So it begins...Cutting Chronicles.


had a talk with 3j we talked things over and went over my situation and he is so flexible and caring that he is willing to work with me and through my financial situation! he cares as much as i do if not more about me, and all his client reaching their goals and are taken care of. the amount of time this man dedicates to you is priceless. in less you know everything there is to know about diet, and you dont, or go to school, or are a nutritionist you need to get with him!

he is quick with answering emails and all of your questions. best of all hes in been in all of our shoes. had to battle and bust his ass to get to where he is now. he literally just told me how he was broke once to and can understand where people are coming from especially with the way things are today. HE WILL WORK WITH YOU. i was a little disappointed when i wasnt able to work with him starting this cycle due to financial reasons. After my first go around with him and seeing the amazing results- more muscle tone, fat shredding, and lean muscle growth OFF CYCLE i couldnt wait to work with him while on. and because he is so understanding and cares so much he is willing to work with me and make this happen!

you need to get with 3j for all your diet needs. he knows his shit and will take care of you. he will make you reach your goals. not many people like that. this man is one of a kind i and strongly recommend anyone and everyone use them whether your on or off cycle!

had a talk with 3j we talked things over and went over my situation and he is so flexible and caring that he is willing to work with me and through my financial situation! he cares as much as i do if not more about me, and all his client reaching their goals and are taken care of. the amount of time this man dedicates to you is priceless. in less you know everything there is to know about diet, and you dont, or go to school, or are a nutritionist you need to get with him!

he is quick with answering emails and all of your questions. best of all hes in been in all of our shoes. had to battle and bust his ass to get to where he is now. he literally just told me how he was broke once to and can understand where people are coming from especially with the way things are today. HE WILL WORK WITH YOU. i was a little disappointed when i wasnt able to work with him starting this cycle due to financial reasons. After my first go around with him and seeing the amazing results- more muscle tone, fat shredding, and lean muscle growth OFF CYCLE i couldnt wait to work with him while on. and because he is so understanding and cares so much he is willing to work with me and make this happen!

you need to get with 3j for all your diet needs. he knows his shit and will take care of you. he will make you reach your goals. not many people like that. this man is one of a kind i and strongly recommend anyone and everyone use them whether your on or off cycle!

I beleive you 100% I contact the guy while I`m here in afghanistan and he answer very fast and even check on my diet and make some spot checks here and there. I already had a plan to work with him as soon I get back to the states. IMO a gentleman and great business man...
I beleive you 100% I contact the guy while I`m here in afghanistan and he answer very fast and even check on my diet and make some spot checks here and there. I already had a plan to work with him as soon I get back to the states. IMO a gentleman and great business man...

absolutely. 100% professional and caring. he wants his clients to succeed as much if not more than they do and he shows it. bro i strongly recommend you work with him. your just scratching the tip of the iceberg with him. wait till your a client. i saw more results in five weeks working with him than i did the previous 5 months. HES THAT GOOD. WORTH EVERY PENNY.
yea Weights im gonna try to get to 270 for a cut up and see how i look then,i dont want to lose any muscle or size,just that little bit of mid section of fat around my old ass lol
yeah thats where the majority of my fat lies.. my arms and chest are toned..i think it has to do with all the beer i use to drink... that was hard to cut out of my life...your going to loook like a beast. maybe a competition in your near future???
yeah thats where the majority of my fat lies.. my arms and chest are toned..i think it has to do with all the beer i use to drink... that was hard to cut out of my life...your going to loook like a beast. maybe a competition in your near future???

lol no competitions for me,i just want that intimidating look:cool:
you already have that!...

day 19
did arms today. was feeling discouraged when i left the gym wasnt feeling a great pump especially with it being biceps. but i got to my bathroom and went to shave and couldnt bend my arm all the way to put the shaving cream on my kneck. lol i was feeling good then.

straight bar pushdown 120 1x15, 140 1x12 180 3x10
ss skull crushers, rockers lying triceps extension, close grip bench- 3x10 100
lying over head tricep extension 3x10 30 db
close grip bench 135 1x15 185 1x12 225 3x10
dips 15/12/10/failure 2 sets.

close grip preacher curls 3x10 105
incline alternating curls 3x10 40 dbs
hammer curls 3x10 40 dbs
concentration curls 3x10 30 db
straight arm cable curls 3x10 50

tomorrow is day 21 and injection day. it will be left glute. nd off day. my right glute is starting to look fn weird from last pin 8 dAYS ago. i mean really messed up. i thought it was swollen and then basketball fallen on it and shit made it worse im hoping thats all it is.

hope everyone has a good weekend.
got my new meal and work out plan from 3j.

flat bench press.. 15, 12, 10, 8 all to failure
incline bench press same thing
incline flys 15, 12, 10, 8

work out was good i was surprised even though it was only three lifts, well four i did flat bench flys too it was low rest so it was just as intense. after workout did 30 min of cardio...
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got my new meal and work out plan from 3j.

flat bench press.. 15, 12, 10, 8 all to failure
incline bench press same thing
incline flys 15, 12, 10, 8

work out was good i was surprised even though it was only three lifts, well four i did flat bench flys too it was low rest so it was just as intense. after workout did 30 min of cardio...

Looks great man, now that you start with 3j`s I will be watching more and more your progress. See how it goes for you, can`t wait to get with him for my next run. Wish the best fro you bro.
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Looks great man, now that you start with 3j`s I will be watching more and more your progress. See how it goes for you, can`t wait to get with him for my next run. Wish the best fro you bro.

preciate it bro. i can tell you im already like the more food choices and ill start posting pics in a bout a week.

yesterday was off day but played ball and man it was embarrassing it was so bad the ref had to call it. smdh. lol

today was back
bent over single hand rows 15-95lb, 12-100lbs, 10-110, 8-115

lat pull downs 15-170,12-180,10-190,8-200

seated narrow rows machine blows only goes up to 200 have to take chains and hang plates from it lol 15-200, 12-225, 10-235, 8-245

dead lifts 12, 12, 12 all 275

these workouts are intense i take less rest time and its getting to me..but my strength is through the roof right now im feeling GREAT this masteron is gold. did 30 minutes of cardio at the end then went grocery shoping :) tomorrow ill be taking .5mg or prami and 250iu of hcg. and injecting ..monday starts tren!!:yesway:
UFFFFf great number on those lifts man, keep login all the details very interesting on see where that diet will get you with this cycle.
Easily one in half to two gallons...and yeah im pretty pumped about this new meal plan it was a helluva lot cheap than my old one lol