Seroquel (Quetiapine) Interactions


New member
Can anyone that takes Seroquel on a daily basis help me with any problems they may have had with taking AAS or ancillary drugs? I have some questions that all refer to interactions with the use of Seroquel (Quetiapine).

1. Any problems with any AAS in particular?
2. Prolactin problems?
2. Any problems with AIs?
4. Problems with any SERMs?
5. Problems with HCG?
6. Cycles that have gone well?
7. AIs used with success?
8. SERMs used with success?
Sero. ismainly used for those w phsicological issues. I know as I was bat shit crazy at one point in my life. What is your dose, when do you take it and what s your diagnosis..I was bi polar---clinically depressed--all resolved w trt b t w.
The only issue I see, of course look into it more for your own safety, is a potential increase in prolactin which is actually listed as a side-effect. Dopamine is responsible for prolactin levels, hence why Pramipexole/Cabergoline are used to lower prolactin (as that is a result in increase dopamine/dopamine agonism).

I suppose this will come down to dose and personal sensitivity.

What is it your taking Seroquel for if you don't mind me asking? Because I can tell you that Tren straight up may be out of your arsenal of AAS choices...
Thanks for the replies guys.

My other thread if your interested in the reason why i take Seroquel.

Staunched ye im aware of the prolactin issues that might arise. I dont think i'l be able to take tren for more than one reason.
Have you ever used aas?

Pct sucks and will fuck with your head. Some handle it better than others.

With you having a type psychosis i would strongly recommend asking your doctor if you should use steroids.

I bet you 1mil $ i know what his answer is going to be..
Have you ever used aas?

Pct sucks and will fuck with your head. Some handle it better than others.

With you having a type psychosis i would strongly recommend asking your doctor if you should use steroids.

I bet you 1mil $ i know what his answer is going to be..

I have never done any AAS and yes im aware this will probably be a no go but im trying to find a way.

From what iv researched so far PCT usually causes depression in most cases but have found a few people saying they get anxiety/paranoia.

I was thinking of running a weak PH for a trial. Fusion Supps Androtest because people say it barely shuts you down. So hopefully i wont get full on cycle mental problems or PCT mental problems if any. Im totally aware of the risks i will be taking with my mental health.

Wouldn't a Dr. say don't do it if i was normal? Im gona run it past my Dr. before i do anything.
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I dunno dude this seems like a road you shouldn't be travelling down. Thats all im gonna say

Well you could be right and i'm making a big mistake.

I have been training for years, eat well and know how to train my body for strength or size. I dont know if its the Seroquel or not but keeping fat off became harder when i started taking it. It also gave me a larger appitite which made cutting a lot harder but i have got used to it. Bulking has now just become an exercise of not getting fat where as before Seroquel i had to force feed myself . Also it might of been because i was years into training but it seemed to slow the gains noticeably. Iv read that Seroquel lowers a lot of hormones including test and thyroid. So its held me back a bit.

I feel like i want to take the risk but if i'm going to i want to do it as safe as possible and have the quickest recovery as possible. Androtest looks like the best option as it converts into test and has to be taken every day so should be out of my system quick. On the forum of the site that sells it they are even saying u can use OTC AIs and PCT with it. Which i'm not going to do but shows how weak of a PH it might be.

You might be thinking it sounds like alot of risk and work for not much gains bit it could lead onto bigger and better things and give me the boost im after because of my Seroquel use. Lifting has been apart of my life for 7 years now and i want more results. Its a long time to not have what you guys all have because of your AAS use. i have always wanted that sharp, full AAS look thats is everywhere these days. I might have to just accept being lean for summer with a good amount of muscle mass on my frame. Its better than 90% of the population but after 7 years i want as good as every gym rat if not better.

Is there anything else i can look into? Looks like HGH is way to expensive for me atm but any other recommendations?
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PM me if you want to.

Luckily it s off my my shelf and outta my life but MAY remain part of yours and that s cool if it works. My mental issues were from losing a career I LOVED AND EXCELLED AT to heavy pain pill benzo roller coaster and a crazy Dr in Miami who strung me out on waaaaaay to many
r x s....And were he alive I d slot that fucker today..from 100o yd s out. So now..with my very cool gp I m on
with my trt
10 mg s Lexapro
.5 Xanax x 2 a day....and that's all .

If your really fragile and really take a cocktail of psycho-meds AVOID it will spin you...and pct will be x 10 as hard as thoSE blessed not to be us....WITH our issues. Mine were mainly self destruction
in all types of ways..partying, driving, diving and flying within hours...if it was reckless I pursued it.

When I cycle up HE KNOWS but I do not recommend telling your s unless he s a COOL MF ER. son ....and the gym.....saved me from myself.
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Thanks for the replies guys.

My other thread if your interested in the reason why i take Seroquel.

Staunched ye im aware of the prolactin issues that might arise. I dont think i'l be able to take tren for more than one reason.

brother I'm on seroquel and cycling with no issues. I'm on seroquel because of concussion headaches and the Doctor said it should slow the headaches Down at night if I take seroquel. no issues cycling.
brother I'm on seroquel and cycling with no issues. I'm on seroquel because of concussion headaches and the Doctor said it should slow the headaches Down at night if I take seroquel. no issues cycling.

I'm more concerned with the psychosis itself and how AAS will influence it, they do have an effect on the CNS/PNS especially the heavy androgens like Tren. I'd imagine someone with psycosis and Tren could be a highly dangerous recipe for disaster (then again, it just gave me the idea of using Seroquel to combat Tren sides and aid in sleep).

If I was to do anything, it would be a mild Tesosterone cycle at 500mg, just the norm... Tread lightly though, Testosterone still has an effect on the CNS and your Psycology to an extent. Now I'm no MD, I don't want to give advice and it come back to bite me in the ass, your making your own decisions here and I have absolutely no experience with Psycosis+AAS. Test alone itself may aggravate your symptoms, it may have the reverse. The complete safe thing to do is stay away from AAS and consult your doctor and see what he says.

This is ultimately a question that we can't give you an answer too bro, not a straight answer atleast, but on the safe side, AAS+Psycosis doesn't seem like the best idea to me. AAS+Any mental health issue can result in a worsened state, for some it may aid it (depression, anxiety in particular, although usually it's a direct result of low test)
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I'm more concerned with the psychosis itself and how AAS will influence it, they do have an effect on the CNS/PNS especially the heavy androgens like Tren. I'd imagine someone with psycosis and Tren could be a highly dangerous recipe for disaster (then again, it just gave me the idea of using Seroquel to combat Tren sides and aid in sleep).

If I was to do anything, it would be a mild Tesosterone cycle at 500mg, just the norm... Tread lightly though, Testosterone still has an effect on the CNS and your Psycology to an extent. Now I'm no MD, I don't want to give advice and it come back to bite me in the ass, your making your own decisions here and I have absolutely no experience with Psycosis+AAS. Test alone itself may aggravate your symptoms, it may have the reverse. The complete safe thing to do is stay away from AAS and consult your doctor and see what he says.

This is ultimately a question that we can't give you an answer too bro, not a straight answer atleast, but on the safe side, AAS+Psycosis doesn't seem like the best idea to me. AAS+Any mental health issue can result in a worsened state, for some it may aid it (depression, anxiety in particular, although usually it's a direct result of low test)

hey brother,just as a side note to what I said the Doc told me about seroquel and assisting in sleep, it definitely does, but I still had trouble with sleeping on tren. among every other side I could mention. sweats, headaches....etc....oh yeah, and wanting to kill everyone who even looked at me the wrong way..:). I can't tolerate tren, but wish I could. good luck.
Harnold what dose were you on? Because I'm pretty sure Seroquel's anti-psycotic properties come on at the 200mg mark onwards...

Still, not worth it, was a good idea in theory, atleast it got bunked quickly! If you want a taste of paranoia, run Tren, nasty shit!
Harnold what dose were you on? Because I'm pretty sure Seroquel's anti-psycotic properties come on at the 200mg mark onwards...

Still, not worth it, was a good idea in theory, atleast it got bunked quickly! If you want a taste of paranoia, run Tren, nasty shit!

This is correct I was on Seroquel for quite a while. The lowest therapeutic dose is 200 mg. Protocol usually is 200mg at bedtime and 200 mg in the am. It will make people very drowsy so many times people are prescribed the dosing to be at bedtime. This will also help with sleep.

Also as said Tren can have a world of sides a most are aware of and paranoia can be one stemming from and promoted by the other sides.

PS: I also had the ide of insomnia with Tren as I was on Seroquel. In my opinion and experience not much of anything will overcome completely the insomnia on Tren, unless some sleep meds such as the Benz's
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Is it effective for sleep below 200mg?

I would love to know how and what exactly Tren is doing in the CNS/PNS that causes that feeling that comes similar to the paranoia of being up on dopaminergic stimulants for too long (dopaminergic stimulant psycosis). It's like it fucks around with the D3 receptor or Nordadrenergic system but if that were true I would suspect you wouldn't have gotten the typical Tren sides. I found Cannabis to be good for treating Tren induced Insomnia, medically if available I'd recommend a Indica based one as it really relaxes you and can have anti-psycotic effects (thanks to CBD which I'm pretty sure you can get in pure form anyway).

A beta-blocker might be useful for Tren sides if it indeed does mess around the with Noradernergic system.

Sorry, derailing the thread my bad! Just throwing in some info on my mind related to this.

Apart from the AAS+Psycosis dilemma and back to the original question of interactions chemically, depending on what way the Seroquel is metabolised along with any SERM or AI you may be running, it could end up in slightly higher blood levels of either/both of the drugs that may be using the same system maybe not to a significant extent though. That's the only real conflict I can see chemically, of course look into it, ask you doctor to be absolutely sure with this.
I have had extensive experience with this. In short NO problems

AS I said "NO" as to having a problem with Seroquel and aas. It is the psychosis that we / I have that AAS interferers with.

Sero. ismainly used for those w phsicological issues. I know as I was bat shit crazy at one point in my life. What is your dose, when do you take it and what s your diagnosis..I was bi polar---clinically depressed--all resolved w trt b t w.

On another note Teutonic. You know I am no doctor but my experience and extensive research since the late 70's and on 80's -90's etc... Is this.
Bi-Polar is Manic -depressive psychosis hence the Manic stage. If you are clinically depressed but don't have repeated Manic related episodes then you are just depressed and not Bi-Polar. Bi-Polar you get it two ends of the spectrum. One as great as the other.

Also my experience and "much research" tells that Bi-Polar disorder like schizophrenia (different) are NOT curable ONLY manageable with Medicine and Therapy both. If one is so called cured then they were not unbalanced to the degree of the Bi-Polar Disorder.

Just Me now.... I've been in therapy and on meds since 1975. I get better for a while and then lapse back into the behavior and crazy mind set. That's just me as I said but the doctors and literature says the same.

I think it's a blessing that you got over your depression bud :) .... Mike

PS: Oh I will never do Tren again. One it is too hard on a man of my age. Also with my two psychosis I am Very dangerous when I have an outburst. And again see in my case it's the AAS with my psychosis. DONE.
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Thanks for all your help guys and on Tren il probably never take it as theres too much risk with both prolactin and paranoia.