Week 19
Libido = Worst i have ever seen it....IN A GOOD WAY
Energy = Good
Sleep = Well Rested.
Acne = Red spots on shoulders.
Mood = Almost to the moon.
Blood Pressure = Normal BP High HR
Workout = Still doing the routine RJ suggested for now changes a few bits as chest wasn't getting any better.
Training has become more cardio focused.
No point being built like a tank if i can't move for more than 100 yards without puffing and panting.
Doing 3 day weight training and 3 day cardio.
Diet = Eating has gone fucking nuts.
Had 3 steaks 6 eggs 5 bits of toast 5 slice of bacon protien shake.
and 3 bowl of cereal and that was at 1:00pm.
And i am still starving.....
I really not looking forward to this ED.
I love food but not to the point i have to be eating constantly for the hunger to fuck off.
Libido = Worst i have ever seen it....IN A GOOD WAY

Energy = Good
Sleep = Well Rested.
Acne = Red spots on shoulders.
Mood = Almost to the moon.
Blood Pressure = Normal BP High HR
Workout = Still doing the routine RJ suggested for now changes a few bits as chest wasn't getting any better.
Training has become more cardio focused.
No point being built like a tank if i can't move for more than 100 yards without puffing and panting.
Doing 3 day weight training and 3 day cardio.
Diet = Eating has gone fucking nuts.
Had 3 steaks 6 eggs 5 bits of toast 5 slice of bacon protien shake.
and 3 bowl of cereal and that was at 1:00pm.
And i am still starving.....
I really not looking forward to this ED.
I love food but not to the point i have to be eating constantly for the hunger to fuck off.