Sarms Cycle LCD 4033/S4/GW/OSTA


New member
Need some help finishing out my Sarms cycle

Just got in GW, S4, LCD 4033, and osta today. Just bought HCGenerate and Forma Stanzol off amazon prime so should be here shortly.

My main question is if there is a best way to stack SARMS

1. LCD + S4 then in PCT osta and GW
2. LCD then PCT with triple Sack osta s4 and GW
2. LCD then PCT then triple stack osta S4 and GW after

Also any feedback on this would be great.

**LCD9 2mg week 1, week 2 4mg, week 3,4,5 5mg and feel out rest of 8 weeks
**What is the best AI recommended? Is an AI needed during cycle? From what I have read AROMASIN, or LiquiDex on hand, or AROMASIN EOD 12.5 mg
(depending on feedback might throw in s4 here 25mg dose twice a day for 8 weeks)

clomid 25/25/25/25 (looks like the consensus this is needed?)
unleashed AND post cycle
Forma Stanzol
Keto burn (is this overkill?)
(add in Osta and GW and S4, or wait til next cycle to run all three)

As you can see I have alot of questions. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There shouldn't be any e2 conversion on sarms so an AI shouldn't be necessary. You need a proper pct, especially since you are running LGD which is the only sarm with the potential to shut you down completely within a typical cycle length. Get some Nolva/clomid on hand BEFORE you start. Don't waste your money on otc plant extracts for PCT.