Test/Deca cycle new member

You run hcg at the start because it stops your natty t from shutting all the way off instead of a lightswitch being turned off its more like a dimmer dial being turned down but still on.
No blasting here bro I've never used hcg but I probably should have I've always had low test and after running a few cycles it got lower after every pct now Im on trt blast and cruise
its going to depend more on genetic factors then just pure size . a man that is 200 pounds , but is very dense and has a lot of lean body mass may have a ton on androgen receptors . a bigger 250 pound guy may have big bones , some fat, and not have that much dense muscle and have less androgen receptors , and therefore require less gear.
the more androgen receptors you have the bigger dosages you can use more efficiently .

Ha, Hell I knew that ^^^ :wiggle:
No scale. Things in my life took a very interesting turn yesterday. Somehow ended up on going on a date last night with an amazing girl I have been watching from afar in the gym. She is so damn sexy I swear you wouldn't believe me... I didn't think she would give me the time of day, turns out she has had a crush on me for some time. Kept it classy, just dinner, no hanky panky... till I got home and she started sending me pics. Holy shit. It's fuckin on son
No scale. Things in my life took a very interesting turn yesterday. Somehow ended up on going on a date last night with an amazing girl I have been watching from afar in the gym. She is so damn sexy I swear you wouldn't believe me... I didn't think she would give me the time of day, turns out she has had a crush on me for some time. Kept it classy, just dinner, no hanky panky... till I got home and she started sending me pics. Holy shit. It's fuckin on son

now you just got to get your lady , and this new girl to hit it off . then bam, its really on !

till I got home and she started sending me pics. Holy shit.

didn't happen unless we see pics ;)
you just go to dinner , then she sends you pics like that. umm yeah you know its going down next time lol

Man I was trying to keep it classy, you know I wanted her so bad but I'm glad I didn't go for it, had a good talk with my chick today we a going to respect each other and go our separate ways, and now I won't feel guilty when I'm destroying that booty next time I see the new girl