Started New Cycle on 10/16/07... Equipoise and Testosterone Enanthate


Hi what are you doing to Avoid the ginecomasty???
I am planing to use the same cicle you are using, but of 8 weeks and i am afraid of the coleteral efects??

Could you send me your complet cicle and your training?? In the days of do you run a bit or just rest??

Send me your training routine too!!

Tank you!
ok diegoaw did you seriously just ask this dumbass for his workout routine? He hasnt worked out for 2 weeks and hes on gear. He obviously doesnt have his shit straight or he has the bird flu. Also if your seriously considering running a cycle of test and eq you may want to rethink a duration of 8 weeks. Im sure most would agree thats a little brief.

Also Rake you should be ashamed of this poor excuse of a log. No one gives a shit about which ass cheek your poking.
enormous amount

Cycle length will be about 12 weeks. I'll see, but considering the enormous amount of gear I have on my hands, may go longer.
remember the time you spend on gear ..should take equal time off before starting another cycle
try your next injection in your eye, maybe you'll have something exciting to post for us to read about...........

how about posting any progressions, gains, etc.... are you taking anything to stabalize your hormonal balances???
i cant beleive i wasted 5min of my life just now.. hoping the next page may not look like

went well

went good

went fine

went good

went well
I look better now than I did when I was on roids.... I dont even take vitamins now

I just go to the gym 6 days a week and do cardio before and after weigh training
Kathy Griffin Abuses Heckler With Oral Sex Reference: CNN goes upmarket in 2009

Rarely funny, always trashy comedian Kathy Griffin somehow managed to land a gig this year co-hosting CNN’s New Years Eve coverage from New York with the very queer straight laced Anderson Cooper. Why we don’t know: times must be really tough, and not surprisingly, she couldn’t keep her mouth out of trouble.
Along with cutting of Lil Wayne and giving Cooper a generally hard time, Griffin was according to reports regularly heckled by the crowd, and just before a break, let fly at one heckler….all on open mic.
Here’s the Kathy Griffin goes oral sex on CNN clip as follows; apparently the heckler has to have dicks out of his mouth…or something like that Keep it classy Kathy.

She's terrible. The next person to put her on TV should be strapped to a chair and have "mouth breather" tattooed on their forehead.
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So, just by observations in this thread, one can deduce that:

- you are not lifting
- you are not eating
- you are merely injecting exogenous hormones into your ass

Sound about right RakeyBoy?

I dont get it. Lift 3x a week on and now 6x while off. Also can someone delete post 94 and 96.

Good Observation. When I was training 3x per week, I would use a spotter often and get pretty damn sore because I was hitting the muscles so hard.

Now that I train 6 times a week I can't do that. I don't train to failure, not even close really.
Got it. Seeing that you grew better now it really proves that it isn't all in the supplements. A good routine, diet, and rest are 80% of it. Unfortunately, too many think the answer is in a bottle. Good luck to you.
Obama First Dance, Beyonce Sings At Last (video)

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama joined for the first post inauguration dance at the Neighborhood Ball at the Washington Convention Center this evening. The tune: The Etta James classic At Last, sung by Beyonce. Here's ... Read >

Beyonce is one of the few pop artists who can really sing. She sang the National Athem a few years ago in Texas and she really showcased her talent. I hope she gets rid of the pop stuff and graces us with that remarkable touch that she adds to ballads. Keep up the good work and you go girl!
Finally, Disqus gets native FriendFeed support

Commenting 2.0 service Disqus has announced support for FriendFeed, allowing users to natively import FriendFeed comments into Disqus.
The integration between the two popular services has been the top of many users’ list for over a year, and while WordPress plugins, and more lately a hosted service promised some levels of integration, you can’t beat native support.

Yeay!!!! I am using Disqus, but now I will never leave them