Test E/EQ Spring Cycle

Day 65

Day C11: Legs

Leg Press 6plates/10, 8plates/8, 10plates/8 widow maker 6plates/20
Seated Plate Loading Leg Curls 90/6RP, 70/10RP
Seated Calf Raise 100/20, 145/20, 145/20, 100/8RP

Extreme Quad Stretch 45 Seconds
Extreme Hamstring Stretch 60 Seconds

*drove home from my girlfriends house 6.5 hours away... felt a little tired, but had a pretty awesome workout
*pinned 375mg Enanthate and 300mg EQ on Saturday... noticed the slightest bit of swelling (no one would be able to tell if I didn't say anything)
*planning on cutting the Test 375mg/ml with Grape Seed Oil, dropping the concentration to 250mg/ml at 3% BA... hopefully this will solve all my problems
Do you use straps in training a lot bro? And if not, why not?

I use straps almost all the time when I train back. I use them sometimes when I do Stiff Leg DL's, but other than that no... I can't really think of any other reason I would use them other than if I'm pulling heavy weights.
Ok fairenough, i use them for everything even for forearms and bicep work, i kid you not i have added like an inch to my forearms by using heavier weigths with straps. Also it leaves my hand more fresh when i do pinching and other grip work.

One other thing i like about the is somehow i can really concentrate on the muscles working because i dont have to concentrate on gripping.
Hey whats your ultimate goal, training wise i mean? Are you planning on hitting the stage or PL meets etc... Or just a gym rat:)
Ok fairenough, i use them for everything even for forearms and bicep work, i kid you not i have added like an inch to my forearms by using heavier weigths with straps. Also it leaves my hand more fresh when i do pinching and other grip work.

One other thing i like about the is somehow i can really concentrate on the muscles working because i dont have to concentrate on gripping.

That is true and one of the reasons I use them with Back. I train Back with Biceps and very rarely work on my forearms and grip strength, even though I should. One of the reasons I don't use them for Bicep work is because I taxes the hell out of my forearms as well. I'm going to try and use them my next bicep workout and see if they help me at all, but I'll make sure that I incorporate some more forearm work.

Question for you, how often/on what days/which exercises do you do for grip strength and forearm development?? I was thinking about doing some plate pinching and some wrist rolls.

I've always been very lucky with my forearm size and strength, but after going to the Arnold Classic and seeing the power of the Strongman's hands, I want to incorporate some more grip/forearm work.
Hey whats your ultimate goal, training wise i mean? Are you planning on hitting the stage or PL meets etc... Or just a gym rat:)

That's really hard to say, I don't really have any desire to step on stage or a PL meet anytime soon. That may be because I am no where near ready for either one. I think at this point I'm kinda just looking to be the King Of the Gym wherever I go.

I would ultimately like to gain as much strength and size as possible and see where that takes me (hence why I incorporate some PL into my training). I like being bigger and stronger than most everyone in the gym and I want to be happy with the way I look. So long as I'm making progress, I'll be happy.

But in the future, a bodybuilding competition will probably take place before a PL meet.
I have always been told that grip strentgh and forearm strength dont really mean the same thing, i have only started to believe this for the past couple of months because i have separated the two. So i do all my working sets that use pulling muscles with straps, and that leaves my hands fresh to do grip work after evry workout. Thats 3x a week.

For grip i like: plate pinching(1 or 2 together), hex holds, holding max weigth(only with traps because it kills them too.)

For forearms(my fav muscle group): Pinwheel curls, reverse curl, reverse bodydrag curls, very rarely bends and also the DC strech has helped somewhat i think. Also if you do bends, try wrapping a towel around the bar(or if your gym has a fat bar) to get a thicker grip, imho hits the forearms a lot better and is a killer for grip too.

One great exercise thats good for both in a functional way is reverse curls whilst pinching plates.

I do consider my one rep max deadlift the one that i do without straps i must say.

So it sounds like your a gym rat, nuffing wrong with that, just dont ever come to my gym and try and rule my domain:D JK(or am I)
I have always been told that grip strentgh and forearm strength dont really mean the same thing, i have only started to believe this for the past couple of months because i have separated the two. So i do all my working sets that use pulling muscles with straps, and that leaves my hands fresh to do grip work after evry workout. Thats 3x a week.

For grip i like: plate pinching(1 or 2 together), hex holds, holding max weigth(only with traps because it kills them too.)

For forearms(my fav muscle group): Pinwheel curls, reverse curl, reverse bodydrag curls, very rarely bends and also the DC strech has helped somewhat i think. Also if you do bends, try wrapping a towel around the bar(or if your gym has a fat bar) to get a thicker grip, imho hits the forearms a lot better and is a killer for grip too.

One great exercise thats good for both in a functional way is reverse curls whilst pinching plates.

I do consider my one rep max deadlift the one that i do without straps i must say.

So it sounds like your a gym rat, nuffing wrong with that, just dont ever come to my gym and try and rule my domain:D JK(or am I)

Thanks for the information... I plan on incorporating some grip strength and forearm work into my training for sure.

I like the idea of doing some plate pinching and max weight holds for grip strength and maybe some reverse wrist curls and wrist rollers for forearms. I'll start posting what I do when I decide to get the ball rolling (should be tomorrow).
Day 66

8 pumps Sustain Alpha... rubbed all over my upper body

Day A12: Chest, Shoulders, Tris

Incline DB Press 120's/5, 120's/5, 120's/5, 75's/5RP
Pec Deck Flyes 140/15, 160/10, 160/10
Extreme Chest Stretch 60 Seconds

HS Shoulder Press 90(each side)/10, 100/6, 65/6RP
Rear DB Raises 40's/15, 45's/12, 45's/12
Extreme Shoulder Stretch 60 Seconds

CGBP 225/8, 245/4
One Arm Rope Pushdowns 70/12, 75/9, 100(both arms)/7RP
Extreme Tricep Stretch 60 Seconds

Plate Pinching 2 sets to failure
DB Max Holds 2 sets to failure

*felt really good, trained at my home gym which has 120's, so I figured I had to bang them out
How did you like the grip work? Did you pinch with one plate or two plates pressed together?

For me exercises that have my grip more open seem to produce more results. This is why i like hex holds better then holding a bar or dumbells.

Hex Dumbbell Hold - Grip Exercise | hulsestrength.com

I pinched 2 10lbs plates together. I liked it alot and my hands were pretty shot after doing them.

I did the DB Max Holds with 120's only because I had no other real options. The gym I train at it is a Gold's Gym "health club" with a fucking waterfall as I walk into the gym. It's not very hardcore at all.

I'll take a look into the hex holds. Thanks.
Day 67


*went to Peter Luger's Steak House last night for dinner and I didn't have to pay, which was great
*relaxed a lot today and I'm really looking to kill my workout tomorrow
Boyz, boyz, boyz - between the avitars from Milk, Mike and AZT - it's burnin a hole in my retinas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why did i log onto this site again? hahahaha NIce to have some quality eye candy! TX dudes!
Day 68

Day B12: Back, Biceps, Forearms

Lat Pull Downs 190/12, 220/10, 250/7, 175/5RP
Corner Rows 4plates/12, 5plates/10, 6plates/8
Lying T-Bar Rows 90/6RP
Cable Rows 200(close grip)/10, 220(wide grip)/8
Extreme Lat Stretch 60 Seconds

Incline DB Curls 40's/11, 45's/11, 50's/9
Cable Preacher Curls 40/8-3-3, 30 second static stretch
Extreme Bicep Stretch 60 Seconds

Barbell Wrist Curls 135/failure, 135/failure
One Arm Reverse Cable Curls 50/failure

Plate Pinching 2 sets to failure

*felt really good today, had a great training session and was really happy with the way I felt all day
Day 69


*changed my front breaks and rotors today and moved a bunch of furniture into storage for my apartment when I graduate... seemed more important than Legs at the time
*thinking about going for a max squat tomorrow

*changed my front breaks and rotors today and moved a bunch of furniture into storage for my apartment when I graduate... seemed more important than Legs at the time
*thinking about going for a max squat tomorrow

Hope you did a few squats when you lifted the filing cabinet and at least one set of presses with the sofa! BTW - nothin is more important than legs! ok maybe sex but certainly not moving furniture! - LOL