Hello guys, l'm about 200 lbs now and there still 4 weeks left! So in 6 weeks l'm up by 23 pounds l wanted at least 20 so l think it's good so far. Oh and by the way the one thing l notices when l upped my test E this week to 750 is that it raised my blood pressure bigtime, l loose my breath after each excercise and my heart is bumping like each mili second. So l will stick to 500 the rest weeks.
Hey man, thanks for ur comments. l tested my bp now and then and it is higher than normal, though l know that thats how it should be on cycle. Speakin abou my diet l eat 400 carbs , 343 protein , 98 fat. Everything from clearn foods : chicken, rice, eggs, steak, tuna, cereals, cottage cheez and so on. No cheat meals or smth.
And btw few days ago took just a quick pic in gym pumping the iron not the best quality but what ever..![]()
Nice thread I did the same cycle but after reading all the threads why are you little guys so TINY? lol WTF 5'7 - 5'6 - 5'8 lol No offence I just hate little people who want to get bigger.
here is another dumb question, is human grade test preffered over other underground labs?
I have started the same cycle 1 week ago (Aburaihan Test-E and British Pharmaceuticals dbol).
Ive made 2 test-e shots, everything seems to be fine except one thing. Looks like i got some shitty dbol that aint working.
1-4 day of dbol was 30mg
5-6 upped to 40mg
Today is 7th day, upped to 50mg
...and still dont feel a shit from it. I have ordered some Balkan dbols to replace that crap. Do you think it's not too late to switch on working dbol or I should do only Test-E cycle now? New dbol should arrive at the middle of week 2
Well u can always try the oposite dbol usement - if ur'e test E is going 12 weeks then start dbol on week 10 and finish till week 14 and then immediately next day start post cycle therapy (pct) . Some people like it more like this couse u all the time since post cycle therapy (pct) fully on juice. Though dont know if it good for begginers never tried that but will do some time later.
I would like to know this aswell, sorry for my ignorance!