SARMSEARCH Sponsored Log (GW-50) - Hypnotix


Well-known member
Alright, I'm very pleased to announce that I was approached to run a log of SarmSearch's GW. Many thanks to PSizzle for the opportunity, I'm very excited to get this underway.

I'll be running it at 20mg/day for 30 days. 10mg in the morning, and 10mg 30-45 minutes before I workout (this is around 10-12 hours after my morning dose).

The goods have came, and I'll drop my first dose this morning. I'll log my results as often as I possibly can.

My expectations are pretty high, I've heard great things about this one.

-raises HDLs, lowers LDLs
-increases cardiovascular endurance (ALOT)
-increases muscular endurance
-signals the body to burn fat for energy! (This is especially seen at the dosage I'm taking it at supposedly)

What is GW-50 mate, I'm in the dark here...

Tell us what it is... how you take it, what results you expect, etc
What is GW-50 mate, I'm in the dark here...

Tell us what it is... how you take it, what results you expect, etc

Absolutely. I apologize first for the delay, I was running out the door today after posting this up.

GW501516 is a PPAR receptor agonist. Not technically a SARM I don't think, but it's sort of irrelevant to me what it actually is. Good to know how it functions in our body though I guess.

GW is taken orally. It's in a dark bottle, needs to be kept out of direct sunlight, but doesn't need to be refrigerated. As I stated in my first post, I'll be doing 20mg a day split 2 ways, 10 in the morning and 10 before workout.

What I'm expecting out of this...

Well I'd really like to see my cholesterol levels take a turn for the better. HDL's are that trouble area for most people using AAS, and if this will help that for me.. I will probably use this after every run of AAS I ever do! To me this is the most important. It could have a great effect on my overall health and that comes first and foremost.

I'm also hoping to see an increase in muscular endurance, being capable of pushing through workouts after work with ease, relative to me normal evenings. Having loads of energy after work would be amazing.

And then the fat loss! If the drug works in the way I've read, it should prioritize burning fat for energy before anything else. We shall see. I'm not expecting magic in this regard, but there's nothing wrong with dreaming! :)

Finally, I'll give a little word on how my first dose felt.

First let me say, I really don't think it's placebo. I only slept 5-6 hrs last night, I was rushing to get meals ready, take measurements and pictures for 3J, and then to get into work. I then was at work from 3:30 to 1:30.. I took 10mg at 1 in the afternoon I think, and my energy levels are still up there compared to normal. When I got to work today I was revved up and ready to roll.. not a single dragging moment all day. That is very rare.

Time for dose two, and a workout I think. :)
GW is taken orally. It's in a dark bottle, needs to be kept out of direct sunlight, but doesn't need to be refrigerated. As I stated in my first post, I'll be doing 20mg a day split 2 ways, 10 in the morning and 10 before workout.

Apologies for my naivety... I'm guessing this is in a dropper and you just drop a set measurement onto your tongue?
Or does it come in tablet form?

I've dabbled with AAS for years, but SARMS, peptides and prohormones are all new to me.

Having said that, I'm as open-minded as they come and never say never - especially if the benefits to general health are as good as you say! - I'm subbed and I'll be watching your progress - keep it up buddy!

Apologies for my naivety... I'm guessing this is in a dropper and you just drop a set measurement onto your tongue?
Or does it come in tablet form?

I've dabbled with AAS for years, but SARMS, peptides and prohormones are all new to me.

Having said that, I'm as open-minded as they come and never say never - especially if the benefits to general health are as good as you say! - I'm subbed and I'll be watching your progress - keep it up buddy!


Sorry man, I hope I didn't come off as a twat! Ask all you want. It comes in a little bottle, with a dropper top. The dropper does not have markings for mL, or any sort of measurement.. so I just take the dropper top off and use my leftover RUI oral syringes to measure out my dose. :D

What's cool is I'll be getting post cycle blood work done to close my first cycle that I logged on here with PSL (unsponsored)... Right as this 30 days is up. So I'll get to check cholesterol at that time and give everyone my before and after numbers. That is pretty exciting I think, just to know for myself even.

I'm crossing my fingers that my HDL's come up a little. LDL's always seem to be fine, if not a little low.. which I think make my bad to good cholesterol ratio in a healthy range.

I just got back from my first workout on this stuff actually. Typically I train reverse pyramid style, varying degrees of weight/intensity/reps. Today in light of the GW being more geared toward endurance.. I decided to up the volume, lighten the weights, shorten rest periods, and focus on pushing through the burn! Let's just say I'm still heated and sweating.. an hour later. Felt like I could just go set after set, supersets.. energizer bunny! I do seem to sweat more on this too, even at work today.

I need to calm down lol too hyper for 5:30 a.m... Need to let this stuff run in me for a few days before I can say for sure that this is all from the GW.

Anyway, stoked to finish this out and log every step of the way for the wonderful folks at SarmSearch! Thanks for the opportunity!
What is GW-50 mate, I'm in the dark here...

Tell us what it is... how you take it, what results you expect, etc

Basically how it works is it flips a switch in your body causing it to turn mostly to fat as a fuel source. Normally your body prefers carbohydrates as fuel, but GW-50 switches the preferred fuel source to fat. This had a drastic effect on endurance and cardio capacity. It also makes every exercise you do a fat burning exercise. When you lift weights, you're burning primarily fat instead of carbs. This allows your muscles to maintain a greater level of glycogen storage because it is not being consumed during weight lifting. So you lose fat, and remain looking full and pumped.
Basically how it works is it flips a switch in your body causing it to turn mostly to fat as a fuel source. Normally your body prefers carbohydrates as fuel, but GW-50 switches the preferred fuel source to fat. This had a drastic effect on endurance and cardio capacity. It also makes every exercise you do a fat burning exercise. When you lift weights, you're burning primarily fat instead of carbs. This allows your muscles to maintain a greater level of glycogen storage because it is not being consumed during weight lifting. So you lose fat, and remain looking full and pumped.

That sounds fantastic!!! - Any known sides?

I'm guessing this a relatively new SARM? I haven't heard anything about this one, whereas I hear plenty about many others...
That sounds fantastic!!! - Any known sides?

I'm guessing this a relatively new SARM? I haven't heard anything about this one, whereas I hear plenty about many others...

I believe SS has been selling it for 2-3 years now. So fairly new. I have yet to hear any bad side effects from users, nor have I read about any potentials.
Is this SARM stronger than S4? Similar?

Completely different. A GW and S4 stack would work great for cutting as it will give you massive stamina for doing cardio and the cardio will go straight to fat burning and skipping the carb burning. The excess carbs in your body will eventually be stored as fat, but it takes energy to do so, therefor it is an extra win.
Damn this stuff keeps me going all night!.. My energy levels are in a very comfortable range, and just super consistent. Never any low moments, but also never any jittery over the top moments either. LOVE this effect!

The only real complaint that I think someone could come up with, is the taste. Taste is something that.. in my opinion shouldn't matter unless we're talking about food, after all, these are chemicals.

Jozifp, or Sizzle would have to chime in here to confirm, but I think taste is even less an issue, because GW can be mixed or chased by water or juice, right?

To anyone that cares that much, and is that much of a sissy.. it tastes similar to DayQuil. Not as good, but close lol

Moving on! Will take dose two when I make it home here and hopefully make it to the gym and log again! :)

Note: I'd like everyone to know, that SarmSearch hooked me up with the goods to make this log possible, but, I'm not being paid to give a good review or anything. If anything health wise, any side effects show up, you name it.. I'll be sure to give an honest review of this product and it's effects. So far, it's fucking excellent! If I could afford to run it for a full 12 weeks, as of right now, I'd be down!

Stay tuned!
I know you will run an honest log, and so does psizzle (which is why they picked you). Write the good and the bad, people need to know about sides so they can make an informed decision. That is why I love logs. :)
Whoop! Can't wait to follow!

A tip: I've said this before in other threads...but the way GW hits you, it won't be drastic. One day you'll be doing something that used to tire you and you'll realize the GW is in full effect because you don't feel a thing.

When I'm on GW I just put a movie on and do cardio til the credits roll. I literally have to stop myself so I don't burn TOO much of the food I ate that day lol. It's fantastic! A MUST HAVE item in any regimen!
Whoop! Can't wait to follow!

A tip: I've said this before in other threads...but the way GW hits you, it won't be drastic. One day you'll be doing something that used to tire you and you'll realize the GW is in full effect because you don't feel a thing.

When I'm on GW I just put a movie on and do cardio til the credits roll. I literally have to stop myself so I don't burn TOO much of the food I ate that day lol. It's fantastic! A MUST HAVE item in any regimen!

Hi there,

I have been researching a lot about GW and after seeing your posts and the effort you have taken to post information on it, i finally decided to go for it. I ordered from SS and my order has come in and i have a few questions though.

1) Why is the GW of SS a clear transparent liquid, while of other providers it is a pink and thick crystal?

2) Is it suspended in alcohol?

3) Most importantly now, the dosage information. the bottle says 20mg/ml - 30 ml.

- I want to dose it 10 mg twice a day but i have no idea how many MGs the dropper carries. If i want it 10 mg at a time, how much of the dropper should i take?
Also, i work out in the evenings, 6 hours before sleep. Is it ok that i take my second dose 30 mins before workout? And can i also take my preworkout and creatine post workout as usual?

Do i need to taper it up and down or can i start with the 10 mg straight with my first dose?

Greatly appreciate your help in advance.

Alright, I'm very pleased to announce that I was approached to run a log of SarmSearch's GW. Many thanks to PSizzle for the opportunity, I'm very excited to get this underway.

I'll be running it at 20mg/day for 30 days. 10mg in the morning, and 10mg 30-45 minutes before I workout (this is around 10-12 hours after my morning dose).

The goods have came, and I'll drop my first dose this morning. I'll log my results as often as I possibly can.

My expectations are pretty high, I've heard great things about this one.

-raises HDLs, lowers LDLs
-increases cardiovascular endurance (ALOT)
-increases muscular endurance
-signals the body to burn fat for energy! (This is especially seen at the dosage I'm taking it at supposedly)


Hey buddy, you have made no mention as to whether you are running any other compounds alongside this SARM...
Are you on TRT dose of Test or on a cycle?
Hi there,

I have been researching a lot about GW and after seeing your posts and the effort you have taken to post information on it, i finally decided to go for it. I ordered from SS and my order has come in and i have a few questions though.

1) Why is the GW of SS a clear transparent liquid, while of other providers it is a pink and thick crystal?

2) Is it suspended in alcohol?

3) Most importantly now, the dosage information. the bottle says 20mg/ml - 30 ml.

- I want to dose it 10 mg twice a day but i have no idea how many MGs the dropper carries. If i want it 10 mg at a time, how much of the dropper should i take?
Also, i work out in the evenings, 6 hours before sleep. Is it ok that i take my second dose 30 mins before workout? And can i also take my preworkout and creatine post workout as usual?

Do i need to taper it up and down or can i start with the 10 mg straight with my first dose?

Greatly appreciate your help in advance.


The first two questions you'll need to take up with a SS rep.

3. The bottle is 20mg/ml, 30mls.

4. It is only a dropper, so if you want an accurate dosing protocol, I would recommend purchasing a 1ml oral syringe from any pharmacy, or store for that matter.

5. I take mine at 2-3 a.m. and go to bed around 6-7. Doesn't really effect my sleep schedule at all. Will keep me laser focused but not disrupt my circadian rhythm I guess.

6. I went head first on dosing. 10mg in the morning, 10mg before my evening workout. Did not taper up to this dose at all.

Hope this helps :) Let me know if you have any more questions or concerns and thanks for reading!!
The first two questions you'll need to take up with a SS rep.

3. The bottle is 20mg/ml, 30mls.

4. It is only a dropper, so if you want an accurate dosing protocol, I would recommend purchasing a 1ml oral syringe from any pharmacy, or store for that matter.

5. I take mine at 2-3 a.m. and go to bed around 6-7. Doesn't really effect my sleep schedule at all. Will keep me laser focused but not disrupt my circadian rhythm I guess.

6. I went head first on dosing. 10mg in the morning, 10mg before my evening workout. Did not taper up to this dose at all.

Hope this helps :) Let me know if you have any more questions or concerns and thanks for reading!!

Thanks man, you are quick. I actually made a new thread in case i felt no one sees this.

You said you take yours at 2-3 a.m. and go to bed around 6-7. 6-7 what? A.M.? I am confused because after that you said, you take 10 mg in the morning and 10 mg in the evening. So what about 6-7?

lol, maybe i am sounding stupid. But need to figure this out. Thanks.