Shaun47's Test E/Epistane cycle

Day 24

Tuesday- Chest and Tri's

-Flat Bench 315/10 365/5 405/2

-Decline 275/12 315/10 225/15

-Incline dumbell flies 75/8 80/8 80/8

-Close-grip bench 225/10 225/10 225/10

-Cable skull crushers 230/10 240/9 250/9

-Superset Pec Dec/Dips 225/10,BW/15 240/10,BW/15 255/10, BW/15

Good workout, my elbow joints were a little sore, but didn't really hinder the workout at all. It is Def the strongest I have felt on flat bench even with the sore elbows. I love TEST.

300g protein 200g of carbs so far today. Feeling good about it, although I feel a little carb depleted but I am going to try to cut the carbs a little bit.
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Day 25

What a day....Heading to the gym it was one of those days thinking how am I going to get through this leg workout and ended up having a kick ass workout.

Wed. Legs (250mg Test E right delt-felt good) My face usually has no acne, but with the increase in test I am getting a little bit on my face (none on the body, yet anyway) Not enough for concern though.

-Leg Press 9(plates on each side)/15 10/15 12/12

-Squats 315/10 405/8 495/4 545/2

-Sumo/SLDL 225: 10/10, 275: 10/8, 315: 10/6 (my lower back decided to say I hate you I'm done on the SLDL)

-Leg Ext/curl 10/10/2/20

Overall great workout. Exhauasted when I was done. I wish I could feel like this after every workout.

DIET (I'll break it down a bit)

0730-slim Fast w/ animal pak (10gP 24gC) + all the good stuff in Animal Pak

0800-Tuna, Banana, carb/protein shake, rice (60gP, 50gC)

1000-Tuna, Carb/Fiber bar (30gP, 20gC)

1100-Tuna, protein shake (have drank close to a gallon of water by this point) (60gP)

1230-Chicken, Powerade or gatorade (32 oz) (30gP)

1400-Tuna, Carb shake (30gP, 45gC)

1445-1615 gym time

1620-Amino acids/ water

1630-PWON (post workout nutrition) (60gP, 50gC)

That's where I am at so far today. Pretty typical day. I eat a lot of tuna, chunk light in water. I am at school all morning then work evenings so it easy to just have tuna and a can opener with me.

280gProtein, 219gCarbs so far today. Might be slightly more protein becaue my shake says 52g a serving but I usually only count 35 of it. Plus all the milk I drink. I would rather understimate then overestimate.
Thurs- No training

Feel pretty good today. Still can't really tell if the Test E is kickin in. I have gained a few lbs though.

A couple more weeks and I will get to start the epistane. I am pretty excited about that.


250gP 200gC so far today.

I'm not one to complain about anything but this guy powerstroke on here gets under my skin. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, I am sure I get on some people's nerves, but the kid sure is irritating. :wallbash:
DAy 27


-Dumbell shoulder press 110/10 120/8 140/3

-Barbell shrugs 315/10 405/10 495/8

-Barbell shoulder Press 225/6 235/6 275/2

-Superset Dumbell Shrugs/Lateral Raises 130/8,40/8 140/8,45/8 150/8,50/8

A good calf burnout with three exercises.

Def the strongest my shoulders have ever felt. I mean the 120's felt pretty light (lighter then usual) on dumbell press. Pretty soon I am going to have to find a gym where the Dumbell's go to 200lbs.

Diet has been good today. I was able to catch up on some sleep this morning so I missed two morning meals.

225gP 200gC so far today.
You've been keeping a great log bro, I've been checking it relgiously. I'm just wondering though, did alot of the strength you have now come from that cycle you did when you were 19? Were you able to keep alot of the gains you made back then?
You've been keeping a great log bro, I've been checking it relgiously. I'm just wondering though, did alot of the strength you have now come from that cycle you did when you were 19? Were you able to keep alot of the gains you made back then?

No, Actually I got a lot bigger and stronger naturally then I did while on gear. I took them like a retard without a care and no post cycle therapy (pct).

I hit 200lbs when I was 19 naturally and then just starting injecting test once a week. I didn't even know what kind of test it was. I got up to about 210 and looked pretty shredded. I think I was benching 315 1 maybe 2 times. Then when I was 20 I stopped lifting for about six months, I got real sick and lost about 15lbs and a lot of strength and it was hard for me to get back into it and work back to what I had. I would say my diet and workout has been on point since 22.5 years old and I got up to 230lbs and a 405 bench, 545 squat, 525 DL naturally, but since I took gear when I was 19 some might argue I wasn't natural but by that time I don't think it was effecting me in any way. I was lifting more for power though then I was bodybuilding. That's how I gained size the best.

Sorry for the long answer but I hope it helped.
great log man, I'd love to see some training videos like you've mentioned, especially on the squats, bench, and rows.
Good luck with the cycle
great log man, I'd love to see some training videos like you've mentioned, especially on the squats, bench, and rows.
Good luck with the cycle

I'll see what I can do. Today is chest and we'll see if I can get a video. I will for sure before my cycle is over.

After my workout I'll post my log for today and through last weekend.
Days 28-30

Sat- Back/Bi's

-Rack pulls 315/8 405/8 495/8

-wide-grip pull ups BW/15 BW/15 BW/15

-Incline curls 55/10 60/8 70/8

-close-grip lat pulldowns 230/10 230/10 230/10

-Eccentric curls 210/8 220/8 230/8 (cable machine)

Good day, had to work all day so diet was as good as I planned for. 350gP and 250gC


I tried to switch it up a bit and ate 200gP and 200gC today to throw my body off a bit. Felt good. Still feel like I need to hit the gym or I am going to go crazy on off days.


-Flat Bench 315/12 365/6 405/1

-incline Dumbells 120/10 140/8 150/6

-Close-Grip 225/12 275/10 315/6

-Cable Skull Crushers 230/10 240/10 250/9

-Weighted dips BW/17 BW+110/6 BW+110/6

-FlatBench Flies 60/8 70/8 70/8

Great workout, my close-grip Bench felt real strong today and so did my incline Dumbells. I have the video of me doing 365 6 times but it's in my email and I don't know how to post it on the board, it won't let me save it as a file. It says file not reconized. Any Help???

300gP and 200gC so far today.
Day 31

Tuesday-Back and Bi's

-One Arm rows 150/10 150/10 120/8(hold for 5 secs at top of each rep)

-Close-Grip Pull ups BW/15(hold for 15s) BW/12(hold for 15s) BW/10(hold for 12s)

-One arm Dumbell preacher curls 60/8 80/6(hold for 10s at about 75Degrees) 100/1 (not a full rep and held it at 75 degrees as long as I could)

-One-Arm angled lat pull down 220/8 240/8 250/4(hold as long as possible)

-High cable one arm hammer curls 80/8 100/8 120/8

-Wide Grip Rhomboid rows/Standing curls 220/8,60/8 220/8,65/8 220/8,70/8

Overall good workout. It was time for legs or shoulders, but I had to run a PT test on Sunday and my legs are sore so they will have to wait a few more days. Also I hate doing shoulders after a chest workout so I decided to do a cruise Back and Bi workout.

I'm feeling strong as a bull. I can't wait unitl I start the epistane.

350gP, 200gC. Diet has been good. Like I said I have been trying to cut the carbs a bit to see how my body reacts. I don't care to much if it slows the weight gain down a bit as long as my strength keeps increasing I am happy. Weighed in at 244 in my gym clothes. People have been noticing at the gym I workout the size I am putting on, and just looking more solid overall and they want to know what I am on. It doesn't bother me or anything, I just let tell them supplements that have worked for me before and suggest they try it if they haven't.

My leg workout is going to be Friday and I'll see if I can get a video of some squatting depending on how heavy I decide to go.
Day 32

Wed. Off

Really wanted to hit the gym today, but knew my body needed some rest. I keep forgeting to put the days I inject so I am going to have to be better at that. I took my first shot of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) today. Wasn't really feeling like my nuts have lost much size until recently.

320gP, 200cC. Diet has been good today.
Day 33

Thursday-Shoulders and Traps

-Dumbell Shoulder press 120/10 130/8 140/6

-Barbell Shrugs 315/10 405/10 405/10

-Behind the head barbel shoulder press 135/15 135/15 135/15

-Side raises 40/8 40/8 40/8

-Dropset dumbell shrugs 125/10 120/10 115/10 110/10 105/10

Felt good today. My shoulders are still getting stronger. The 140's felt good.

Diet has been good today. 330gP, 225gC.


So I headed to the gym to hit legs and got through leg press and was hitting heavy DL and my body just wasn't there. I felt weak. I did 405x8 and struggled. So I decided it was time to head home and forget about this workout. Especially a legs day, because I could injure myself. Pretty sucky. I figured my body just needs some rest so I am going to give it some rest.

350gP, 250gC
Diet was decent. Went to have some sushi for dinner and unded up getting food poisioning. Was up all night puking my guts out. Probably lost 5 lbs in puke. pretty gross.

Saturday-No training, 250mg Test E

Still feeling a little shitty from the night before. I was able to eat a bowl of trix and take my vitamins and that was it all day. I stayed up on the fluids but was unable to eat anything. Sucked balls...

Sunday-No training. 200iu's hcg

I am feelting better today. Was able to wake up this morning and have my normal meals and not have to run to the bathroom. Hopefully I will be able to hit up training tomorrow.

What a terrible weekend.
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That blows bro, I'm glad your feeling better. I had a similiar experience with Skoal mint pouches. Lol felt like I lost pounds in puke. Hope you get better soon, and thanks for keeping us informed.
That blows bro, I'm glad your feeling better. I had a similiar experience with Skoal mint pouches. Lol felt like I lost pounds in puke. Hope you get better soon, and thanks for keeping us informed.

Thanks man.

And chew is always a bad idea. Tried it twice and puked it all up both times.
Days 37-39

Monday, No training

Still letting my body recover a bit and will hit it hard tomorrow.

Diet is back to normal. 375gP, 220gC. Felt good to finally eat and not feel sick at all.


-Deadlifts 315/8 405/8 495/4 (tried 585 and was unable to get it. Pretty pissed....felt like a pussy)

-Lying T-bar rows 2Plates/12 2plates/12 3plates/12

-One-Arm pulldowns 200/8 220/8 240/8

-Wide-Grip lat Pulldowns 250/10 250/10 250/10

-Superset Straight arm press down/Rhomboid sitted row 3 sets 10


400gP, 250gC. Felt like my diet was right on the money today. Weighed in at 237. So I did lose a few pounds from the weekend. Not to worried, mostly water weight. I am looking a little more lean.


-Leg press 9/25 11/25 12/20

-Squats 405/8 405/8 405/8

-Superset SumoDL/STLD 225/10 225/10 225/10

-Leg curls 10/10/2/20

Workout was good today. Did DL yesterday so my lower back was a little toasted so I didn;t want to go to heavy on squats.

320gP, 200gC so far today. Should get in about 50 mor grams of protein and 25 more carbs.

Overall feeling pretty good. I am starting the Epistane Saturday and I am pretty pumped about that. I found out I am leaving late May for the military so I need to have my cycle compeleted by then. Well anything that envolves needles. I can bring the post cycle therapy (pct) stuff with me so I might up the test to 600mg a week to knock out my bottle and start the suspension a week earlier then planned. Anyways hope everyone is having a good week.
Day 40

Thursday-No training

finals week kept me pretty busy. I might be switching up the workout a bit to throw my body off. Look something like this.

Day 1- Chest/Shoulders
Day 2- Back/Traps
Day 3- Legs
Day 4- Arms

We'll see if this helps promote some growth in my guns. haha.


350gP, 200gC so far today.

Pretty excited to go and check out the Wolverine movie tomorrow. Maybe I'll give a little review after I see it. Oh my bad too. 300mg of test e left quad last night.
Day 49

My bad Gent's. Finals week kept me going and I wasn't able to do anything except study and workout. I am not gonna go through all my workouts this week just today.

I started the epistane a week ago and am feeling some endurance effects in the gym. Not any real weight gain though. Still hovering around 240. Diet has been good this week and bad with the busy schedule. I almost got more stressed out by my diet some days then I did having to prepare for finals.


-Leg Press 7/25 7/25 7/25 (warming up to go heavy on squats)

-Squats 315/8 405/8 495/5 585/1 (didn't get out of the hole without a little assistance. Kinda dissapointing)

Superset STDL/SumoDL 225/15/15 275/10/10 315/8/8

Leg Curls 10/10/2/20

Overall great workout except for the one rep max I missed.

Feeling great still.

Diet today
300gP, 200gC so far today.