Hope you did a few squats when you lifted the filing cabinet and at least one set of presses with the sofa! BTW - nothin is more important than legs! ok maybe sex but certainly not moving furniture! - LOL
MilkD, be meaning to ask you what are you personal bests on the major lifts?
Nice squats man...Maxing it def takes time (did you have knee wraps on)?
Do you like starting with squats? I always feel like it takes forever to get warmed up if I start with squats.
Damnm nice squats man! Your wheels must be gettin huge now? no? how much have you put on so far w/ this cycle?
250mg Enanthate... right delt
Day A13: Chest, Shoulders, Tris
Flat Bench 275/1, 335/1, 345/1, 350/1 (missed)
Smith Machine Incline widowmaker 225/16
Incline Flyes 55's/12, 60's/9, 65's/8
DB Shoulder Press 75's/9, 75's/7, 50's/7RP
Side Raises 30's/12, 35's/10 (hard pause at top)
Overhead DB Extension 100/12, 100/11, 100/11
Smith Machine CGBP 205/10, 225/7, 225/5
Plate Pinching 3 x failure
*felt pretty good on the Bench, would have liked to been able to hit the 350-355 range, but I think the max Squat yesterday burnt my out slightly
*workout was WAY longer than I would have liked because of the maxing out
Yo dude - looking brolic - so you are up about 50lbs on your bench in 72 days - not bad, my man! How long was your workout? - what kind of rest between sets are u looking at for the bench? what do you recommend? i usually do a stretch between so it's 2-3 mins. and why did you cut down the test E?
damn kid...upwards of 240lbs...getting large and in charge
Thanks brother. 6'4" 240lbs 11-12% body fat... I'm happy with how I look right now, might even be happier when I add in either the Masteron or the Anavar lol
I respect you bro. Alot of these guys dont know how hard it is to get that thick look when your over 6 feet tall. I am 6'5". It can be a pain doing heavy squats and deads then your tall.
*have never done Box Squats before, but I really liked them... they were different and smoked my quads with minimal weight