do you even find a " source "?

I thought this discussion was about steroids? Don't change the subject. Urologists and Endocrinologists are far more advanced than your general practitioners, who do not prescribe steroids anyways.

Don't make up random things, vito. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.

this discussion is about steroids. its about how to get a schedule III drug if ur in the US. who ever said you needed to see a urologist or an endocrinologist to get prescribed testosterone? and even when you do... don't you think there are urologists and endocrinologists who are very liberal minded and know the real reason why you are there but they still follow the law so both parties get what they want?
I thought this discussion was about steroids? Don't change the subject. Urologists and Endocrinologists are far more advanced than your general practitioners, who do not prescribe steroids anyways.

Don't make up random things, vito. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.

I don't make up random things.
I thought this discussion was about steroids? Don't change the subject. Urologists and Endocrinologists are far more advanced than your general practitioners, who do not prescribe steroids anyways.

Don't make up random things, vito. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.

an online TRT clinic is going to refer you to certain doctors over others.
an online TRT clinic is going to refer you to certain doctors over others.

Man, enough with your BS posts. Online TRT-based clinics are at MOST risk for losing their deals. You need to stop with the junk you're spewing. Seriously, you're not experienced and your post history proves it. Stop with the silliness brother.
Man, enough with your BS posts. Online TRT-based clinics are at MOST risk for losing their deals. You need to stop with the junk you're spewing. Seriously, you're not experienced and your post history proves it. Stop with the silliness brother.

TRT-based clinics are at risk for losing their deals, the consumer is not, if they get fucked I could give a shit less. but gee If were all following the letter of the law, then everybody wins.
how can we manipulate the results in an effort to receive testosterone replacement therapy? One way is to take high doses of the prohormone 19-Norandrostenedione for a period of 8 to 10 weeks. 19-Norandrostenedione, a Nandrolone steroid precursor, in high dosages of 1500mgs per day should cause a large enough drop off in your free and total testosterone levels to qualify you for testosterone replacement. Make sure that during this time you do not take any products that cause a boost in your levels of LH (luteinizing hormone) such as Tribulus Terrestris or Clomid.

Several studies have shown that testosterone levels of patients measured during periods of stress, viral infection, sleep deprivation, starvation, and fasting have been significantly lower than normal. If at all possible, schedule your blood test to coincide with these conditions.

***** Edited to remove terrible advice that would harm other people. ******
Last edited by a moderator:
wow that only took 3 seconds on a google search. guess what? now I never have to go to a shitty UGL in my entire life.
So the whole point of that post is,
"How To Fuck Yourself Up To Make Yourself Better"
you clearly are still on drugs
find the nearest GNC and talk to a guy in the back name Guadalupe, yes there is one at every GNC store.
he will direct you where to go
So the whole point of that post is,
"How To Fuck Yourself Up To Make Yourself Better"
you clearly are still on drugs

this idiot again. my levels are already low im going on anyways, I just want them extra low for the test so they prescribe me more than I need so that I can do a little blast here and there while I cruise.
this idiot again. my levels are already low im going on anyways, I just want them extra low for the test so they prescribe me more than I need so that I can do a little blast here and there while I cruise.

Your gonna be one of those members who mysteriously dissappears...And you won't be missed or given a thought
I have been good just going through PCT im about 2 weeks into it. And Im trying to get my acne to go away after using to much testosterone.

Don't you typical run high dosages brother?? Or is it the front load that you like?? Can't remember..but anyways, good to see u round man. Been a few days. I notices Austinite among the missing, any idea with that??
ask anyone who been in this game for awhile and ask them what they think about .com gear vs real gear.
and im not asking anyone online for all i know you are a catfish.
im saying ask someone you know in real life.
wanna get in this game gotta make friends.
Try researching the deep web, plenty of markets to find what you need. Have a look at tor or i2p.
Vito: how are you going to respond when your doc asks you what you are on that has shut you down? Do you think doctors are not going to notice that your LH and FSH are shut down? Docs are smarter than you are. LH and FSH do not completely shut down in hypogonadal men.
this idiot again. my levels are already low im going on anyways, I just want them extra low for the test so they prescribe me more than I need so that I can do a little blast here and there while I cruise.

You really have no clue as to how TRT works. You are spewing out bad information all over the forums.