skull crushers and elbow pain


New member
Ive tried 3 different bars, many grips, i always seem to get elbow pain. any suggestions why? I try to hold my elbows in as much as i can. ive dropped them from my routine because of it, but i feel they hit my triceps hard. what else can i do to replace it? I do close grip dench and dips. I have a home gym with no machines?
you did the right thing, skull crushers are GARBAGE. better at producing injuries than results. it's straight shearing force on your elbows, not good. also think about how much work you're doing compared to a pressing movement, not much. I would just increase volume on close grip bench and dips. also floor press. stay away from isolation movements such as kickbacks and especially skullcrushers.
i would focus on bench and overhead press first and foremost. you don't have to do every tricep exercise known to man every workout. week1 do reverse grip, week 2 close grip, week 3 body weight dips for reps, week 4 weighted dips for triples, week 5 bench exclusively, rinse and repeat.
Ive tried 3 different bars, many grips, i always seem to get elbow pain. any suggestions why? I try to hold my elbows in as much as i can. ive dropped them from my routine because of it, but i feel they hit my triceps hard. what else can i do to replace it? I do close grip dench and dips. I have a home gym with no machines?

I had similar issues in my home gym and I later realized that It was all because of my ignorance about proper warm up,elbow is a complex joint and it really needs a proper warm up..try it and you'll love this classic favorite mass builder of all Mr Olympias.
Try and do dumbbell skull crushers. Go slow and keep your form tight. You wont be able to do as much weight but who gives a shit. At the top hit a good contraction and see if they hurt your elbows. 20-30 lbs should be good.
I had similar issues in my home gym and I later realized that It was all because of my ignorance about proper warm up,elbow is a complex joint and it really needs a proper warm up..try it and you'll love this classic favorite mass builder of all Mr Olympias.
isolation exercises build mass like how my wife drives..... not well.
I agree skull crushers can do a lot of damage, but I still like to incorporate them into my routine every few months. When I do, I make sure to get a few sets of cable pushdowns (15-20 rep range) in beforehand to warm them up and somewhat ease the pain. I also bring my elbows further back when executing the definitely helps and it targets the tri's better.
Ive tried 3 different bars, many grips, i always seem to get elbow pain. any suggestions why? I try to hold my elbows in as much as i can. ive dropped them from my routine because of it, but i feel they hit my triceps hard. what else can i do to replace it? I do close grip dench and dips. I have a home gym with no machines?

I have the exact same problem, Dumbbells seem to work OK but i can never go heavy enough to feel challenged so i've dropped them completely and i just focus on DIPS since they are the only thing i don't have any abnormal pain doing and can go heavy. Close grip bench and dips just focus on those.

you did the right thing, skull crushers are GARBAGE. better at producing injuries than results. it's straight shearing force on your elbows, not good. also think about how much work you're doing compared to a pressing movement, not much. I would just increase volume on close grip bench and dips. also floor press. stay away from isolation movements such as kickbacks and especially skullcrushers.

I really want to try Floor press! Dips are my current favorite. Good post :)