superdrol - Has Anyone Tried it?


New member
I keep seeing superdrol come up where i get my gear and there arent many reviews on it. I have seen one video on youtube about it and the guy said the gains were ridiculous. He said they came so fast people started asking him at the gym what he was on. He also said that was the only thing he was taking at the time.

Has anyone on here ever tried it?

If so, whats your opinion and what was your results?

Thanks for everyones help.
I have, makes me feel a little crappy after a couple weeks. also tummy upset (but i get that with most orals) it sounds like the guy is hyping it up or was very below his genetic potential.
dont expect too muh and DONT run it without a test base like that guy did
Superdrol is a tricky compound it can really mess up your liver, cholesterol etc, the gains are definitely legit but i just don't think it's worth it honestly man try to get your hands on some test and go from there.
Superdrol is my hands-down favorite oral AAS. It's not a miracle pill though like many of the first timers or inexperienced guys make it out to be, but if used properly, it will compliment a cycle very nicely.

Just be warned, like the others have stated, it's VERY toxic, can be very harsh on the stomach, and a great deal of respect must be paid to the drug. As was also stated, don't run it solo - that's a huge rookie mistake guys make that are scared of needles.

Injecting testosterone at a minimum is the price of admission for this lifestyle, no exceptions unless you're female.

My .02c :)
please take care abound estrogen rebound and prolactin, i've got milky nipples from SD but the gains & strength was incredible, around 10 lbs , after pct i had around 6-7 lbs, carb loading is key.
And for the record superdrol is aka m1t right?
Is it about just as liver toxic as anadrol?

Nope. Superdrol is double-methylated masteron, m1t is the oral form of 1-test (which isn't related to testosterone really). I would put SD actually higher than anadrol, but about equal with winstrol toxicity-wise.
I keep seeing superdrol come up where i get my gear and there arent many reviews on it. I have seen one video on youtube about it and the guy said the gains were ridiculous. He said they came so fast people started asking him at the gym what he was on. He also said that was the only thing he was taking at the time.

Has anyone on here ever tried it?

If so, whats your opinion and what was your results?

Thanks for everyones help.

Knowone has asked you ,so i guuess i should! How old are you?
How many cycles have you ran? Not picking on you or being rude, but depending on your answer will,dictate my response.
Im here to,help, but you have to,help us also by giving us some detail about yourself! .... thank you. And superdrol is like no other .. but it is my favorite as well. So please, give us a little more info and i would be glad to help you out some more.. hope you understand.
I am 35 and i have ran several cycles - i consider myself somewhat experienced. Im 220-220lbs about 15% BF, i have been in the gym for 4-5 years.
a belated welcome to the boards! superdrol is complicated to say the least. test would be better for you for the goals that you have. what are your goals anyway? :)
My experiences with superdrol started out awesome and turned into a nightmare quickly. Gained about 15lbs total, strength also went up. But while working out i felt terrible, thought i would vomit almost every time. Lethargic during the day too. Then came the acne, extremely rapid hairloss, and the icing on the cake... Gyno. I basically turned ito the poster boy for why you shouldnt do steroids ha. I try to talk anyone i can out of using this drug as although it agrees better with some peoples bodies, i dont think it is worth the risk AT ALL.