So it begins...Cutting Chronicles.

@darkside give me a sec to get it together.. carbs is 300grams Monday thursday so 1200 out of 3300 cals..

military press dumbbells 15-70, 12-75, 10-80,8-85

lateral delt raises (wings) 15-20, 12-25, 10-30, 8-35

forward rope shoulder raises 15-30, 12-40, 10-50, 8-60

traps 15, 15, 12, 12 i did three sets of hurts' trap lift, going for those traps.. lay reverse on a 30 degree incline and hold shrugs an slow release-70lbs all sets, regular dumbbell shrugs 115
@darkside give me a sec to get it together.. carbs is 300grams Monday thursday so 1200 out of 3300 cals..

military press dumbbells 15-70, 12-75, 10-80,8-85

lateral delt raises (wings) 15-20, 12-25, 10-30, 8-35

forward rope shoulder raises 15-30, 12-40, 10-50, 8-60

traps 15, 15, 12, 12 i did three sets of hurts' trap lift, going for those traps.. lay reverse on a 30 degree incline and hold shrugs an slow release-70lbs all sets, regular dumbbell shrugs 115

Nice shoulders day, hit it hard with those Hurts,lol I`m trying this saturday too...
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well today was legs and damn did my knee hurt....

squats 12, 12, 10
hamstring curls 12, 10, 8
calves 15, 15, 8, 10
quad curls 12, 12, 10

bro those hurts are a bitch!!! i love em though

i like these cable front raises now...

damn brother sorry to hear that.. hoped it healed up nicely and i cant wait to see your numbers when your back at it! you should log your test/mast/deca cycle!!!
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im in the end of my fourth week and let me tell you, my rbc count is through the roof and im at 400mg of mast a week. well three 50. but i can feel my heart going overtime. im scheduled to donate blood wednesday hopefully that will help.
friday bi/tri

standing bent bar curls 15-30lbs each side, 12-35 each side, 10-40lbs each side, 8-45lbs each side

standing dumbell hammer curls- i keep one arm bent 90degrees while i curl the other... 15-35lb, 12-40lb, 10-45lb, 8-50lb

standing rope straight bar pyramid.. max weight to 4 and then drop weight and do 8.. repeat till your down to nothing on weight-started at 150 and moved down to nothing holy shit...

overhead rope extensions 15-90, 12-100, 10-110,8=120

straight rope pull downs 15-150, 12-160, 10-170 , 8-180

standing rope pyramid started at 140 moved down to nothing

the pryamids are no JOKE! holy shit...
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Looks like you had a good bi and tri workout today. I hope you wake up tommarow sore, so we know you put in work
first day of week four. day 22
bro i didnt wake up sore :(... lol anyways sunday was off day... today i started tren!!!!!!! pinned 75mg of tren left peck and 100mg of test and mast right peck.. ill be alternating between 2ml left peck and 3/4ml right peck to 2.75ml left glute 2ml left peck .75ml right peck and 2.75ml left peck and then all in each delt, (front side back)

anyways workout was alright shoulder was killing me:

flat bench press.. 15-85lb dbs, 12-90lb, 10-95lb, 8-100lb all to failure

incline bench press-15-65lb, 12-70, 10-75, 8-80

incline flys 15-30, 12-35, 10-40s, 8-45

flat bench flys- 15-35, 12-40, 10-45, 8-50s

again i apologize to 3J. Should have used my head. sorry bro.
donated blood the other day...
bp was 127 over 82
pulse was 70
hemo was 15.7

filled half a bag and the nurse said my blood clotted up and that was that...
played 2 hours of ball yesterday and today had shoulders 30 min of cardio
starting to look leaner and a little more defined.