Test/Deca cycle new member

About to start a test 750/deca 500 cycle on Thursday. Lots of people say they won't run deca due to the limp dick. How has your libido/sexual performance been? I can't remember- did you get mid cycle bloods drawn?

deca/nandrolone does not cause limp dick . elevated estrogen and especially elevated Prolactin cause limp dick . yes deca can raise your prolactin and if your prolactin sensitive then limp dick will happen , but a again , its not the deca itself that causes this. run a dopamine agonist while on cycle and you will have zero issues.

or if your not prolactin sensitive, then you'll have no issues either . I've ran 800mg of Nandro with zero ed issues
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deca/nandrolone does not cause limp dick . elevated estrogen and especially elevated Prolactin cause limp dick . yes deca can raise your prolactin and if your prolactin sensitive then limp dick will happen , but a again , its not the deca itself that causes this. run a dopamine agonist while on cycle and you will have zero issues.

or if your not prolactin sensitive, then you'll have no issues either . I've ran 800mg of Nandro with zero ed issues

I only care about Gibson's dick. Not yours.
Get off deca immediately!! Webmd just posted a study that started in 2011 it turns you into a dick craving homosexual within 2 years of cycling it.
Get off deca immediately!! Webmd just posted a study that started in 2011 it turns you into a dick craving homosexual within 2 years of cycling it.

Thanks to Roush I am now, already, a dick craving homosexual. Can deca turn me back into my former self?
Thanks to Roush I am now, already, a dick craving homosexual. Can deca turn me back into my former self?

No you have to use tren and a few other ingredients ill have to check my notes at home there is only a 85% come back rate just so u know
About to start a test 750/deca 500 cycle on Thursday. Lots of people say they won't run deca due to the limp dick. How has your libido/sexual performance been? I can't remember- did you get mid cycle bloods drawn?

Dude my libido has been off the charts the whole time, sexual performance nothing less than superman lol. I have ran .3 dex every other day and prami at .3 everyday throughout cycle because i had worried about that. Tastes like shit but a small price yo pay imo
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Wow, that's actually really impressive.

Ok Gibson, I'm officially collecting dick pics. You're up.

Really dont want to make you guys self consiounce about your junk so ill leave it to your imagination lol. You guys got me cracking up this morning thanks
Weight is still down, like way down, sitting at 242 wtf. I know its my fault, impossible to maintain a high calorie clean diet when you're floating around. May have found a dope pad, should hear back today. Strength still up, yesterday i popped 20mg dbol with my preworkout and was shoulder pressing the 95's like a fucking beast. Things with the new chick are just awesome, cant believe christmas is a few days away, what a year.
when your going through a busy stressful time in your life and your still trying to bulk but its hard to find time to put down the food, its always easier to just eat 'dirty' for awhile to help you get those calories in and keep growing.
if your worried about eating dirty for a bit , think of it like this.

3 weeks of missing your clean food meals will make you shrink super fast.
3 weeks of eating dirty will help you maintain/grow and get calories you need without getting fat or killing your health.

basically when you do find time to eat, just try to stick with calorie dense food . forget about lean chicken and broccoli. go with a triple bacon cheeseburger.

then once you get back on track and can plan 6 clean food meals a day that you know you will hit your calories everyday , go back to it

note: 20mg of Dbol pre workout is the shit. seems to not only help physical strength but gives you a positive mental focus as well
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Merry christmas eve brothers! While most people will be doing there last minute shopping today i will be in the gym, of course lol. Hit legs real hard yesterday, heavy on everything with added sets and last set dropset on everything... feelin that shit goddamn! My weight is still down but i have had 4-5 people come up to me over the last week and tell me i look a lot bigger and more cut. Always awesome to get compliments, especially since we cant see what other people do for some damn reason. Last night i went big after that workout and got habit burger for dinner and ben and jerrys for desert.... rich panini specialty right there lmao. Couple weeks left in this cycle, all in all it has been really good, i really have enjoyed the way i have been feeling the most, along with the strength increase and my gainz have been slow and steady, minimal fat gain so no complaints
No update on weight, prob still around 242ish, just picked up a new digital scale still havent unboxed it.just moved into a new pad yesterday. Strength still up, stoked my incline bench has gotten so much stronger i actually likr doing it now lol. Diet is still shit, workin on it damnit. Getting lots of cardio in with the new girl.. omg haha have a good day brothers
Merry christmas eve brothers! While most people will be doing there last minute shopping today i will be in the gym, of course lol. Hit legs real hard yesterday, heavy on everything with added sets and last set dropset on everything... feelin that shit goddamn! My weight is still down but i have had 4-5 people come up to me over the last week and tell me i look a lot bigger and more cut. Always awesome to get compliments, especially since we cant see what other people do for some damn reason. Last night i went big after that workout and got habit burger for dinner and ben and jerrys for desert.... rich panini specialty right there lmao. Couple weeks left in this cycle, all in all it has been really good, i really have enjoyed the way i have been feeling the most, along with the strength increase and my gainz have been slow and steady, minimal fat gain so no complaints

Merry Christmas to you to sir, and thanks for this highly informative and entertaining thread :)
My only update today is that my libido is fucking crazy. New chick told me, " damn you have so much testosterone!" Lol. I have a very strong libido off cycle but jesus christ being on cycle and then being with the chick i had fantasized about for so long is just a wild combination, i have been tearing that pussy up like a fuckin boss haha seriously that shit is so bomb. K just had to share that you guys are my only source to vent
Also i was thinking about switching out the dbol for the winny just cause i have never used it and i want to see what it has to offer, so i would be only using it for about 3 weeks as my cycle is coming to an end soon. What are your thoughts on that? Should i just stay on the dbol and save the winny?