Sarmssearch sponsored LGD4033 blog

Well im 26 i don't care how old i look as long as im looking big lol but definitely a plus in your case :)

That's the catch. For me... I mean, look at those wings... I can scratch my kneecaps without bending over! Ha! I can get bigger, and I will get bigger, but I'll never BE BIG. Just not in my genetics. On the other hand, I never smoked, barely drink, no hardcore drugs, can't tan. Hell, I live in the Pacific Northwest. I have not seen the sun in 6 months! My genes did give me some plusses tho. Like hair. No male pattern baldness in my family at all.

Dumb as posts, we are.... but we sure can grow a row! ;-)
LGD -34
Standard 5X5 triceps day. Back at it. Pinched my sciatic again (for the umpteenth time) running the carpet cleaner last weekend. Came and went throughout the weekend. More on that later...

Kept the cals pretty much under control last weekend but did eat stuff I normally would not. Had company over. Wifee baked an apple pie. Guests brought ice cream. Pulled pork sliders turned out best I've ever smoked. 'Nuf said.

I'm guessing about a week left of LGD. I'll do measurements, blood work next week and try to time exercises to get PRs in too.

10 mins cardio warmup
Db bench: 45X6, 55X6, 60X6, 70X6, 75X9
Standing db tris : 20X6, 25X6, 30X6, 30X6, 35X8
Db pullovers : 50X6, 60X6, 70X6, 80X6, 85X8
One arm cable fly: 32.5X15, 15
Cable tris : (I'm wiped by now) 105X6, 6, 6, 5 .... and the sciatic pinch comes back! Bitch! I hang for a while on the dip machine and it let's up. Again.

Weight 216.5
Cals: Fri 2680, Sat 2550, Sun 2675
Protein : Fri 30, Sat 26, Sun 41

Couple notes: I mentioned a while back an easing of desire for sex. Function is fine but drive is down? Yeah, that's a thing. It's not a problem tho. I'd rather have less drive and more function than tons of drive and no function! It's subtle, but real. (For me anyway). Bloodwork will be interesting.

2nd thing noted was some night sweats. Still got em. Random. Maybe every other night. Definitely not as bad as the tren - drenched in sweat, but its a happening.

On the just for fun: wifee got her memorial tattoo done and I got the new cans installed on the Harley. ;-) oh yeah, and my new electric banjo will arrive in a week! Good times!

Ya think I'm out there? Do a Web search for "3 string shovel" video. Damn kids! Makes me a total slouch by comparison. .. with a friggin shovel!
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LGD -35. Increased dose from 0.75ml to 1.0ml. Kick er in the azz this last week

5x5 leg day (metered because of sciatic pinch)
Felt fine all day... putting on gym shorts and POW! Pinch. Grrrr. Hung a bit and it let loose.
10 mins careful elliptical and as I'm getting off.... stab! Hits me again.

Hang again. Lets loose. Do 75 leg lifts while I'm there.
Back brace on the rest of the session
Db shrugs with 100 pounders: 7, 8, 9, 10, 12. No pinch.
Maybe try some careful db squats with a pair of 90s: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Stretch between sets. No pinch.
DB lunges? 50s X5, 55s X5, 65s X5, 75s X5 and that's close enough.

Really good motivation, tempered by stupid injury :-( good sweat btw!

Changing clothes and.... slam! Pinch puts me on the bench. Stretch and it lets go yet again. More ibuprofen.

Finishing at 1ml/day should last 7 more days.

Interestingly, weight up again. 218
Cals 2820, carbs 28, fat 35, pro 37
BP 122/63

BW early next week. Should get one PR day in end of this week and the other 2 next week just as I run out of LGD. Measurements and pic next week also.
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LGD -36. (1ml)
Biceps 5x5 day
Still nursing the back pinch with no sign of it all day.

Did my 10 mins cardio warmup
DB curls; standing: 40sX5, 45sX5, 50sX5. Then 1 arm preachers: 55sX5, 60sX5. Just not getting the kick today. Back still ok
Chainsaws with 100# db: 8, 9, 10 (starting to feel it now) 11, 13
Cable rows: 175X5, 205X5 (still kinda weak feeling. Now also upset stomach) 205X5, 175X6. Quit while things are still good....

And then changing clothes again, stab! Friggin back again. Get it realigned. Ease out to meet partner and pow! Damn near puts me on the floor!!! Limp over to bench to fold myself in half and get it back into alignment. Had her lather my back with cold therapy and limped out. Just taking it easy the rest of the night. Headed to a funeral again in a few days and other scheduling conflicts, so no more gym until Sunday where I'll start my final PRs. Give my back a break. Figuratively.

Weight 216
Cals 2815
Carbs 38, fat 31, pro 31

Couple more notes: appetite has been up quite a bit the last week or two. Carbs. Sweets. Have not had this problem in quite a while. Also noticing oily face for a while, but interestingly kind of sticky. No acne. (Not more than normal anyway) wifee still notes 'the scent'. (In a good way) no big night sweats last, but break into a sweat pretty easily. Just a cup of tea will get me sweating.

Noted compliment: workout partner as she rolls the icy hot on my bare back, "wow, your waist has gotten soooo thin!" She was measuring me when I was tightly in 40 waist jeans. Now I'm in 34s.
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I did not know they even MADE electric banjos! Nice!

Great drop in waist size, this is an amazing log, brother!
LGD -37 (0.75ml) no workout today

Dropping my dose a bit for a couple of these off days just to ensure I have enough for my PR days next week. Don't want to run out before I get those in. Very important.

Back pinch update: got home just fine, lifted our rat terrier over the gate and pinched BAD! Took a while to get it to let up. 1000mg ibu, Wifee fed me, slathered me up and put me to bed. I slept HARD! 9 hours mostly straight thru. Got up for a protein drink, piss, check stock market and back to bed for another hour before work. Back good so far (knock on wood) just walking carefully and no bent over lifting. Wifee will crack my back tomorrow. May have to see the pro again. Will see how this weekend goes.

Lastly: just to clarify, I have not lost 6 pants sizes during this review but since I started TRT (also when I 1st joined here)
B.P. 119/63
Cals 2400
Carbs 32, fat 17, protein 51% - :-) that's what happens when I sleep all day.

Man, this chilling my jets and letting my back rest is not easy! Lol. Keep thinking, "maybe I could just sneak over to the gym and...." NO! Wifee would kill me. That is if I didn't leave the gym on a stretcher. :-p

Note: sitting here, typing up a report and I've started sweating. No hot drinks. No preworkout supps. No exertion. Funny. Really good mood btw, even with the frustration of no gym day. Booked my BW too for next week.
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Quickie update: bad pinch this morning. Chiropractor visit this afternoon. Ibu. So far so good. Nice compliment from Dr. on muscularity of my back. Didn't think it would take much to get me back at it due to above average body health/strength. Posture sucks btw
It is always great to get compliments on your hard work. WE all know we look great, but it is still nice when others tell us such. :)
Quickie: nice memorial service. Now on the road to Eric Church concert with wifee.
No back pinches all weekend but tender there. Taking it easy. LGD as normal. Sunday nite PRs start, baby!!!
LGD-41 (1ml). Subtitle: Yowza!

So, before I get into today, we are waiting for the concert to start.... and my phone crashes. Complete CPU failure. Toast. I'm therefore running on limited sleep once again as a visit to the phone store at noon on Sunday sux! Lost much data but luckily myfitnesspal saved. So there's that... upgraded everything. Long story short, all apple stuff now. Gotta learn new OS all over again. ***55357;***56860; Also tho my back was sore all weekend it never stabbed me.

I am into the home stretch afa this LGD test. Today was triceps PR day. Try to measure effectiveness. So keep in mind that my goal was to 'retain', not to gain. Also the 'mood enhancement ' sounded good. I'll do legs tomorrow if my back cooperates and biceps after that. Blood work is scheduled. Body measurements also later this week. Let's begin:

Although I did not have true beginning db bench press data, I decided this would be one of my measurements. This whole thing started on 2/6. My first db press was on 2/14. Then again 3/3 and today. Here's what it looks like.

2/14: 40x5, 45x5, 70x10, 75x8 and then back down the ladder 65x7, 60x8

3/3 was a BIG DAY: 45x6, 60x6, 80x10, 85x7, 90x3. That was HUGE for me!!! This was about when the LGD strength really kicked in. About a month in. I don't know why it took so long but that's how it worked for me anyway. NO other changes btw.

Now let's talk about today. Big calorie day. Limited sleep. Everything else as usual. Same 100mg per week test pin this morning. Same supps. Same 10 mins cardio up front. preworkout. Coffee. All about normal, but feeling really good. Motivated. So here it is: 45x6, 60x6, 80x5, 85x5, then the big test 90x11 !!! .... got any more? 95x5!!!!!!!! BOOM chakalaka! No joke. But now I'm shot. One arm cable pecs, pullovers. done.

Weight 217
Cals: fri 2765, sat 2944, sun 2963
Protein: fri 23, sat 29
Sunday carbs 47, fat 30, pro 23
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Going hard brother good stuff logs one of the best sarmssearch logs ive seen dont hesitate to pm me or whatever if you want to run another one in the future
LGD-42. (1ml)
Leg PR day
Sleep was ok, but cals down cuz I had appointments again. Mood good but tired feeling. I decided to use the cable squats as measurement instead of db squats due to my back. Here's the beef:
On 1/31: 260x5, 300x5, 420 (machines max) x5
On 3/5: 280x6, 420x8, 420x6
And today. 260x5, 420x8, 420x9. And that's the closest I've been to tossing my cookies! I bet it took me 10 minutes to regain my composure.

All I could do after that was some accessories. Stomach was not up for any more!

Weight 215.5
Cals 2430
Carbs 43, fat 15, protein 42%
LGD-43 (1ml)
Final Biceps PR day
Sleep sucked. Kept waking up every couple hours. No explanation.
Cals sucked. More appointments. Busy busy.
Mood great, intensity good. Let's go!

Standing Db curls:
2/1: 35x5, 45x5 max
2/6: 35x5, 55x5 max
Today: 45x5, 50x5, 55x5, 60x4. Not too bad....

Then let's look at cable rows:
2/1: 145x5, 165x5, 210x6, 260x3
2/22: 160x6, 185x6, 210x6, 240x6, 260x10
Today: 130x5, 240x5, 300x5, 340x3, 320x3

Weight 218 (?)
Cals 2375
Carbs 42, fat 18, protein 40%
Let's look at some measurements

Weight 2/5: 212. 3/21: 218
Calf. 2/5: 15.75. 3/21: 16.25
Thigh 2/5: 23.875. 3/21: 24.0
Hips 2/5: 39.5. 3/21: 38.5
Belly. 2/5: 40.5 3/21: 40.0
Bicep relaxed: no change
Bicep cold flex. 2/5: 15.5. 3/21: 15.5. Just for fun 3/21 pumped 16.125
Chest. 2/5: 41.25. 3/21 42.25

So gained some chest and gained some wheels. No biceps gains but no losses either.

Pics and blood work coming soon
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Let's talk about other effects:

I had zero stomach problems, even at 20mg per day.
I've had some lesser night sweats.
My sex desire is definitely down
Apparently I have a scent now. An appealing one.
Appetite is definitely up
Took a while to kick in, but gym focus and intensity is really good once I get on the weights
My mood has been really good thru this entire review, even with my life-stress increases
Taste horrible. :-p