Somebody please reply. Tired of being ignored.


New member
Please suggest my first cycle suitable for me.
My name is joeban from India. I'm 22 years old. And I'm lookin for someone to help me with my first cycle. I currently weigh 72kgs at 5'8" height and fat percent 20%. I used to be 76kgs and 25.5% fat. I have been training consistently for 4months. And I am happy with the results. But I'm hopin for some help from the expert guys here on using steroids.

I juz finished my med school and I'm a doctor. So please don't discourage me bout steroid use I know about steroids and all the side effects and I have strongly decided to use it with some extra knowledge I gain from you guys here.

My goal is to get a six pack abs losin all that extra fat and get a toned beach body look. I'm not lookin for some crazy bulkin and stuff. I juz want a impressive beach body model look. Like those male underwear models. Juz decent gain for that lean mass fitness model look.

Please suggest me with a good cycle. This is my first cycle. I love my hair and I'm really young. And in a place like India I will never be able to get married if I have a thinning hairline or baldness. So please suggest doses that does not cause side effects yet I can see some reasonable changes in my physique and appearance. I want a good cycle which does not affect my sex drive or any psychological imbalance. I also don't wanna use oral steroids due to the strain on the liver. I have access to all steroids since I'm a doctor. I can get deca,test,sustanon, boldenone,winstrol, and PCT drugs.

Thank you. Please please please help me.
Train naturally for three or four more years. Four months just doesn't cut it. I doubt you have a very good base. After that start off with a test only cycle for 12 weeks with a good pct.
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Please suggest my first cycle suitable for me.
My name is joeban from India. I'm 22 years old. And I'm lookin for someone to help me with my first cycle. I currently weigh 72kgs at 5'8" height and fat percent 20%. I used to be 76kgs and 25.5% fat. I have been training consistently for 4months. And I am happy with the results. But I'm hopin for some help from the expert guys here on using steroids.

I juz finished my med school and I'm a doctor. So please don't discourage me bout steroid use I know about steroids and all the side effects and I have strongly decided to use it with some extra knowledge I gain from you guys here.

My goal is to get a six pack abs losin all that extra fat and get a toned beach body look. I'm not lookin for some crazy bulkin and stuff. I juz want a impressive beach body model look. Like those male underwear models. Juz decent gain for that lean mass fitness model look.

Please suggest me with a good cycle. This is my first cycle. I love my hair and I'm really young. And in a place like India I will never be able to get married if I have a thinning hairline or baldness. So please suggest doses that does not cause side effects yet I can see some reasonable changes in my physique and appearance. I want a good cycle which does not affect my sex drive or any psychological imbalance. I also don't wanna use oral steroids due to the strain on the liver. I have access to all steroids since I'm a doctor. I can get deca,test,sustanon, boldenone,winstrol, and PCT drugs.

Thank you. Please please please help me.

your being ignored because youve only been training 4 are NOT ready for steroids.
I don't have that much time bro :( after this I will be doin my MD and I'm afraid I won't get time to concentrate on my goals in the first place. I'm juz lookin for an extra push through steroids. I will be free only till February. And then hope u do understand the doctors routine. I will be stuck with sick people the whole time. So please help.

it is a mistake for you to use steroids so i will not help. anyone else who helps you is a ass for doing it.
Train naturally for three or four more years. Four months just doesn't cut it. I doubt you have a very good base. After that start off with a test only cycle for 12 weeks with a good pct.

I don't have that much time bro :( after this I will be doin my MD and I'm afraid I won't get time to concentrate on my goals in the first place. I'm juz lookin for an extra push through steroids. I will be free only till February. And then hope u do understand the doctors routine. I will be stuck with sick people the whole time. So please help.
I agree with the posts above. You dont need AAS right now.

your a doctor @ 22 already??? humm

I have to ask, are you a vegetarian? getting enough protein in your diet? you said your @ around 20% bf. Clearly your diet needs some major tweeaking. I would suggest you get a good diet done by 3J in the diet section.

A good diet and training program can do wonders. Its only been 4 months, stay at it. work hard and the results will follow.

also post up a copy of you diet

working out and staying fit is a lifestyle. it requires dedication and hard work. You cant just cycle and then stop working out. you have to be consistent and stay at it
I don't see wat mistake I'm doin here. I juz want to get my dream body once while I have some free time. Is it a crime. I would seriously love to dedicate as much as my time to workout but being a junior doctor in a place like India I'm forced to attend 50 patients per day with 12hrs of clinic hours. So I don't see a crime in seekin some steroid help to get that dream physique while I live a stressful life serving those sick people. Seriously quit it man. Tryin helpin coz I really need it.
it is a mistake for you to use steroids so i will not help. anyone else who helps you is a ass for doing it.

I don't see wat mistake I'm doin here. I juz want to get my dream body once while I have some free time. Is it a crime. I would seriously love to dedicate as much as my time to workout but being a junior doctor in a place like India I'm forced to attend 50 patients per day with 12hrs of clinic hours. So I don't see a crime in seekin some steroid help to get that dream physique while I live a stressful life serving those sick people. Seriously quit it man. Tryin helpin coz I really need it.
I don't see wat mistake I'm doin here. I juz want to get my dream body once while I have some free time. Is it a crime. I would seriously love to dedicate as much as my time to workout but being a junior doctor in a place like India I'm forced to attend 50 patients per day with 12hrs of clinic hours. So I don't see a crime in seekin some steroid help to get that dream physique while I live a stressful life serving those sick people. Seriously quit it man. Tryin helpin coz I really need it.

ok get your dream body then go back no time to train , lousy diet due to being over worked and very little rest . just guess what will happen to that dtream body, it will be GONE. im not trying to be mean , im telling you the truth.
I agree with the posts above. You dont need AAS right now.

your a doctor @ 22 already??? humm

I have to ask, are you a vegetarian? getting enough protein in your diet? you said your @ around 20% bf. Clearly your diet needs some major tweeaking. I would suggest you get a good diet done by 3J in the diet section.

A good diet and training program can do wonders. Its only been 4 months, stay at it. work hard and the results will follow.

also post up a copy of you diet

working out and staying fit is a lifestyle. it requires dedication and hard work. You cant just cycle and then stop working out. you have to be consistent and stay at it

Hi r1rider thanks for your reply. Yeah I'm a doctor. In India we have to do 5.5years undergraduation in medical science that is MBBS and then 3years of MD for a speciality. Hence I'm a junior general practitioner yet to specialise in any field.

I know I'm not seein the expected results due to my work. Doctors are underpaid in India and expected to do long clinic hours. Inspite of my hectic routine I've been sincere so far in my training and diet. I'm juz look for some help through steroids. Sometime I may have to skip a meal so I'll have to stay in the hospital coz the next doctor may not turn up. In these instance steroids will help a bit in preventin a catabolic state. I'm tryin my best to explain my situation and why I'm lookin forward to steroid use. So I'm juz lookin for a reasonable dosage of cycle to tailor my needs. I can easily get steroids in my hospital itself and start usin. But I'm here to know some knowledge from u guys.
ok get your dream body then go back no time to train , lousy diet due to being over worked and very little rest . just guess what will happen to that dtream body, it will be GONE. im not trying to be mean , im telling you the truth.

I totally understand wat ur aiming at. But it's a dream body I'll do anything and everythin to maintain it. I've be consistent and bein training sincerely so far. And I will do it forever if god willing. I have easy access to steroids but I'm here seekin advice from u guys is for a reason. I will nvr abuse these drugs. I don't have a lousy lifestyle nor will I lead one in future. Four places I vist is are hospital, my house, gym and the grocery store. I don't have drinkin habits or smokin.
I don't see wat mistake I'm doin here. I juz want to get my dream body once while I have some free time. Is it a crime. I would seriously love to dedicate as much as my time to workout but being a junior doctor in a place like India I'm forced to attend 50 patients per day with 12hrs of clinic hours. So I don't see a crime in seekin some steroid help to get that dream physique while I live a stressful life
serving those sick people. Seriously quit it man. Tryin helpin coz I really need it.

Friend. These men are helping you, there's no way you'll get where you want to be without dedicated time and hard work, just like anything else worth having. If you think bodybuilders or athletes or models starte with average bodies and just stuck a needle in their ass and all of a sudden magically had great bodies you're very mistaken and frankly it's an insult to ask a question like that on a board like this. You MUST train naturally, get good sleep, have great nutrition with great protein intake, sleep well and train hard. After you've taken your body to it's natural limit. Come back and ask again.
Friend. These men are helping you, there's no way you'll get where you want to be without dedicated time and hard work, just like anything else worth having. If you think bodybuilders or athletes or models starte with average bodies and just stuck a needle in their ass and all of a sudden magically had great bodies you're very mistaken and frankly it's an insult to ask a question like that on a board like this. You MUST train naturally, get good sleep, have great nutrition with great protein intake, sleep well and train hard. After you've taken your body to it's natural limit. Come back and ask again.

I doubt whether ppl here understand why I need some help with steroids. I see no one tryna help except I keep hearin Jibba-jabbas.
Here's wat I'm plannin to do
I'm gonna run test E 400-500 per week for 10-12 weeks


Like u said sust 250mg x 2 INJ per week for 10-12 weeks.

Then go to a endocrinologist who is also my friend and works for the same hospital for my post cycle therapy (pct).

Which will be better on my hairline test E cycle or sust?
And should I be takin anti-E during the cycle? Or juz keep then in hand incase i feel the symptoms n then take wen necessary. Which anti-E do u suggest and dosage.
Please suggest me with a good cycle. This is my first cycle. I love my hair and I'm really young. And in a place like India I will never be able to get married if I have a thinning hairline or baldness. So please suggest doses that does not cause side effects yet I can see some reasonable changes in my physique and appearance. I want a good cycle which does not affect my sex drive or any psychological imbalance.

I know I'm not seein the expected results due to my work. Doctors are underpaid in India and expected to do long clinic hours. Inspite of my hectic routine I've been sincere so far in my training and diet. I'm juz look for some help through steroids. Sometime I may have to skip a meal so I'll have to stay in the hospital coz the next doctor may not turn up. In these instance steroids will help a bit in preventin a catabolic state. I'm tryin my best to explain my situation and why I'm lookin forward to steroid use. So I'm juz lookin for a reasonable dosage of cycle to tailor my needs. I can easily get steroids in my hospital itself and start usin. But I'm here to know some knowledge from u guys.

I work 70-80 hour weeks on average, 90% of the time it's out of town work in the middle of nowhere without access to a gym (I can be seen shoulder pressing boulders in some "work" photos lol) - 12 days on, 4 days off. I also moonlight as a trainer (even more work) and the #1 excuse I hear from prospective clients about not working out is "I don't have enough time", which is just that, an excuse. You can make excuses all you want, but in the end they're just that...excuses. If you wanted it bad enough you would make it a priority and make time.

I cook my meals for 2 weeks at a time and travel with a battery powered cooler (probably weighs a solid 100+Lbs fully loaded). I think in a years time I've MAYBE missed 2 real meals...maybe. I've always got a protein bar or shake handy in case that situation arises though, so I never exceed 3 hours without protein.

What my long winded rant is trying to tell you is that there is no such thing as "not enough time". You need to make this a priority. From your first post it's clear you didn't cover AAS in your undergrad - the risks you mentioned are inherent with the use of any anabolic steroid, regardless of how careful you are. Steroids are not something to be taken "recreationally" as a short cut. Nobody here will help you (myself included) because you are not ready. Had you done any research in the first place you would've answered your own question. Stop making excuses and looking for the "easy" way out.