely delete it.
josh1095 said:
im 3 wks into my 500/wk cyp cycle right now. what do you think about the quality of this shit.

Well, this guy I know is about 5 weeks into a 500 mg/wk test cyp and 400 mg/wk deca cycle from a-s and he says he feels like a god right now. The only problem is the night sweats have been horrendous, from what I hear. Also, he was using some of their dbol too but it kept making him nauseous so he quit that part of it. His strength and size gains have been insane.
I have seen almost nothing but bad reviews about these guys. The only places you can find good reviews are the boards where they delete the bad reviews like someone else stated. I thought about ordering from them but fuck that.
i would rather have the old school p instead of liquid. it would turn out into more per amount of volume sent to you in the end. But im sure there is some reason why that cant happen any more, ive been out of the loop.
I buy my pills elsewhere, but I thought my last cycle of injectables was good. I would never even think about squrting liquid dbol in my mouth! YUK!!
the question should be why wouldnt you be flagged? You ordered illegal shit and were caught? Order from a different address and a different source to be safe? no use in trying to beat the system and have a chance of getting it yanked yet again and flag another useful address.

It doesnt matter how many time before you ordered and got by, you got nailed this time. Just like a speeding ticket, we all do it, but when we get caught, that is when our insurance rates go up.