Test/Deca cycle new member

Broke it off with that chick yesterday afternoon. She is just too damaged. Was fun for a lil bit. Dated a girl like her years ago same attitude, toxic relationship, there were many red flags with this one i couldn't ignore anymore. Spent the night at my ex's, man i missed her a lot. Dunno how things will play out from here we shall see. Gonna try out the new straps today and see if i can hit a new pr for deads.
Lol you should start a thread on your sex life while you're waiting to do your next blasts lol i thought you were in love with this one now back to the ex lol you're all over the shop brother lol
A young stud like yourself should find a pretty young lass, and pop out some kids. You sure about this ex thing????
Yoi guys are too funny. That other chick was pissing me off on a regular basis the last month, which was only month 3, all it did was made me realize how awesome my ex was, and that i was definately too hard on her, i overreacted a lot. Honestly i missed her the whole time. One guy on here once said, don't make any extreme decisions or life changes while on gear, i get it now.
Lol you should start a thread on your sex life while you're waiting to do your next blasts lol i thought you were in love with this one now back to the ex lol you're all over the shop brother lol

Well depending on how things go with the ex i just may lol
If you do it will be the most popular log on ology this far lol ill follow it hahaha Goodluck with the ex bro hope it all works out for ya

Shit don't temot me lol. I have a goos feeling it'll work out her and i have a lot of love and good memories together. Time will tell.
I used the straps for the first time for deads. 425x3 smooth. I like them a lot, really helped my grip and i was able to focus on my form much better. Some guy was like damn dude that's a lot of weight! Lol not really but thanks. Shoulders today.
No gym today. Worked 12 1/2 loooong hrs. Back is a bit tight, not gonna do it to myself today. Gotta be in at 6 am, oh joy. Spent the last 2 nights with my soon to not be ex, lol, decided it would be a good idea to stay at my place solo and not jump down each others throats so quickly, she was cool with that, or at least she said she was , u never fuckin know lol. Should get in an awesome shoulder workout tomorrow though so I'm looking forward to that. Chest and shoulders are my favorite if you couldn't already tell from my log. I have a confession to make... picked up another bottle of prop from my original guy, gonna run another 2 weeks, don't talk shit. What's another 2 weeks, eh?
Good idea to run that prop another 2 weeks, way too soon to PCT after your deca run.

I finished the test e/deca 3 1/2 werks ago brother so thats not an issue i just decided to run another 2 weeks. Just pinned 200mg prop in my bum bum ahhhhh yeaaah haha. Gonna just run 100 eod after that then hcg blast/pct.
Only had time for chest today, 11 hr workday. Flat bench, incline dumbells, decline hammerstrength and pec deck. Good workout all in all.
Pretty killer leg/trap workout. Took it easy on the barbell squats due to my back bothering me, same spot as always, damnit. Used my straps on the heavier sets of barbell shrugs, man those things help a lot. When you can take a little focus off grip it makes a big difference. Gym was pretty empty, as it always is on Fridays, love it. Going out to dinner with the ex we have decided to just be friends... dinnet was her idea not mine i was opposed to it but she insisted i owe her that and she's right, so out of respect for her i agreed... it's just not there anymore, at least for me, the passion isn't where i need it to be. After hanging out a few times i found myself not really careing already. The first 2 nights were cool cause i really did miss her. I'm going to take this opportunity to be single for a while and just fuck around. That's what i should have done. I feel good, look good, turning heads, need to just take advantage of that for awhile before dateing again. So fitguy i may just start that other log lol. Tomorrow I'm thinking back/biceps.
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Pretty killer leg/trap workout. Took it easy on the barbell squats due to my back bothering me, same spot as always, damnit. Used my straps on the heavier sets of barbell shrugs, man those things help a lot. When you can take a little focus off grip it makes a big difference. Gym was pretty empty, as it always is on Fridays, love it. Going out to dinner with the ex we have decided to just be friends... dinnet was her idea not mine i was opposed to it but she insisted i owe her that and she's right, so out of respect for her i agreed... it's just not there anymore, at least for me, the passion isn't where i need it to be. After hanging out a few times i found myself not really careing already. The first 2 nights were cool cause i really did miss her. I'm going to take this opportunity to be single for a while and just fuck around. That's what i should have done. I feel good, look good, turning heads, need to just take advantage of that for awhile before dateing again. So fitguy i may just start that other log lol. Tomorrow I'm thinking back/biceps.

If my memory serves me, weren't you talking about not using straps a long time ago ? An sort of questioning their use ? Maybe you ? But if so I had posted in regard to how helpful they are so you can concentrate and isolate more the muscle intended to be worked.

This is not an "I told you" I just remember talking to someone and so was it you ??
Oh I'm glad you got the hang of it. Good stuff :wavey:
If my memory serves me, weren't you talking about not using straps a long time ago ? An sort of questioning their use ? Maybe you ? But if so I had posted in regard to how helpful they are so you can concentrate and isolate more the muscle intended to be worked.

This is not an "I told you" I just remember talking to someone and so was it you ??
Oh I'm glad you got the hang of it. Good stuff :wavey:

Probably the only thing i ever said about straps was that i would nevet use them until they were necessary. I'm lifting much heavier now and my grip strength is a problem due to 2 broken fingers on my left hand that never healed correctly,i can barely bend my pinky around a barbell.
Or mike i may have been talking shit on the kids in the gym wearing all thier gear, belts the whole time they lift tiny weights and straps to dumbell row 45s lol
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Must be tough to whack that pud if you can't wrap your fingers around it :wackit: :laugh:

Oh PS: wraps are good if you do high reps... real high, for some particular reason. :dunno:
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