STATS: im 18 ,6ft 3, 185lbs, 14%bf .... 8 tablets of DBOL a day then PCT. (NOOB)

.. dude you need to go and do some science classes from high School.. there is SO much basic knowledge your missing.. it's like trying to introduce a Neanderthal to orbital physics. There is a massive physiological difference between 18 and 25.. huge! Can't stress that enough. First, before anything you need to understand WHY people are saying this instead of shutting down, ( see what I did there..), and tossing out graduate levels of Bro-science at these people who are really trying to give you the best advice possible.
i might not do it, but i want to now and educate myself on steroids will read all the stickies aswell. im interested !

what is the best oral cycle to gain lean muscle and to keep most of the gains ? I can clearly say just d bol oral seems to be frowned upon also can you get test orals ?
IIFYM is complete bullshit!!!! You get no gains!!!! Get good,clean,and lots of it and you will get big not tat stupid shit where you can eat anything as long as it fits your macros
IIFYM is complete bullshit!!!! You get no gains!!!! Get good,clean,and lots of it and you will get big not tat stupid shit where you can eat anything as long as it fits your macros

see the bigger picture its cals in vs cals out. all your body knows is the macros, not if its a cake or brown rice.

health wise yes brown rice wins with micronutrients, but micronutrients doesnt effect body comp.

i bet your one of these guys who doesnt eat carbs after 8pm becuase of "you get fat when u sleep lol"
see the bigger picture its cals in vs cals out. all your body knows is the macros, not if its a cake or brown rice.

health wise yes brown rice wins with micronutrients, but micronutrients doesnt effect body comp.

i bet your one of these guys who doesnt eat carbs after 8pm becuase of "you get fat when u sleep lol"

all of this is making me laugh honestly. I love how he is 18, asking for advice, then taking the advice given to him and saying it is wrong and then giving us his advice, then we say it is wrong. maybe it's just me but i'm laughing.
having needles and injecting my ass seems way to far, compared to popping a few pills like a multi everyday.
way too far? what do you mean? and injecting really isnt bad at all. it is much healthier than taking orals and killing your liver as well. plus you need test or like everyone else has said you are going to mess yourself up.
Why is anyone even trying with this child? Idk I feel obligated too. Don't do dbol only!!!! I had 3 buddies that took dbol only cuz they didn't wanna inject. 2 of the 3 ended up in the hospital cuz 1) they took dbol only 2) they took dbol only and 3) they only took dbol. Listen to these guys they know their shit
Since you are so bound and determined to fuck your liver up throw some Winstrol (winny) in there with it.
way too far? what do you mean? and injecting really isnt bad at all. it is much healthier than taking orals and killing your liver as well. plus you need test or like everyone else has said you are going to mess yourself up.

were going around in circles.

1.) how much/best injection cycle/ how long

2.) how much mg/ best oral cycle/how long
ok, so for a first cycle test e or test c 500mg a week split into two seperate injections. monday/thursday. something like that. run it for 12 weeks then for pct start two weeks after last injection and run nolva 40/40/20/20 clomid 50/50/50/50. But still you need to get your training and diet on point before any cycle is done
ok, so for a first cycle test e or test c 500mg a week split into two seperate injections. monday/thursday. something like that. run it for 12 weeks then for pct start two weeks after last injection and run nolva 40/40/20/20 clomid 50/50/50/50. But still you need to get your training and diet on point before any cycle is done

whats is test c and test e ?
whats nolva 40/40/20/20/
whats clomid 50 50 50 50

how much lean muscle mass can i put on with this with rest,nutrion,training. on average.
is it hard to maintain/ how much will i loose when coming off
when should u or do u have to do a 2nd cycle.
ahh finally the truth.

ps "clean foods" does not excist. calorie is a calorie and doesnt effect body comp, ie 100g coke v 100g brown rice is the same except brwn rice has micronutrients (good for your health).

ok looking at my pic i posted how many lbs of muscle do i need to get to look like the 2nd pic ??

who the hell told you that??? you went to that stupid forum where everyone is brainwashed with the iifym approach didn't you??
clean foods dont exist huh?? lmao..

not only do you not know what your doing with this oral only cycle.. your also about a brainwashed as you can get about your diet.. walk away from it all bro