Switching esters


New member
Hey there !!! I like to blast and cuise but i have been blasting test e and then Cruising on it for a few cycles now . Do you guys think it would be beneficial if I do a cut cycle on test P to switch esters for a little bit????
You are fine to switch esters, it won't change things.

The only difference with a test P over a test E other than injection frequency is in the total testosterone that is delivered to your system. You get more mgs in you from 100mg prop as opposed to 100mg test E

I like to switch things up to keep things interesting.
You are fine to switch esters, it won't change things.

The only difference with a test P over a test E other than injection frequency is in the total testosterone that is delivered to your system. You get more mgs in you from 100mg prop as opposed to 100mg test E

I like to switch things up to keep things interesting.

Ya i guess i was just windering if it would make a Difference for shock value to my body maybe making things grow better??? Idk
I have switched back in the day when I couldnt regularly get exactly what I wanted and didnt know any better.... but when I switch I def noticed a jolt when hitting prop every other day right after test e. Good luck
Test is Test but the "kick" is undeniable, a little more drive in the gym has the potential to produce some new gains survived you don't over train and pick up some extra rest after a more intense gym session.

IMO opinion adding some reaps to each set with some weight increases is better then adding sets and going too long, hence over training.

Just my .02
Ya i get it in bulk so i was also just tryng Figure out if it's worth doing half and half as an order??Personally I like test e .. You see the thing is is I can't do test P for cruising purposes And test e is just suits me well I'm just trying to figure out if it's worth it or not to spend the cash on both
I just want the best bang for my buck if ya know what i mean ... sooo as far as that goes should i get some prop yes or no ?? Thanks for ur guys help!! :)
If u have the prop and ur running teste keep the test e at same dose and do 50 mgs of prop eod to get the kick. I like doing that myself.. And yes get some prop and test e.