New member
Yeah man, this is da real sh*t 

Good job! I can notice some mass. Are you planning on doing another cycle after PCT?
Well yeah, mostly my mass went to back/legs/shoulders , though l can't f*kin find out how to blast those biceps. My tri's seems to grow ok from whatever l do ( my arms are now only 16" and even though they are only 16 most of it comes from triceps..) but l cant grow that biceps. l tried everything 12-10 rep range , 6-8 rep range , 4-6 rep range, 2 excercises 3 excercises like everything ! My Trainer said that we will try to do only dumbbell work for some time so they should improve but l doubt it and think that sometimes genetics play a role it doesnt matter u juice or not if ur arms grow they grow if not then not..
BUT! l wont start cycle until 2011 01-02 , 4-5 months recovery and rest with nutrition training resting and supplements. l like it but l'm not addicted to do it nonstop.
Heh, thanks guys,
Well about cycle maybe l will start it a bit earlier it all will depend on how l will feel, also on my material situation and so on.
Btw what mainly shoud l check at my doctor?
And 1 more thing. Yesterday l started creatine monohidrate 20g/day and since yesterdays evening through all night and till this morning l have some sharp pains in my heart. They are not constant but like 1 each minute or smth. like that. Can it be from creatine ? Never had those on cycle though until l started creatine.
Heh, thanks guys,
Well about cycle maybe l will start it a bit earlier it all will depend on how l will feel, also on my material situation and so on.
Btw what mainly shoud l check at my doctor?
And 1 more thing. Yesterday l started creatine monohidrate 20g/day and since yesterdays evening through all night and till this morning l have some sharp pains in my heart. They are not constant but like 1 each minute or smth. like that. Can it be from creatine ? Never had those on cycle though until l started creatine.