I'm glad we don't have the full text of the original post here but I'm going to debunk it anyway.
Everybody who has been around a while has read the post where the authors explain why they think most of the test in Sustanon (sust) somehow is wasted. Unfortunately it sounds like it makes great sense. However, no offense to the authors, it is completely wrong! Utter nonsense! Its sad that so many people have been mislead and confused by the faulty logic that went into it.
Just think about it folks. The authors, while they surely meant well, are working on a faulty premise. Somehow they got it in their heads that you can inject short esters of test into your body, and the body won't "get" the test attached to those esters. If someone can explain to me how that it possible, then the post is entirely valid and I will eat my own shit.
If you really think about it you'll have to agree. You simply can't inject testosterone and think that it won't work in your body, no matter what ester or combination of esters is attached to it.
Here's a quote from that post:
"Lets take each ester and see how long they will stay active in the body. 30mg of prop--Prop needs to be injected at least every other day to get the full benifits of the test. I think every third day is a little too long to wait, although some people may disagree. Now lets say you are doing a prop only cycle and injecting 30mg twice a week. You can see already that is a waste of gear. If you inject 30mg of prop twice a week you are totally wasting your time. You will NOT grow off of this, so you can basically take sus and knock it down to 220mg an amp if you are injecting once or twice a week."
You don't inject prop every third day or more often in order to "get the full benefits of the test" - you're going to get all the test whether you like it or not. However, it does make sense to shoot short esters frequently because it is a good idea to keep your blood levels of destrified test somewhat stable rather than having them roller coaster.
I agree that shooting 30 mgs. of prop only each week is a waste of time, BUT THAT ISN'T WHAT YOU DO WHEN YOU SHOOT SUSTENON! The 30 mgs. of prop in each ml. of Sustanon (sust) is used by the body, and the other esters are also being used at the same time! The 30 mgs. of prop doesn't just "disappear" and there is absolutely no reason why we should ignore it and "knock it down to 220 mg. an amp. No matter how often we inject it, the body HAS to use it.
In fact, the whole idea behind sustenon is that the short esters do their work quickly - allowing the blood levels of destrified test to get up high so the test can start working (not magically disappearing). Then, the longer esters release slowly, keeping the blood levels relatively high until the next injection - which for our purposes should probably be no longer than a week away because it does make sense to seek to keep blood levels of destrified test somewhat stable. However, for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) purposes, it would be acceptable to wait for 2 weeks or perhaps even longer.