I am banned!
Must be tough to whack that pud if you can't wrap your fingers around it
Oh PS: wraps are good if you do high reps... real high, for some particular reason.
Lmao good thing I'm right handed
Must be tough to whack that pud if you can't wrap your fingers around it
Oh PS: wraps are good if you do high reps... real high, for some particular reason.
Excuse my short absence, lil bit too much drama goin on i just stopped giving a shit about everything for a couple days. Anyways, had a killer shoulder workout today, got about 2 pins of the prop left then its time for a break. Off to grub some chinese food with the kiddo
Hey listen bud I am running Dbol n Test P and test E and had a great tricep and trap workout today. Huh touché' Ha
What a pump
You are excused !!!!
I'm no expert so take what I say with a grain of salt***8230;if your E2 is high, you'll suffer from anxiety. I know that's what was happening to me until I got my Adex in (Was on TRT without Adex for years.)
So to be clear, is this the chick you just broke up with or a third chick???
I'm starting to like legs. Hit 405 for 6 today on squats
Pretty good chest/bicep workout even though my shoulders were killin me during my heavy sets on the flat bench/incline dumbell press. Not sure if its a bad idea to do chest the day after shoulders or a good idea cause it forces the chest to work harder, hmmm.... thoughts on that?