STATS: im 18 ,6ft 3, 185lbs, 14%bf .... 8 tablets of DBOL a day then PCT. (NOOB)


New member
I train mon-fri. for an hour i get 1.5g of protein per lean mass then fill the rest of my macros up with 'IIFYM" eat anything but as long as it fits my macros i eat 500 cals over my maintence. so i get 3600 cals everyday. on day 1 i was 179.1lbs today is day 11 185lbs

i can get hold of 500 d bol tablets for 60 pounds and post cycle therapy (pct) for a 10 pounds.

1.) how much lean muscle mass can i gain.
2.) how many weeks is the cycle.
3.) will i get fat gains
4.) is it hard to maintain it
my mate has done it for a month and he has had no sides at all and gained a lot of muscle which would take years to build natty
Oral only cycles are bad news man. Test is the base for ever cycle. Plus you are way too young, you have lots to learn. Read this board for a couple years then you'll be like, damn that was a crazy idea.
im not aiming to be a bodybuilder like arnold, i like the fitness model look, i could do with 15 - 20lbs of pure lean muscle.
2nd pic is my aestetics goal
Well you better start eating and working out hard. At 18, you don't need gear, your hormone levels should be sky high right now. It's all about diet and working out at your age.
Oh god, another dumb kid lookin for a short cut. You're too young. Come back when you're 25.
like a said for me adding 20 pounds of muscle will take years.
i dont want to inject like a massive bodybuilder/arnold i want the fitness model look. shredded.

dbol adds 20lbs of muscle in 3 months correct ?

im 6ft 3 aswell so im tall enough
dbol can add 20lbs of muscle with training and diet

dbol can also fuck you the hell up because you are 18 and have no knowledge of what you are messing with...

Also, testosterone that is injected would help you stay way more shredded (like a fitness model) than dbol.
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i know you must get a shit load of teens saying the same stuff as me , "your dumb" your two young" but cant u explain why it fucks u up....
like a said for me adding 20 pounds of muscle will take years.
i dont want to inject like a massive bodybuilder/arnold i want the fitness model look. shredded.

dbol adds 20lbs of muscle in 3 months correct ?

im 6ft 3 aswell so im tall enough

Just because you use injectable steroids doesn't mean you will look like a bodybuilder. Everyone who does steroids or at least does steroids correctly uses a test as their base. That goes for fitness models as well, not just Arnold or any other bodybuilder for that matter. ALSO you don't run dbol for three months unless you don't want a liver, AND there isn't a set number on how much weight you gain in a set period of time. That comes down to diet and training which I guarantee you you don't have a good diet. Diet comes first and foremost. Glad I got all of that off my chest now :)
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You're at the peak of your natural test levels right now at your age so take advantage of that and don't mess it up by doing AAS. Like Thomas said, you can put on a lot of size natty in a years time especially with high test levels at your age, you need to make sure you're eating enough though.
ahh finally the truth.

ps "clean foods" does not excist. calorie is a calorie and doesnt effect body comp, ie 100g coke v 100g brown rice is the same except brwn rice has micronutrients (good for your health).

ok looking at my pic i posted how many lbs of muscle do i need to get to look like the 2nd pic ??
i know you must get a shit load of teens saying the same stuff as me , "your dumb" your two young" but cant u explain why it fucks u up....

You are 18. That means you are still physically growing for several more years. You can permanently stunt growth in joints and bones. Your test levels are sky high already because you are very young, and from what I have read, if younger people abuse steroids, they will often have overall lower test levels than normal when they get older.

Also, if you are only 18, you definitely don't have close to enough time under your belt training. You should spend the extra money on food because gains are made in the kitchen, not from steroids. Steroids are merely a supplement to aid in training once everything else has been put in place (a proper diet and training for years).