Shaun47's Test E/Epistane cycle

No training

280g of protein 250g of carbs so far today, still have two meals left, mainly protein, maybe 20 more grams of carbs.

Still feeling good, thinkin about starting tonight....just itching too. I will update later if I do decide too.

By the way milkD those are some good numbers on lifts. Especially being 6'3 and having long limbs.
Today is the day

250mg test E, right quad. Felt great!

Will shoot every sat & wed for test E.

HCG will start in the 3rd week. Will be doing test E for 10 weeks. I wished it was twelve but we will see how ten goes.

Weeks 1-10: 500mg/wk Test E
Weeks 11-12: 50mg/day Test Suspension
Weeks 8-12: 40mg/day Epistane
Weeks 3-10: 200iu's Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) e3d
Arimidex on hand also

Week 1: 40mg Nolva, 100mg Clomid
Week 2: 40mg Nolva, 50mg Clomid
Week 3: 20mg Nolva, 50mg Clomid
Week 4: 20mg Nolva
250mg test E, right quad. Felt great!

Will shoot every sat & wed for test E.

HCG will start in the 3rd week. Will be doing test E for 10 weeks. I wished it was twelve but we will see how ten goes.

Weeks 1-10: 500mg/wk Test E
Weeks 11-12: 50mg/day Test Suspension
Weeks 8-12: 40mg/day Epistane
Weeks 3-10: 200iu's Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) e3d
Arimidex on hand also

Week 1: 40mg Nolva, 100mg Clomid
Week 2: 40mg Nolva, 50mg Clomid
Week 3: 20mg Nolva, 50mg Clomid
Week 4: 20mg Nolva

Honestly, I'm glad you came on here and talked to us about your cycle. This is incredibly well thought out, you have all the necessary ancillaries on hand, and you're going to love it. I think your decision to go ten weeks is responsible and a good one now that I look back on my original advice (I really like long cycles, so I'm kinda biased)

I also have to comment on how impressed I am about the quick little tidbits of information you gave us about your diet. Most people tell everyone that their diet is perfect, etc but you were honest about how it needs improvement.

Keep up the good work, train hard, eat big, and grow even bigger. I'm very excited to see your results.
Day 2

Thanks MilkD, I want to try and be as informative as possible for all those in my position.


-Incline dumbell bench (few sets until I feel warmed up) 125/10, 140/8 (needed help on the last one), 150/5 (needed help on the last one)

-Decline Straight Bar 225/15, 275/12, 315/10 (needed help on last two)

-Close-Grip bench press 225/10, 275/8 (needed help on last two), 315/3 (needed help on last one)

-Incline skull crushers with cables & traingle bar 220/8, 240/8, 250/8

Superset Peck deck/Dips
-peck deck 250/10, 265/8, 280/8
-dips BW/12, BW/12, BW/12 (I usually add weight when I do these by themselves, but a little pressed for time so I superset them)

I woke up at 1030 and hit the gym at 1130 so I only had tiime for one meal before and PWON (post workout nutrition) so far today. I will be at work until midnight so I have plenty of time to catch up.
160g Protein 100g of carbs so far today. Probably gonna use dinner as my cheat meal this week, maybe some chicken fingers or something.

I am feeling good today. Was about as strong as I usually am which is surprising because I only had one meal in me, but I did wake up and have a carb/protein shake in the night. I think just knowing the extra test is in me has giving me a sense of well being. Like bad ass well being. The only down side to all this is I love it when people use to think I was on roids and I knew I wasn't. Kinda took it as a's all good though. I have thought about this long and hard and feel Gear is going to help me not hinder me.

Until next time.......
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Day 3

Back and Bi's (shoulders and calves needed to wait a day since I did chest yesterday)

-Straight bar rows 275/8 315/8 365/8

-Close-grip pull ups BW/15 (hold for 15s) BW/15 (hold for 15) BW+45/10 (hold for as long as possible)

-One arm cable curls w/strap 100/12 120/10 140/8 180/static hold as long as possible

-Close-Grip lat pulldowns 230/10 240/10 250/10

-Seated wide grip rows 250/8 250/8 250/8 pause each rep

-Hammer Curls 70/8 80/8 100/8

Good workout today, felt super pumped. Already got asked if I have gained wait since two weeks ago...huh weird. Not trying to be all self promoting or any shit like that, but some lady came up to me and said I reminded her of the guy on X-men that turns into metal. Getting compliments always makes you feel like all the hard work you do is worth it.

Diet has been on point today

350g of protein and 400g of carbs so far today. Still have two meals left (mainly protein and fiber)

Overall great day for me. My wife is having our baby this week sometime so if there is a few day lay off you will know why.

As leanbody would say Later Bro's :wink2:

your a bad ass leanbody no disrespect meant in that either. Your journal is killer too if your reading this.
Thought I would post up some before measurements.

-Arm 18" not pumped up, GOAL at least 1/2 inch

-Forearm 14 1/2"

-Calves 17" (my weakest body part) GOAL at least be as big as my arms

-Thighs 27" GOAL to get bigger

-around the shoulders 57" GOAL so the myotape can't measure

-Chest (relaxed) 48" GOAL not sure
Today was a good day 4


-Straight bar Military press 185/12 205/10 225/6

-Standing Dumbell military 50/12 60/10 70/10

-Straight Bar Shrugs 315/8 405/8 495/8

-Front/side raises. Front's 60/8 70/8 80/8
Side's 35/8 45/8 50/8

-Seated Shrugs 150/8 150/8 150/8

We have an indoor track that I grab 45 pound plates and walk a lap with my shoulders shrugged then walk a lap with my shoulders stretched down.

Calves- I superset everything until I can't walk. If you want specifics just ask me.

Overall good workout. Felt good, about the usual. Not feeling too much different YET.


250g of protein 175g of carbs. Carbs down a little Dammit. didn't realize until I counted. Good thing I have this journal!

Next shot tomorrow morning, pretty excited about it!
Day 5

2nd shot of Test E 250mg left quad. Everything was smooth.

Okay, so today would normally be a day off but my wife is being induced tonight so I figured I would hit legs cause I will be missing the gym for the next couple days.


-Leg Press 7/15 8/20 9/40

-Face Crushers 3 sets of 8

-Squats 225/8 315/8 405/8 495/4

-Sumo Deadlifts 315/8 405/8 495/4

-leg extension/curl 2 sets 10/10/2/20

Great workout, wanted to puke when I was done.

Stepped on the scale at the gym today I was 237lbs in shorts, shoes and t-shirt.

I carbed up hard this morning so I could blast my legs. 250g protein 300g of carbs so far today.

I will talk to everyone in a few days, until then lift hard.
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Day 9

Well I am back from my little vacation and I got my son. Pretty Awesome experience.

So I haven't had any training since Wed. My son had to get taken to the ICU so I have been at the hospital by his side this whole time. Really itching to get back in the gym.

So I pricked myself wed. before my leg workout and the next day my quad around the injection site absolutely killed. I knew nothing was wrong, but was in some serious discomfort. Anyone had this happen? Is it bad to inject then workout with that muscle?

I had my 3rd Test E shot 250mg on Saturday night, felt good. I am always better at injecting on the Right quad then the left.

Diet has been horrible, just trying to eat everything I can at the hospital.

Well Hopefully I can hit it hard tomorrow!
Chest and Tri's

Today felt awesome, have had a few days rest and had a killer workout.

Flat bench Dumbells 130/12 140/10 150/7

Incline Barbell Bench 225/17 275/10 315/5

Flat Bench Dumbell Flies 70/8 80/8 50/20

Close-Grip Bench Press 225/15 275/8 315/4

Cable Triangle Bar Skull crushers 230/8 240/8 250/8

Dips BW/20 BW/16 BW/15

Peck Deck Flies 220/10 235/10 250/10

Like I said awesome workout

Feeling good, It's been a 9 days since the first injection, can't wait until week 3 or 4.

300g of protein so far today and 275g of Carbs. Hope to hit 400g of protein by midnight.
Day 11-13

Having a kid is an experience of a lifetime. Everything changes, pretty cool.

Tuesday- Back/Bi's

-T-Bar Rows 4 sets 8

-Close-grip pullups 3 sets 15 (static hold at the end of each set)

-StraightBar curls 3 sets 8

-Lat Pull downs 4 sets 10

-Preacher curls 3 sets 8

-One-Arm rows 3 sets 8 (hold at top of rep)

-Hammer Curls 3 sets of 8

Diet was good, don't remember specifics but more then 300g of protein and 300g of carbs.


-Leg press 3 sets 25

-SLDL 3 sets 15

-Leg Ext/Curls 2 sets 10/10/2/20

Again, maintaned a good diet all day. Overall good workout, have a really good sense of well being and feel tough as nails. Almost untoucable. Pretty cool.

Thurs- Shoulders/traps

-Dumbell press 110/10 120/8 130/5

-Straight Bar Shrugs 315/10 405/10 405/10

-Behind the head straight bar shoulder press 135/15 135/15 135/12

-Superset Front raises/side raises 3 sets 8

-Dumbell Shrugs 150/8 150/8 150/8

Today was a good workout, haven't got a ton of sleep the last few days so I felt it catching up tp me a little bit. Whenever I don't get enough sleep I try to make up for it with upping my carb intake.

Diet 350g of protein 400g of carbs.

I weighed in at 243 today. Insane.

I am going to try to post up some videos of me at the gym in the next few days.
Youre a strong fucker arent you?

How you liking that Epi? I did the same cycle before, i personally thought the epi was way over hyped!

Weight gains are lookin real good bro keep it up! oh and Congrats on the new addition to the family!
Youre a strong fucker arent you?

How you liking that Epi? I did the same cycle before, i personally thought the epi was way over hyped!

Weight gains are lookin real good bro keep it up! oh and Congrats on the new addition to the family!

Thanks man

I don't know about strong, but I def am a fucker...I just figure with strength comes size. So the stronger I get, the bigger I get.

I haven't started the Epistane yet. Will let you know how it feels when I do. Should be around the 8th week of my cycle.
day 14-17


Saturday- 250mg test e right delt
Chest and Tri's

-Incline bench 120/15 120/15 120/13

-Decline Bench 225/15 275/15 315/10

-Close-Grip bench 225/10 225/10 225/10

-superset Cable skull crushers/tricep pushdowns 3 sets of 8

-Superset Peck Deck/Dips 3 sets 10

Sunday Back and Bi's

-Barbell rows 225/12 225/12 275/12

-Pull ups 3 sets 15 (static holds)

-One Arm Cable curl 100/8 120/8 140/8

-Close-grip lat pulldowns 250/8 250/8 250/10

-Hammer Curls 70/8 80/8 100/8

-Wide Grip seated rows 220/8 220/8 210/10

-Negative curls 3 sets 8


Diet has been good the last few days. I need to keep up my log a little better, been a bit busy lately. Still hovering around 240. This will be week 3 so I'm looking forward to the changes I will be feeling.
Log is off to a good start. You need an avatar so we can readily identify you. Gladd to see you taking the good advice you are getting here.
Day 17


-Leg Press 8/25 8/30 8/30

-Squats 315/10 405/10 405/10

-Superset Sumo DL/SLDL 225/10 225/10 225/10

-Leg Ext/Curl 10/10/2/20

-Cool down leg press 1 set 20

Diet has been good today, felt pretty worn out in the gym. The lack of sleep is kinda catching up to me a bit. 250g of protein 275g of carbs so far today.
Day's 18-23

Wed. Shoulders/Traps

-Barbell Shoulder Press 135/15 185/15 225/7

-Barbell Shrugs 315/10 405/10 495/10

-Standing dumbell press 70/8 80/8 85/8

-side raises 40/8 45/8 50/8

-Dropset dumbell shrugs 100/15 95/15 90/15 85/15

Good workout....felt good. Weighed in at 242 post workout. Diet 375g of protein 350g of carbs. Diet was good. Overall still feeling pretty good.


So on to the sucky part of my holiday weekend. Headed out to the grandparents house so they could meet Jax. My uncle is the high school baseball coach so I was thinking sweet he'll have a key to the weight room and I'll be able to lift. Well he had a key alright, but when I went to workout the key did not work. We found out the Football coach changed all the locks so no one could workout in there if he wasn't there. That pretty much sucked balls.

So today I was able to kind of let my pent up frustration out on a good back and Bi workout. Oh ya my diet was terrible all weekend. I ate enough, but def not the right stuff.


-Barbell low row's 315/10 365/10 405/8

-Close-Grip pull ups BW/15 (hold for 20s) BW/15 (hold for 15s) BW+45/10 (hold for 12s)

-Seated straight bar curls 135/8 145/7 155/6

-wide grip Lat-Pulldowns 250/8 250/8 250/8

-Superset Close-grip seated rows/hammer curls 220/8, 70/8 220/8, 80/8 230/8, 100/8

So the workout was going great but I did have to cut out one thing for biceps because my vision started to go blurry and then I lost my peripheral vision. I knew at this point I was getting a migrain and needed to take medication and lay down to sleep it off. Felt like a girl, but still had a good workout.

Diet was great today until I had to lay down and sleep for 4-5 hours. So I missed PWON and the next meal after that. We'll see if I can make up for it.

Oh also last night 250mg test E right quad. Shot on Sunday instead of Sat because I didn't want to bring all the gear to the grandparents house.