Steroid use is more pervasive than ever but why don't i see bigger dudes in the gym?


New member
Is the vast majority of the public gym goers who take steroids massively under eating?

I just don't get how guys are taking super anabolic compounds and still looking 100% natty after more than 2 cycles. Is it just me?
Not everyone wants to get huge or look like a meat head,, AAS still has many benefits besides getting huge.. Lance Armstrong used AAS, he didn't want to get big obviously cause it would hurt his sport.

AAS is first and foremost goal dependent
Ive lived in alot of citys different gyms trainers i know wich are on gear, they dont take massive amounts and they eat fairly clean. There goal is to give the illusion of natural nobody is gonna hire a trainer that looks like he juices. His physique is what attracts the average client.

Same goes for the whole industry theres fake naturals all over and people believe them because there not "big" so many celebrity's also are on hormones its a lifestyle to look the best possible. Like Roush said not everyone wants to be big.
Not everyone wants to get huge or look like a meat head,, AAS still has many benefits besides getting huge.. Lance Armstrong used AAS, he didn't want to get big obviously cause it would hurt his sport.

AAS is first and foremost goal dependent

Well I am presuming they want to get some decent size if they are in the gym, not trying to be flippant or anything
Rejuvenation clinics are prescribing 55 year old men testosterone, deca, primo, and hgh .. Not for them to get huge,, AAS helps with muscle wasting and speeds up many processes that can help make a guy generally fit.. So plenty of guys run AAS just for general fitness.

Like 49er said,, it's a lifestyle thing for a lot of people, trainers, Hollywood stars,, and general guys going to the gym.. As well as people who take AAS for sport, even though they may not be pro
Fake naturals everywhere. Beginner cycles dont give that juicy look that ppl expect it to.

I personally dont lie about the fact that I am not natural, but that doesnt mean I will say exactly what I do either. I just really dont like the ppl who are blantantly on PEDs and lie about it.... It really grinds my gears :)
In addition, so many people use drugs as a replacement for a proper diet. In this regards, it will always fail them.
In addition, so many people use drugs as a replacement for a proper diet. In this regards, it will always fail them.

brings a tear to my eye... look at you, being dead on with your facts about nutrition..

im so proud right now. lol
In addition, so many people use drugs as a replacement for a proper diet. In this regards, it will always fail them.

Were talking about guys on aas diet is important especially if your natural or want to just look fit your not gonna look like a bodybuilder on diet alone
The spread of underground labs and informative messageboards like this

How much have each of them grown in the last 5-10 years? I would find that interesting to know. For example, do you know by how many ml's UGL's have increased production in the last 10 years? Or what website traffic has increased by on these sites in aggregate? Ideally you would adjust the metric for population growth of course and so on to normalize the statistics.
And when you think of some of the pros out there and the amount of gear they run and sometimes starting in their teens. And off season they get fat.

I dont even bulk anymore. Doesn't pan out well for me. Cause when its time to cut up who knows whats gonna pop up in my life with work and family . I generally eat clean except for around holidays and birthdays and special events.
Then I run conservative doses of a few compounds and maybe a low dose oral. I train as hard as I can and try to be happy with myself. Can't do anything more than that!
I didnt even run my first cycle till 35 and I had 3 opportunities prior to that. And the only reason I decided to run it then was because I was getting skinny. I went to the Dr and did labs and I had low T. Then I went on TRT finally at 40.
I know you guys might not like or agree with this but AAS do alter your state of mind. With that they are addictive however I don't see the physical addiction. The mental IMOP is due to the fact that AAS can give you an overall felling of well being. Energy and appetite go along with it and as we know these are the emotions and feeling that are pleasurable.

When a guy induces exogenous Test he will get fuller even if it's water. When you workout you get
pumped and some will feel physically more powerful and confident. Again these are all pleasurable. When I owned my gym I , more than not, could tell when a guy was on cycle. He would walk in the door on top of he world. He would be more boisterous and aggressive, and the aggression didn't have to be negative (bad) aggression.

The fear of those unproven horror stories and tails of the serious sides put to rest have given way to acceptability to use just a little (ha right) steroids. So ergo the attraction for the general public. Many people say well I don't want to get big but I want to look a little like that guy. The bro-science effect in the gym and the money to be made on the unknowing. "Hey wanna look better and not have to get into this total commitment in the gym, well I got something for you."

This is my .02 on this

OH, I'm in G'ville, FL by the U of F and I see all kinds of kids stabbing their ass with Test jut for what I described.
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The drugs aren't the determining factor. I've seen lots of people who blast crazy and eat a lot but they are missing the genetics to get the look you describe. Combine that with the fact that most of the ones doing it now have very little knowledge and dedication. Then you can see why these college kids running cycles doesn't really look impressive.
And when you think of some of the pros out there and the amount of gear they run and sometimes starting in their teens. And off season they get fat.

I dont even bulk anymore. Doesn't pan out well for me. Cause when its time to cut up who knows whats gonna pop up in my life with work and family . I generally eat clean except for around holidays and birthdays and special events.
Then I run conservative doses of a few compounds and maybe a low dose oral. I train as hard as I can and try to be happy with myself. Can't do anything more than that!
I didnt even run my first cycle till 35 and I had 3 opportunities prior to that. And the only reason I decided to run it then was because I was getting skinny. I went to the Dr and did labs and I had low T. Then I went on TRT finally at 40.

Same here late start im 36 started 2012 ans i was a sucker for all the supplements looking at magazines promoting useless crap i lifted natural for 7 years always said to myself i was gonna do it the "right" way natural bodybuilding sucks especially when your older hopefully everyone fufigures it out sooner than i did but dont start until youve put serious effort in the gym first
Sorry to any bodybuilders here (probably most of ya), but I think there is a stupid emphasis put on being lean these days.
I wasn't around then, but my understanding was that maybe back in the 90s or so, everyone wanted to be big as fuck and badass, and being lean was less important.

Today's world is full of metrosexuals. Nobody wants to be big and tough anymore - they want to be 'aesthetic'.
I cringe when I hear about so many tiny guys who are afraid to eat for serious growth because they want to stay lean.
Some/most people just prefer that aesthetic look. Probably has a lot to do with attracting females

Guys probably think that girls dont give a fuck though, of course they dont want a fat slob. But most important quality is confidence, well groomed, smells good, well dressed. I was the pussy king in my prime age 25 just a average guy that got off drugs barely started lifting weights. I still attract alot of girls but its me not my looks so much but inam handsome haha

But its true skinny ass dudes are so obsessed with oh i cant eat that ill bloat or lose my six pack women want confident men and want to go out and enjoy dinner without worrying about macros lol. But if thats the look they want then its ok but they shouldn't be giving advice to giys that are trying to look like swole bodybuilders
Yeah there's definitely been a change in the general population's fitness goals and I recognize that. I personally am going for aesthetics instead of all mass (like the old school bodybuilder look), but that's because of the generation I'm in. Not to mention it's the guys with awesome aesthetics that get a lot of attention on YouTube, expos, and clothing sponsorships. It's just the world we live in now.