TAILBONE pain from glute injection?!

It takes me a good 1min just to crawl in bed to lay down...I don't bitch about pain/sickness any but this has been rough so far not gonna lie lol...the tailbone pain started I believe Tuesday day after second shot
If I bend forward w.o pulling myself up by somethin it's like a right sharp pain when just sitting etc its a bruised feeling and hurts to even hit a bump in the road while driving lol
a small about 1in long bruise is forming about 2-3in above ass crack and about an 1in to the side...any ideas?
i think your bugging yourself out bro you should be fine in a day or two. if its bruising then you might have hit a vein which isn't too much cause for concern it'll just hurt for a bit. either that or you maybe injected too close to a nerve if you didn't hit one and the oil is putting pressure on it. you'll be fine in a few days
I have had pip so bad I couldn't bend my leg for almost a week, Sustanon 300.....Pain in my glute which seems to affect everything. One time the injection didn't hurt a bit and the next it crippled me. I got better. It just happens some times. If your ass falls off then I would be concerned. lol
Ya Im thinking the pressure on the nerve as well....it seems to have knotted up around my tail bone and is very sensative
I have had pip so bad I couldn't bend my leg for almost a week, Sustanon 300.....Pain in my glute which seems to affect everything. One time the injection didn't hurt a bit and the next it crippled me. I got better. It just happens some times. If your ass falls off then I would be concerned. lol

True, I had to sound like a bitch man but this shit is rough....like you said, im barely able to move/lay on it/touch it
i think your bugging yourself out bro you should be fine in a day or two. if its bruising then you might have hit a vein which isn't too much cause for concern it'll just hurt for a bit. either that or you maybe injected too close to a nerve if you didn't hit one and the oil is putting pressure on it. you'll be fine in a few days
just that fact it traveled to my tail bone freaked me out...any opinion on quad shots, no more glutes for me lol
just that fact it traveled to my tail bone freaked me out...any opinion on quad shots, no more glutes for me lol

You're going to get pip no matter where you inject with virgin muscle. Give it a shot though! (pun intended)
the pain has reduced a good amount, was fianlly able to lift and walk lol.....There is a slight knot/hard area about an inch of center from my tail bone....I cant tell for certain if its swelling around the bone or a knot itself....whats the signs of an abscess?
I also pinned for the second time in the butt and I'm feeling the same thing bro, I was scared shitless so I came here to get some answers but I guess we have nothing to worry about its just our vergin asses, lol but I know what u mean I pinned on the right check /upper right side "in the correct area" and that was at 12am last night aka this morning afternoon woke up I went to work, I guess I touched it and from there I strayed tripping out lol. It's right above my crack on the right. So don't trip ur not the only one going through this and yea this is my first cycle
Better to approach the doctor with expertise on that field to make sure and for you to keeping safe from any unexpected outcomes.

=== Suffering from Tailbone Pain ====
If your pain in directly on the coccyx, you might be developing a pilonidal cyst. They can be very painful (Serious pain). I don't believe in post injection pain, should be called discomfort, rather. But a pilonidal cyst will cripple you, and sitting down is merely impossible.
This is my first time on a forum just abit worried I have a lump on my tailbone after injecting its now been a week and its not gone down at all just wanted a little information if anyone can help
Hey man I have a question I just started my first cycle I'm running 40mg dbol daily with 600mg test weekly I just had my second shot and I shot even with the top of my ass crack about four inches to the left on left cheek and I shot Monday at about 12 at night and I'm having very bad pip like not lower back pain it's about a inch about my tailbone pain what's going on ?
Hey man I have a question I just started my first cycle I'm running 40mg dbol daily with 600mg test weekly I just had my second shot and I shot even with the top of my ass crack about four inches to the left on left cheek and I shot Monday at about 12 at night and I'm having very bad pip like not lower back pain it's about a inch about my tailbone pain what's going on ?

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