Never again, leaving work after this last service call and going straight to bed, my leg almost gave out twice I can't walk or bend at all, fuck
Mike if you want to find some virgin muscle just look for that dangly thing between your legs. Ha! just kidding, please don't kill me.
I'm not a quad fan, where I work out we do some kind of legs every day and I don't like the pain.
Man that could be just your Quads , like mine are not receptive. But what about your Gear. This gear I am running is like smoooooth. Test Prop.
Get this : ... The other day for the first tie ever. I have some Gyno on my left Breast. So I was not paying attention ( really on the phone ) I reached up and pinned my Pec but didn't get all the way into the muscle. Yea My Bad... But so I had a lump where the oil was holding / standing. It went down in 36 hrs and was a tiny bit sore and black n blue. But even with that royal fvck-up no burn , no sting and what PIP there was just was NOT significant. Just saying the gear has a lot to do with it when using UGL's .
Suggestion, never hesitate... but follow thru , steady hands , in all the way, push steady and quick exit. Also helps to hold the surrounding skin when pulling out.
Ah ha haaa No , not so , see....
Never again, leaving work after this last service call and going straight to bed, my leg almost gave out twice I can't walk or bend at all, fuck
U think icing or will help. Side note, I warmed up the gear before pinning last night cause I was nervous about pinning my quad do u think that may have had so.eyhing to do with it? I never do that
Sounds like you got it bad bro. Where exactly did you pin on your quad? Try a smaller needle bro..
23gx1"pin is a standard needle but in my opinion it's way too big. Try 25gx5/8 or 27gx1/2inch. You have to push hard on the plunger with the 27g needle but only use 1/2inch needles if your quads are really lean. They also make a 27gxInch1/4
No you're good on the heating the oil as I have done that for years with no problem. It actually makes the oil thinner so it's easier to inject.
Put some heat on it! shower or take a hot bath
Center quad. I am in a lot of pain and I have a very high tolerance for pain, shits fuckin weak. K enough boohoos I just hope this doesnt last long
Almost screamed sitting on the toilet so not sure a bathe is possible lmao at myself damn
Pin more on the upper outside of the quad and you shouldn't have any issues. Just stay away from the IT band and don't go that far on the side. I tried to pin on the center of my quad ONE time and hit a nerve and it made my leg jump LOL
Look at anatomy chart and it makes it much easier to find that sweet spot.
In this case just use a heat pack.
U think icing or will help. Side note, I warmed up the gear before pinning last night cause I was nervous about pinning my quad do u think that may have had so.eyhing to do with it? I never do that
I think I know what is really wrong here...
You're a pussy whip.... ah ha ha ha lol :
Sounds like you got it bad bro. Where exactly did you pin on your quad? Try a smaller needle bro..
23gx1"pin is a standard needle but in my opinion it's way too big. Try 25gx5/8 or 27gx1/2inch. You have to push hard on the plunger with the 27g needle but only use 1/2inch needles if your quads are really lean. They also make a 27gxInch1/4
Man his legs are thick... Get that oil in the middle of the muscle...1/2" or 1/4 " is not a good way to go. Ya wanna go as deep as your physique/ muscles will allow, or to the center of the muscle. AS Best as u can .
Got a friend doing a cycle ? Give him a cc and see if it's your gear.
Otherwise let your GF lick your wound and take a day to gather yourself, Then " Movin ON"