Spongy's N2KTS Log

alright gentlemen, I just had a knock on my door and the postman was kind enough to had me a package containing my much anticipated jug of N2KTS. Unfortunately I have already worked out for the day so it will have to wait for tomorrow, but I have some initial reactions...

Here's what I like so far.

The packaging: It's small and compact. Some people may think it's too small, but I like it that way just because you know that it's going to be filled and dense. I have purchased way too many pre workout supplements that come in containers about the size of a protein jug, and are only filled halfway. Nothing pisses me off more.

Ingredients: I like the fact that there aren't 2,722 ingredients in it. How many times have we taken a pre workout that requires half a cup of powder and 32 ounces of water just because it has so much useless crap in it? Scrap what I don't need, skip the bro science, and give me what is proven to work. Seems like that's what NTBM did with this blend. Props.

Seal: Lid on tight. Nothing more to say about that. Tight lids are good, loose lids are bad.

Design: Call me an idiot, but this stuff matters to me. I like something that looks awesome. The label is easy to read and not full of "OMFG IF YOU TAKE THIS YOU WILL BE SWOLE LIKE RON FROM THE JERSEY SHORE LULZ!!!" kind of crap. I actually take the time to read the labels and what the manufacturers have to say about the product and it makes me chuckle how many times I've seen just the most ridiculous crap written. +1 to NTBM for letting the product speak for itself.

That's all I've got so far. Looking forward to letting the product speak for itself tomorrow.
Just got a bottle in myself, and I know what you mean on the size. I was surprised myself. Can not wait to try it though.
Just got a bottle in myself, and I know what you mean on the size. I was surprised myself. Can not wait to try it though.

yeah, but you know it's going to be crazy potent because there's 45 servings in there. I'm very pleased with the size.
Alright, just to let everyone know I'm at the end of my "de-load" week and will start back up full force on monday, that's why I haven't really updated since receiving the product. I took a serving yesterday pre workout and felt great. I have been sick for the past couple of weeks, feeling pretty run down, etc. Despite that, I managed to have a pretty solid workout and actually went back later in the evening for some cardio. I didn't feel overstimmed or anything.

Anyways, so far so good. Monday will be my first day putting it to the test :D I can't wait!
Day 1

Alright, so today was my first real workout with the product. I took 1 scoop about 30 min before hitting the weights. The first thing I noticed when I got into the gym was how incredibly focused I was. I'm usually pretty focused (try not to get distracted by the 40 year old women trying to be 20), but this was different. This was a "dialed in" kind of focus. It's pretty hard to describe, but I think that if you've ever had it, you know what I'm talking about.

One of my main issues with pre workout formula's these days is that there seems to be a focus on quantity over quality. For example, Company A says "well, we don't want to break the bank trying to make a supp, so let's just throw 400mg of caffeine in per serving and hope no one knows the difference." Now, I don't know the amounts in N2KTS, for all I know it does have 400mg (doubt it though). BUT, I don't feel the same "holy crap my heart is going to explode" feeling I've had with other products.

Today was chest and biceps day for me. My favorite! I do a modified version of FST-7 and let me tell you, the pumps after my 7's were incredible.

This is how the day went...

Flat Bench
Incline Flyes
Incline Bench
Cable Crossovers (7's)

Hammer Curls
Preacher Curls
Dumbbell Incline Curls (7's)

My whole workout took 57 minutes and 38 seconds (yes, I time lol).

Since I am cutting, I only rest about 1 minute between sets, and 30 seconds between my 7 sets of 12. My heart rate was high, but not any higher than normal. The one thing I noticed was that I had sustained energy throughout the workout, to the point that I had to stop myself from doing more sets than I should.

I actually had to wait in my car for about 5 minutes before driving home because the pumps were almost painful (good pain). I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to control the car properly.

Now, since this was my first day truly using the product I will refrain from making any generalizations, but suffice to say I am very pleased thus far.
Alright gents, I'm about a week in and I can tell you that this stuff is great. I have been insanely busy with work and exhausted in general, but my workout have been on par or better than what I am used to. The pumps are great, the energy is through the roof, and my motivation is high. I look forward to going to the gym! I've switched things up a little bit and have started working out in the late afternoon. I was afraid that I would have some issues falling asleep as a result, but so far so good!

One of my concerns with this product was the Geranium Extract as I tend to slip into some adrenal issues when I use it regularly (that's why I took so much time off before using another Pre Workout). So far I have had no issues. When it hits me, it hits me light a freight train, so I will know, and I will report back.

I really have nothing negative to say at all, this is some good stuff for sure.
Spongy, what do you mean by adrenal issues man?

that may not have been worded correctly. Adrenal issues was just a way of describing the feeling. Long story short, prolonged use of stims causes me to be tired more often. For instance, I'll wake up, have my pre workout, go workout, and feel awesome the rest of the day for weeks 1 and 2. But then starting week 3 I start to get tired in the late afternoon. Then week 4 I start to get tired in the mid afternoon, and so on. It's one of the reasons I cycle stimulants. So I may use a Stim for a month, then stop for another month. If I keep using a stim product for a prolonged period of time I can tell it affects my concentration and ability to do work as well. When I'm researching or writing, for instance, I have issues connecting the dots or staying on task. It's hard to describe really...

I have noticed that it's worse when I use products with DMAA in it. However, I have noticed none of these symptoms while using N2KTS, so I am very happy.