Test E + Dbol cycle

Don't understand, guys, why u don't like those ampoules. At least these Iranian test amps. are perfect they cut easy with no problems. :blue:
Hello guys, l'm about 200 lbs now and there still 4 weeks left! So in 6 weeks l'm up by 23 pounds l wanted at least 20 so l think it's good so far. Oh and by the way the one thing l notices when l upped my test E this week to 750 is that it raised my blood pressure bigtime, l loose my breath after each excercise and my heart is bumping like each mili second. So l will stick to 500 the rest weeks.
Hello guys, l'm about 200 lbs now and there still 4 weeks left! So in 6 weeks l'm up by 23 pounds l wanted at least 20 so l think it's good so far. Oh and by the way the one thing l notices when l upped my test E this week to 750 is that it raised my blood pressure bigtime, l loose my breath after each excercise and my heart is bumping like each mili second. So l will stick to 500 the rest weeks.

hey man - nice log. Have you actually tested youo blood pressure or you "feel" it is too high? i think that sense of windedness is normal on cycle. You should still be doing some cardio after your workouts - that will help with stamina and burn fat. At least 25 mins 5 days a week. No talk of your diet, but to gain that much you must be eating enough. you might want to look at the macros and see that you are getting enough protein and only "good" fat like olive oil, fish oil, etc.

About the dbol - I have run it 3 times and always go up 10 and down 5 when i stop -it keeps me full of water.

Good luck bud - sounds like u are doing well.
Hey man, thanks for ur comments. l tested my bp now and then and it is higher than normal, though l know that thats how it should be on cycle. Speakin abou my diet l eat 400 carbs , 343 protein , 98 fat. Everything from clearn foods : chicken, rice, eggs, steak, tuna, cereals, cottage cheez and so on. No cheat meals or smth. :rolleyes:

And btw few days ago took just a quick pic in gym pumping the iron not the best quality but what ever.. :wavey:
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Hey man, thanks for ur comments. l tested my bp now and then and it is higher than normal, though l know that thats how it should be on cycle. Speakin abou my diet l eat 400 carbs , 343 protein , 98 fat. Everything from clearn foods : chicken, rice, eggs, steak, tuna, cereals, cottage cheez and so on. No cheat meals or smth. :rolleyes:

And btw few days ago took just a quick pic in gym pumping the iron not the best quality but what ever.. :wavey:

That's great that u keep track of the bp. I bet your HR is elevated too. in my experience - this goes back to normal about a month out from the cycle. Sounds like a good diet - make sure you have a few shakes in there too to supplement the protein/carbs. i like to drink 2 scoops of whey and 2 scoops of Vitago or waixy maize immediately after a workout (but not before cardio if you do that, follow the cardio with the shake.) Your body is at it's most catabolic state right after the workout and u want to make sure you get all the nutrients u need. Can't remember if you have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for cycle or PCT, but it's great IMO.

Pic looks great - you've added a lot of thickness - keep it up!
How's your progress brah?

Im starting my cycle tomorrow. I dunno how to pin my own glute, feels really awkward ^__^
Nice thread I did the same cycle but after reading all the threads why are you little guys so TINY? lol WTF 5'7 - 5'6 - 5'8 lol No offence I just hate little people who want to get bigger.
Nice thread I did the same cycle but after reading all the threads why are you little guys so TINY? lol WTF 5'7 - 5'6 - 5'8 lol No offence I just hate little people who want to get bigger.

Hahahaha - I can see this coming... How tall r u?

At 6'-2 I find it difficult to put on enough mass to NOT look like a stick figure! Those guys a few inches shorter always have way better proportions..... But i can see over them at rock shows - so i guess there's advantages too - lol
hey man im running almost your exact cycle in about a week except im taking anadrol instead of dbol.. one reason being the whole sleeping disorder. you have some great results man. keep pumping!
Great log, thanks for posting! Very appreciated from an aas newbie as me hehe. Your cycle is exactly as the one im thinking running for first time, but i still have to make more research.

Keep it up!
I have started the same cycle 1 week ago (Aburaihan Test-E and British Pharmaceuticals dbol).

Ive made 2 test-e shots, everything seems to be fine except one thing. Looks like i got some shitty dbol that aint working.

1-4 day of dbol was 30mg
5-6 upped to 40mg
Today is 7th day, upped to 50mg

...and still dont feel a shit from it. I have ordered some Balkan dbols to replace that crap. Do you think it's not too late to switch on working dbol or I should do only Test-E cycle now? New dbol should arrive at the middle of week 2
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I have started the same cycle 1 week ago (Aburaihan Test-E and British Pharmaceuticals dbol).

Ive made 2 test-e shots, everything seems to be fine except one thing. Looks like i got some shitty dbol that aint working.

1-4 day of dbol was 30mg
5-6 upped to 40mg
Today is 7th day, upped to 50mg

...and still dont feel a shit from it. I have ordered some Balkan dbols to replace that crap. Do you think it's not too late to switch on working dbol or I should do only Test-E cycle now? New dbol should arrive at the middle of week 2

Well u can always try the oposite dbol usement - if ur'e test E is going 12 weeks then start dbol on week 10 and finish till week 14 and then immediately next day start post cycle therapy (pct) . Some people like it more like this couse u all the time since post cycle therapy (pct) fully on juice. Though dont know if it good for begginers never tried that but will do some time later.
Well u can always try the oposite dbol usement - if ur'e test E is going 12 weeks then start dbol on week 10 and finish till week 14 and then immediately next day start post cycle therapy (pct) . Some people like it more like this couse u all the time since post cycle therapy (pct) fully on juice. Though dont know if it good for begginers never tried that but will do some time later.

I'll run test-e for 10 weeks.

If im going to increase it up to 750mg/week, how should I spread it? 2 shoots per week (500 and 250), right?

Oh, and by the way, how's your results? Everything is fine?
Well my results are perfect so far. First 5 weeks was only rapid weight gain and actually no change in mirror, but after week 6 everyone started to tell that l'm looking totally different. Everyone say that l look twice as bigger and that my muscles changed they form. l am starting the last week 10 now and l'm up to 204 lbs from 176 so in total 28 lbs so far. l think that l will hit solid 30lbs on the ending of this week. so l think that cycle was pretty good. l will post pics after l end everything to compare.

Speaking about ur dosing, u can do it 500/250 or u can split it 250/250/250 3 times a week with that ur blood levels should be a little more stable in my opinion. Though l tried and upped one week to 750 also and all l got was a bit more strenght good feeling and so on BUT my bp was so high that l could hear my heart bumping while just sitting or lying on bed.
I would like to know this aswell, sorry for my ignorance!

Based on my experience - no difference. i got a script for test E and it was fine but more expensive that mail order test so i switched back. IMO the UG stuff was slightly more potent. Prolly depends on the brand somewhat too.