Started My Cycle Today!!!


New member
I was scared shitless waking up this morning knowing I was gonna be pinning today.
When the time came, I said fuck it. Did what I had to do.
I'll be pinning every Sun and Wed with the test.
I have some pictures that I will be posting soon and I will try and check in here regularly and keep people posted on my progress.

1-10 Test E 500mg/week
1-10 Aromasin 12.5mg/day

15-19 Nolva 20mg/day


This are my macros for each day during week 1
300g Protein
425g Carbs
100g Fat

Thats about 3800 cals.

Food Sources:
Protein - Chicken, Eggwhites, Fish, Sirlion Beef.
Crabs - Oats, Pasta, Rice, Potatos
Fats - Evoo, Nuts, Fish Oils/Omegas
Sugars - Dextrose only post work out
Sauses- Pesto, Chicken Broth
Beverages - Water and Diet Soda

These are the only foods I eat and the only foods I will be eating during the cycle. The only thing that will change from week to week is the portions.


Day 1 - Back
Day2 - Chest
Day 3 - Cardio/Legs
Day 4 - Shoulders
Day 5 - Arms
Day 6 - Cardio
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drop the aromasin! Only if you feel your nips getting sensitive... I could have swore'n i was prone to gyno and im on the end of my 5th week of test and nothing!!! Just my .2 cents
drop the aromasin! Only if you feel your nips getting sensitive... I could have swore'n i was prone to gyno and im on the end of my 5th week of test and nothing!!! Just my .2 cents

The way I see it though, is by the time I feel any itchiness, gyno has already started. I can prevent it from becoming any worse, but there is not way I can reverse what has already taken place.
I just figured better to be safe then to be sorry.
drop it all together! Research what happens when males have too low of estrogen. I'm giving you my advice! My dad got tities, as does my uncle and cousins. So I swore i was prone!! But u have to see how your body reacts to this! You might not even get it! Stop being a bitch! If you get it, you take nolva and within a couple of days it'll be gone!! Take my advice if you will. You will never kno if you even need aromasin!
drop it all together! Research what happens when males have too low of estrogen. I'm giving you my advice! My dad got tities, as does my uncle and cousins. So I swore i was prone!! But u have to see how your body reacts to this! You might not even get it! Stop being a bitch! If you get it, you take nolva and within a couple of days it'll be gone!! Take my advice if you will. You will never kno if you even need aromasin!

Alright thanks for the advice
Wow its only been 2 days and I have put on 50lbs and my bench is up 230lbs!!!

I wish...

I was acutually 2 lbs lighter this morning when I weighed my self (water weight).

I have noticed a little bit of strength, but thats not at all from the test. I just started using this new creatine called Green Buldge. My body seems to be responding to this creatine pretty fast.

The day that I pinned there was no pain at all when I went to sleep, but when I woke up my glute was a bit sore.
When I woke up this morning it felt like someone had given me a fucking charlie horse. The pain went down a bit as the day went on.
I just finishing smashing my leg workout and it seems to have burried that pain away.

Second pin tomorrow.

Im so fucking pumped hope all goes well.
Wow its only been 2 days and I have put on 50lbs and my bench is up 230lbs!!!

I wish...

I was acutually 2 lbs lighter this morning when I weighed my self (water weight).

I have noticed a little bit of strength, but thats not at all from the test. I just started using this new creatine called Green Buldge. My body seems to be responding to this creatine pretty fast.

The day that I pinned there was no pain at all when I went to sleep, but when I woke up my glute was a bit sore.
When I woke up this morning it felt like someone had given me a fucking charlie horse. The pain went down a bit as the day went on.
I just finishing smashing my leg workout and it seems to have burried that pain away.

Second pin tomorrow.

Im so fucking pumped hope all goes well.

just started my first cycle 2wks ago, same stuff only varmaybe last 6wks and torem pct......felt the same bout the first pin, slid in like nobody's business, but my ass was a lil sore for a few days, 2nd shot sore a few hrs, i agree with the aromasin too, i had started with the same protocol, 12.5 ed, but then i stopped a week in cause i wanted to gauge acurately how i respond to the test, some guys can stay hard, some puff up ect...also nipple itchyness doesnt mean gyno, means they are itchy and gyno may be around the corner, so i wouldnt worry too much, also you do have the nolva around anyway
Wow its only been 2 days and I have put on 50lbs and my bench is up 230lbs!!!

I wish...

I was acutually 2 lbs lighter this morning when I weighed my self (water weight).

I have noticed a little bit of strength, but thats not at all from the test. I just started using this new creatine called Green Buldge. My body seems to be responding to this creatine pretty fast.

The day that I pinned there was no pain at all when I went to sleep, but when I woke up my glute was a bit sore.
When I woke up this morning it felt like someone had given me a fucking charlie horse. The pain went down a bit as the day went on.
I just finishing smashing my leg workout and it seems to have burried that pain away.

Second pin tomorrow.

Im so fucking pumped hope all goes well.

i had that feeling the next day too, wanted to pin ed the first week....good luck
Second injection yesterday went great!!!
I actually enjoy pinning my self. I cant wait till this Sun for number 3.
Trained Delts and Traps about 2 hours after and didn't noticed any strength increase. I did have more stamina though, which is most likely from the creatine.

I had a terrible training session a few hours ago. I lost my licence today for 90 days and a couple thousand dollars in fines, so I was a bit stressed this evening. Life goes on...i'll just have to hit it twice as hard tomorrow.

I hear so much about sex drives going up and controllable woods when on a cycle, but I have not noticed any of that.

I know its only been 5 days since my first injecting, but I definitely do not feel any effects of the test as of today.
My weight is up 4lbs since Sun, but its not out of the ordinary for my weight to fluctuate a few lbs from day to day.

Does all this sound normal to you guys minus the driving penalties?
I have not really had much to ad to this thread. I have gotten stronger and put on a few lbs, but I am eating like a pig and working just as hard in the gym.

I'm currently 206 started at 200
I have gotten noticeably bigger in the past few weeks. Again thats cause I have been eating like crazy, so Im filling out a bit more.

Not to sure when I will see for sure signs of the test e....

I'll keep this thread updated.
well its only been 3 weeks right? need to give it more time.

as far as the aromasin, there is nothing wrong with running 12.5mg ED, it will not lower your estro too much at that dose.
welcome aboard!

I'm on my eight week of 500mg test E. Lovin the strength.

My squats have gone up 50lbs in just 8 weeks!

Hopin to put on another 50lbs in 8 weeks.

Pray to the roid Gods!
welcome aboard!

I'm on my eight week of 500mg test E. Lovin the strength.

My squats have gone up 50lbs in just 8 weeks!

Hopin to put on another 50lbs in 8 weeks.

Pray to the roid Gods!

How long into the cycle did you start noticing the effects of the Test?
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For me, it didn't happen until about the 4/5th week.

Just make sure you eat enough man. If you think you've had enough for your daily calorie maintenance, eat a little more!

Food is SOOO important when on cycle. I really can't over emphasize that enough.

Best of luck