SARMSEARCH Sponsored Log (GW-50) - Hypnotix

Thanks man, you are quick. I actually made a new thread in case i felt no one sees this.

You said you take yours at 2-3 a.m. and go to bed around 6-7. 6-7 what? A.M.? I am confused because after that you said, you take 10 mg in the morning and 10 mg in the evening. So what about 6-7?

lol, maybe i am sounding stupid. But need to figure this out. Thanks.

I'm guessing he works the night shift and therefore flips his day around -I've done that myself in the past!
Thanks man, you are quick. I actually made a new thread in case i felt no one sees this.

You said you take yours at 2-3 a.m. and go to bed around 6-7. 6-7 what? A.M.? I am confused because after that you said, you take 10 mg in the morning and 10 mg in the evening. So what about 6-7?

lol, maybe i am sounding stupid. But need to figure this out. Thanks.

I work nights. My morning is really the afternoon. I take dose 1 when I wake up. I take dose 2, only 2-3 hours before bed because that's when I exercise. You don't need to even know my actual times.. a.m., p.m. doesn't matter.

I feel like you're over thinking it a little. Just take 10mg when you wake up. Take the other 10mg, 30-45 minutes before exercise.
Yes, you're right. Thanks a lot, will keep you guys posted how it goes.

Make your own thread and log it. It's a good way to get post count, and reputation (sometimes) :)

One of the reps may even like it enough to let you try a new product in the future, who knows!
Hypnotix, to address your question regarding mixing with liquid...I would not mix in with a cup of liquid, because the solution can sometimes coagulate and stick to the side of the cup. Happens then I mix osta with oj. But often times I'll fill my mouth with a juice of some sort, then use an oral syringe or the dropper and squirt it in your mouth with the juice and swallow. I don't do that anymore because I've grown to like the taste :)
This stuff is pretty cool! Just a nice clean energy all day. Aside from normal aches and pains, work is a breeze. Can't say much for this weekend as I wasn't very active at all. It's hard to get a sense of energy levels or capacity when I'm sitting around all day.

I would say since my job is an active one.. walking all day, piecing together vehicles, I feel like I can get a pretty good judgement on when something like GW comes into effect. I really felt this stuff from day 1 at work. Work was easier, my energy levels were jacked up and stayed up all night. Makes the whole process of it easier to deal with. Not being bored, and instead being hyper is a plus!

If I worked in an office, or anywhere sitting down.. I'm not sure I'd be able to see such an immediate result.

So, I like it. It works for me, for sure. :)

I'm still just beginning the use of this substance, so the effects may have yet to slap me in the face even! I may only have a taste of what's to come.
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Hypnotix, to address your question regarding mixing with liquid...I would not mix in with a cup of liquid, because the solution can sometimes coagulate and stick to the side of the cup. Happens then I mix osta with oj. But often times I'll fill my mouth with a juice of some sort, then use an oral syringe or the dropper and squirt it in your mouth with the juice and swallow. I don't do that anymore because I've grown to like the taste :)

Excellent feedback! Thank you. :)

I don't like the idea of mixing myself. I never do it.
Make your own thread and log it. It's a good way to get post count, and reputation (sometimes) :)

One of the reps may even like it enough to let you try a new product in the future, who knows!

Thanks for the suggestion, but I am really not prepared for that. And I don't think i'd be able to back it up, as i have no plans to do bloodwork and all that, if i am happy with the results. Just don't have the time to log, however, i'll do post in general how it is going, and it is up to people to believe it or not. :)
Still a lurker learning from you guys. :P
You've posted more this morning than it would take to run a log of it daily. It only takes 1 post every day or two..

I'm only getting blood work because I just got off a cycle, and am now out of PCT. If this wasn't the case, I probably wouldn't be getting bloodwork for this run.
Make your own thread and log it. It's a good way to get post count, and reputation (sometimes) :)

One of the reps may even like it enough to let you try a new product in the future, who knows!

Oh, and here's me thinking you wanted to educate us and impart your extensive knowledge
- when really you're just after freebies! ;)
Oh, and here's me thinking you wanted to educate us and impart your extensive knowledge
- when really you're just after freebies! ;)

Lol he's a new member. Just trying to help him get around here a little easier.

I was approached by an extension of a rep of SS for this. Didn't ask a single question hinting toward being given anything. I was offered it.

Okay, so my life is busy as hell right now (buying my first house) so I've been missing the gym quite a bit here lately. I work nights, and workout after.. when I need to be up super early.. like today I skipped the gym in favor of an extra hour of sleep..getting up early as fuck is the worst on nights I swear.. sucks but it's life right now.

I'll do my best to review the GW based on my everyday life experiences, and the blood work on my cholesterol levels. The next three weeks shouldn't be so bad, and I won't need to be up early for much of anything then. This will get me in the gym every night and I'll kick it into high gear on this log.

In another post someone said the taste grows on you. It most certainly does for me. Seems like every time I take it, it gets more enjoyable in this manner. No complaints there!

Work is a breeze.. no loss of energy from the time I enter till the time I leave. This would lead me to believe my endurance in this matter has increased for sure. Normally I'm zonked.. like literally needing a coffee to get into the gym. I'm a bit tired tonight from sleeping 3 hours last night, but any other scenario and I'm good to go on this stuff! I'm just one of those people that do not function on little sleep. I can do no sleep pretty well.. but a few hours and I'll drag for the entire day!

So, it's pretty awesome for me whether I'm working out or not apparently. Really hoping the cholesterol numbers are good :) crossing fingers. SarmSearch might have a long term customer if it keeps my levels in check!
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Hey. It's 5 a.m. here.. went to the gym and killed shoulders today.

When I have made it in, I've been doing volume. Shoulders for me is one of the hardest workouts to push through those last few grueling reps, especially when the reps are high. Not tonight! Cranked up the sets to the 10-12 reps range and when it came to the end of each set I had that extra oomph of drive, and energy to push through and even on some sets beyond that. If this is GW.. I like it, I like it a lot.

Excellent levels of energy today through work and working out! Gonna keep this one short and sweet, gotta be up a little early for house stuff.. it's exciting and a pain in the butt at times.. I'm sure any home owner knows how I feel.

Thanks for reading, and thanks again SarmSearch for hooking this up!
Hi bro,

Sorry for hijacking your thread again, but no one is replying in the one i made. :(

can you confirm the syringe please? I bought a 1.0 ml from the local pharmacy, but i don't know it just looks too big for me. :0

Is this really 1.0 ml? I just googled 1 ml in mg and it says 1gm. I think it means 1ml of water = 1gm (of water).

Yet still, can you confirm this is the one and i fill it half, up till 0.5

This is how i have been dosing since yesterday, three doses i did that way. filled this up till half and shot it in my mouth followed by water.

My workout yesterday was phenomenal btw, considering i am coming back after a month long hold. The day before it was my first day and it was horrible.

Felt insane, too early to say if it was GW. Will find out today when i roll biceps in for the slaughter.

Thanks again.
Hi bro,

Sorry for hijacking your thread again, but no one is replying in the one i made. :(

can you confirm the syringe please? I bought a 1.0 ml from the local pharmacy, but i don't know it just looks too big for me. :0

Is this really 1.0 ml? I just googled 1 ml in mg and it says 1gm. I think it means 1ml of water = 1gm (of water).

Yet still, can you confirm this is the one and i fill it half, up till 0.5

This is how i have been dosing since yesterday, three doses i did that way. filled this up till half and shot it in my mouth followed by water.

My workout yesterday was phenomenal btw, considering i am coming back after a month long hold. The day before it was my first day and it was horrible.

Felt insane, too early to say if it was GW. Will find out today when i roll biceps in for the slaughter.

Thanks again.

That syringe looks correct. However, if you're using SarmSearch's GW, it's concentration is 20mg/ml. If you're wanting to take 20mg a day in seperate doses, it would be only 2 doses at half the syringe, not 3 as you've listed in your post here.

Other than that, keep on keeping on. Seem to have figured things out. You come off as someone to worry an awful lot.. Maybe it's a nooby thing.. I think I was the same way too though. One little word of advice in this regard, if you're asking this many questions about doing some chemical you have no experience with, you may need to dot your i's and cross your t's next time before starting something. I'm glad to help, but you can save yourself a lot of worrying if you'd just be patient sir. :)
That syringe looks correct. However, if you're using SarmSearch's GW, it's concentration is 20mg/ml. If you're wanting to take 20mg a day in seperate doses, it would be only 2 doses at half the syringe, not 3 as you've listed in your post here.

Other than that, keep on keeping on. Seem to have figured things out. You come off as someone to worry an awful lot.. Maybe it's a nooby thing.. I think I was the same way too though. One little word of advice in this regard, if you're asking this many questions about doing some chemical you have no experience with, you may need to dot your i's and cross your t's next time before starting something. I'm glad to help, but you can save yourself a lot of worrying if you'd just be patient sir. :)

Ah, relief! By three doses i meant, yesterday morning and evening, and today morning. So I didn't mess up on that one. And lol yes, i worry a lot, just in the sense though that if i am doing something, might as well do it best.
I have been researching SARMs for more than a year now lol, trust me. But never really handled research chems nor have any experience with syringes and administering drugs through them - so the ignorance finally showed when i began handling.
I'll keep you posted and thanks a bomb, 'good sir.'
Hey guys checking in. Wanted to give this thread a little bump so it doesn't get forgotten about. :)

This stuff is great all around so far, in and out of the gym from what I've experienced. I haven't had much gym time unfortunately and will be working hard to get in there and make this log really shine here in the next few weeks! Still busy with buying a home, tons of running around before work, waking up early, blah blah blah! Cannot wait to move though, it'll all be worth it soon.

Being 8 days in, I still have 22 days with the chemical to get in the gym and tear it up! I'm really contemplating buying my own 30 days worth to extend this log longer! I love the way it makes me feel, the energy I have on it, the extra capacity to push through during workouts, it's all great! Can't wait to see bloodwork for my Cholesterol levels, just a couple more weeks.

Some of the maybe unknown-to-some information about GW that I've recently learned. Just random facts here from a video I recently watched by Dylan Gemelli.

-It was banned by the world anti-doping association back in 2009 because it was dramatically increasing the performance of endurance athletes.
-It was developed originally to help individuals with cholesterol problems. Lowering LDL's and Raising HDL's.
-It's non-catabolic, so while in a caloric deficit, GW will promote muscle sparing. Perfect when a cut will generally require the user to sacrifice some muscle!
-Dramatic increases in cardiovascular endurance, and muscular endurance.
-Increases rate of recovery.
-Changes your body's primary source of energy from carbohydrates to fats. Has been proposed as a chemical to use for fighting obesity because of this supposedly. This obesity fighting stuff is broscience imo, as a caloric deficit will fight obesity just as well. Fats just happen to contain the most calories per gram, and per physical amount of food in most cases.

If you want to watch the video on GW yourself, check out Dylan Gemelli on Youtube, he's rather informative and I've enjoyed the few videos I've watched so far.
Glad you are updating your log, I love reading logs and seeing what others experience. It helps me to know what I can expect.
Glad you are updating your log, I love reading logs and seeing what others experience. It helps me to know what I can expect.

Thanks for reading man, hope to shower everyone with information this week.. Just gotta get in the gym and kill it!
I did the same thing with my first SarmsSearch log, I received 1 bottle of osta to log, and ended up buying another bottle and 2 bottles of s4! Ended up being very worth it. One of the best recomps I've had.