So it begins...Cutting Chronicles.

lol, its scary how much the hr goes up, i have to wear a hr monitor all day at work cause i pt, freaks me out some times. lmao you can donate while on a cycle?

and i saw you said you had to go out of town and ship it to your self. when i came home on leave during my first cycle i put it in with my hygiene stuff and just took the stickers off, didnt get caught but was scared as hell, thought the cops would be waiting for me at my bag claim
i dont ever check my bags. i carry on. so ill just mail em home. plus i can ship syringes and alcohol pads and letro and not have to worry about it. did you pack syringes too? and howd you know what was what?
i dont care that much about the number but cutting bf. but i would like to be back at 240. 250 realistically. are you gunna update your log...bitch
i really appreciate that brother! i hope i can give you useful feed back with the masteron. i should let you know that today is my last pin of the 2nd week and already my bp is up and im guessing my rbc count is up because i get warm real quick and very antsy. Heart rate is up and is annoying. i have to go donate some blood. will be pinning in a little bit then going to work out. will update afterwards.


thats why i take BP meds and get blood test every couple of months,cause deca plays hell with my BP and for my just finished cycle,my hemanocrit and rbc count was always ok,"knock on wood"
i dont care that much about the number but cutting bf. but i would like to be back at 240. 250 realistically. are you gunna update your log...bitch

Screw you! I hope your gear is made of liquefied twinkies!

I start my pin Monday. Can't update that shit if I'm not pinning. That doesn't qualify as a 'cycle'.
i dont ever check my bags. i carry on. so ill just mail em home. plus i can ship syringes and alcohol pads and letro and not have to worry about it. did you pack syringes too? and howd you know what was what?

some of the sticker wouldnt come off one of them, and nah my friend works at a hospital and was able to get me some from work
sorry been traveling. thats done now. anyways the test is in full throttle. feeling energized throughout the day. get more done. feeling really good. starting to catch the ladies staring at my pretty mug. im throwing weight around in the gym getting good sets feeling great.

the mast is really helping my muscles looking fuller and harder! im starting to really love the mast. heartrate has been better than what it was. and im sweating a little more during workouts, feeling warmer, face gets a little more red. but its ok. its become easier to do sets with lower rest times. really liking this so far.

started Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) took 250iu yesterday plan to take another 250ius thrusday. next week i start the prami to get ready for the tren in week 5 really excited. havent been on tren in three years.

didnt have basketball tonight so i found my self in the gym. did chest and sanduskied it. shoulder started bothering me a little bit but pushed through it and was alright.

flat bench db
incline db
flat bench flys
inlcine flys
cable cross overs
decline barbell

great workout feeling good. boulder shoulder Wednesday tomorrow.
Screw you! I hope your gear is made of liquefied twinkies!

I start my pin Monday. Can't update that shit if I'm not pinning. That doesn't qualify as a 'cycle'.

this is some of the best gear ive ever ran. smooth no pip for prop. and i pin 21 guage delt. im sorry to disappoint you....:uzi:
some of the sticker wouldnt come off one of them, and nah my friend works at a hospital and was able to get me some from work

i would never want to risk it. lol you got balls son!

brother hows things going so far?

ITS GOING GREAT! LOL i havent felt this energized in years. the low test really brought me down but this gear is great! your going to like the mast. you will just have to be careful with the bp and rbc count rising. how was your test deca cycle after you fixed the botched gear??
i would never want to risk it. lol you got balls son!

ITS GOING GREAT! LOL i havent felt this energized in years. the low test really brought me down but this gear is great! your going to like the mast. you will just have to be careful with the bp and rbc count rising. how was your test deca cycle after you fixed the botched gear??
yea i get blood test every month,and take BP meds......well the last 5 weeks of my cycle on the i gained 9 pounds!!!! no shit man,im seriously,i couldnt believe it myself,but its true,im up to 283 now,now just hope i can hold on to some of it,my goal next cycle is 290-295.......during my off time though some of this BF is coming off though cause right now im around 22-24% i would like to get down to to 17%
damn you a big guy.. you should really get with 3j he will cut fat off you in no time. thats what i did before i started my cycle. and was going to use him again till i got robbed. did you go back on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)?

slin pinned pecs today. 12.5mg aromasin. going to the gym now ill update when im back.
Dang Weights=Life i thought you were a lil guy! But your huge! Let us know how your workout at the gym went when you get back bro.
lol man i havent been little since freshman year of high school at 170 5 11 lol... boulder shoulder tonight destroyed it. my shoulders were so sore after lifting i was in physical pain. lol man im feeling great!!

db shoulder press 90 3x10
arnold db press 70 3x10
db upright rows 70 3 x10
(ss) side lateral and bent over lateral raises 25 3x10
front raises 25 3x10- hurt so bad!! lol

shoulders are feeling hard as diamonds, mast is acting nicely i love this shit. theyre looking fuller. i feel like im slightly getting leaner, NOT BY MUCH, but its early. might start 45 min morning cardio on empty stomach. on non basketball days.
driving home was a bitch an a half.. i cant wait for the tren...
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damn you a big guy.. you should really get with 3j he will cut fat off you in no time. thats what i did before i started my cycle. and was going to use him again till i got robbed. did you go back on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)?

slin pinned pecs today. 12.5mg aromasin. going to the gym now ill update when im back.

yea ive already talked to 3J and we are making a plan up,i went to the doctor yesterday,and indeed i weighed 283,my BP was 125/78 so i was happy,yea i started my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose again,so i will be on it for a while,im gonna try and wait 3 months until i start again,just hope i can lol:D
yea ive already talked to 3J and we are making a plan up,i went to the doctor yesterday,and indeed i weighed 283,my BP was 125/78 so i was happy,yea i started my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose again,so i will be on it for a while,im gonna try and wait 3 months until i start again,just hope i can lol:D

haha thats awesome bro...whats your goal a cut up 270? that would be solid. i know how you feel about time going to post cycle therapy (pct) after this cycle get bloods done after a month if they come back 350 or lower again im doing my own testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) already got supertest 400, (painless).

@hurt, yeah man i doesnt hurt at all.. and i have painless prop so it takes 25 seconds to shoot i like to go slower so it absorbs better. but its not bad at all.. trust me.

just got back from basketball and after that i did back. test is taking a toll on my collagen synthesis. my knee was killing me today during the game. dove for loose balls and was in pain. which never happens. but oh well...

after i hit a buzzer beating 50 footer hit the weights...
deadlifts-1x15 135, 225 1x12, 315 3x10
t-bar rows -1x10 135, 225 3x10
bent over rows- 135 1x10, 175 3x10
one arm db rows 3x10 100s
seated cable rows 3x12 200
wide grip pulldown 3x10 150
db shoulder shurgs 3x 15 105s
behind back bb wrist curls (forearms) 3x12-135
db wrist extensions 3x12 25

think i need to up the weight for some of the back lifts wasnt getting a great pump. i have good form that was one of the things i really worked on over the last few years.

forearms are tight as hell starting to get more vascular...