You shoulda seen ol Texas a few months ago.
Is that really him? Hes hot
You shoulda seen ol Texas a few months ago.
Is that really him? Hes hot
i'm more concerned if jack tors avi is the real deal lol
ill give you an example of legs and back . my volume is pretty damn high id say .
Legs i hit for 2 hours . start off leg press 6 sets of 33 reps . 3 sets are done with 5 plates per side ( which on this leg press is damn heavy ) then 3 sets 4 plates
hack squats 6 sets 15 reps each always until failure . hamstrings 100 reps sets of 10-15 . calves 400-500 reps leg extensions 100 reps sets of 10 . this takes me 1 hour .
Back 2 hours - seated row 100 reps sets of 10 . lat pulldown 5 sets 10 reps - reverse grip lat pulldown 5 sets 10 reps . seated low grip row - 100 reps sets of 10 - incline lying down row 100 reps sets of 10 , reverse fly dumbells 100 reps , reverse fly cables 100 reps , chest machine reverse fly 100 reps
SO to recap lats i hit 400-500 reps and reverse fly ( upper back / delts ) = 300 reps . 2 hours to do all that
The back picture was taken in june . just leg picture jan last year . other one is more recent . september maybe
This is the part where you think people would understand the ones that say its all about diet. Im bot saying D.W dont eat right or train right im saying hes using the right ingredients to blow up. His physique blows every one away and looks like a full blown bodybuilder. You dont get gis look with food or the right routine. You get it with the right hormones and slin just tskes you that extra step and bot no 3iu like everyine recommends. Dark now obviously knows his shit exellent job!
Darkwing you must be close to my age (34) if you remember Darkwing Duck lol
Darkwing you must be close to my age (34) if you remember Darkwing Duck lol
ill give you an example of legs and back . my volume is pretty damn high id say .
Legs i hit for 2 hours . start off leg press 6 sets of 33 reps . 3 sets are done with 5 plates per side ( which on this leg press is damn heavy ) then 3 sets 4 plates
hack squats 6 sets 15 reps each always until failure . hamstrings 100 reps sets of 10-15 . calves 400-500 reps leg extensions 100 reps sets of 10 . this takes me 1 hour .
Back 2 hours - seated row 100 reps sets of 10 . lat pulldown 5 sets 10 reps - reverse grip lat pulldown 5 sets 10 reps . seated low grip row - 100 reps sets of 10 - incline lying down row 100 reps sets of 10 , reverse fly dumbells 100 reps , reverse fly cables 100 reps , chest machine reverse fly 100 reps
SO to recap lats i hit 400-500 reps and reverse fly ( upper back / delts ) = 300 reps . 2 hours to do all that
The back picture was taken in june . just leg picture jan last year . other one is more recent . september maybe
You're pronouncing it wrong.
View attachment 565893
I've never read about, seen nor heard of anybody doing the volume you put in. Obviously it works for you. Are you hitting muscle groups once per week? How many day a week? How much rest? Have you increased the volume along with increased AAS doses or have you always done this much?
Good work as always.
Ive always kept muscle groups that work together away from eachother . my philosophy .... when u train chest , u hit triceps a bit ... so let your triceps heal , then 2 days later when they are full strength and strong again ... do a full proper workout on them . so this way they get hit monday with chest a bit ... and then again 2 days later when they are full strength and recovered again . same with back and biceps . space them apart
So i train 5 days a week , 2 hours every day . 2 intense hours , no talking and messing around . SO 2 rest days ... the rest days ill fit in as i need them . SOme days i can do 5 days straight ( very hard) other ill do like 3 days on 1 off then last 2 days on . Take the rest as u feel u need it . listen to your body
Volume has always been the same brother . cycle or not
aas doses never change with volume . my volume is the same whether im on cycle or not . i just choose a dose for a cycle and run it .