Test E/EQ Spring Cycle

Hope you did a few squats when you lifted the filing cabinet and at least one set of presses with the sofa! BTW - nothin is more important than legs! ok maybe sex but certainly not moving furniture! - LOL

lol, 2 hours on my hands and knees with the car up on jack stands seemed like a fair enough reason to not to Squat today. Saved myself some big bucks though.
MilkD, be meaning to ask you what are you personal bests on the major lifts?

Bench: 350lbs... could have probably got 360lbs if I would have bi-passed the 335 and 345 attempts

Squat: 405lbs for 5... 2 inches below parallel

Deadlift: 550lbs

I will be re-attempting all my max's soon, would like to know where I stand.
Day 70

250mg Enanthate... left delt
600mg EQ... right quad


*Spring Break is over, drove back to school and took it easy for most of the day
*added filtered Grapeseed Oil into my Enanthate 375mg/ml and made it 250mg/ml... injection felt great and I'm happy that these shitty injects are over
Day 71

Day C12: Legs (minus calves)

Squats 315/5, 385/1, 405/1, 425/1, 450/1
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 265/10, 295/8, 335/5, 385/5
Leg Extensions 90/15, 110/12, 110/12
Lying Leg Curls 70/7RP

*trained at the underground powerlifting gym today because the school gym was closed for break still... all the machine weights are off and doing calves there is miserable, so I skipped them and will do them tomorrow
*felt comfortable knowing that the guys in the gym knew how to spot, so I went as heavy as possible... hit 450 rather easy, and I'm thinking next time around I may just start at 450 and see where I die out
*overall great workout, took a little longer than I would have liked, but the one reppers take a lot of time to recover from
Nice squats man...Maxing it def takes time (did you have knee wraps on)?

Do you like starting with squats? I always feel like it takes forever to get warmed up if I start with squats.
Nice squats man...Maxing it def takes time (did you have knee wraps on)?

Do you like starting with squats? I always feel like it takes forever to get warmed up if I start with squats.

No knee wraps for me, I was thinking about getting some, but I don't go heavy enough often enough to worry all that much. I do use a thick leather belt for my back though.

I do like starting with Squats. I always stretch and shake out my legs for a while before I start adding on weight. I didn't post the sets at 135, 225, and 285, they are just warm ups for me.
Damnm nice squats man! Your wheels must be gettin huge now? no? how much have you put on so far w/ this cycle?
Damnm nice squats man! Your wheels must be gettin huge now? no? how much have you put on so far w/ this cycle?

My quads and hammy's have always been a strong body part for me, my calves on the other hand have always been lacking. With that being said, I have noticed some vast improvements in my calves because of the DC training.

I'm hovering in the 240lb range, but have seen my bodyfat decrease by about 2%. I would call it a 10 pound positive gain thus far, so I'm just going to keep on trucking along and see where it takes me. Ultimately in the next 8 weeks, I'd like to get to 245lbs with 10% bodyfat. If I had to estimate, I'd say that my bodyfat is right about 12%.
Day 72

250mg Enanthate... right delt

Day A13: Chest, Shoulders, Tris

Flat Bench 275/1, 335/1, 345/1, 350/1 (missed)
Smith Machine Incline widowmaker 225/16
Incline Flyes 55's/12, 60's/9, 65's/8

DB Shoulder Press 75's/9, 75's/7, 50's/7RP
Side Raises 30's/12, 35's/10 (hard pause at top)

Overhead DB Extension 100/12, 100/11, 100/11
Smith Machine CGBP 205/10, 225/7, 225/5

Plate Pinching 3 x failure

*felt pretty good on the Bench, would have liked to been able to hit the 350-355 range, but I think the max Squat yesterday burnt my out slightly
*workout was WAY longer than I would have liked because of the maxing out
250mg Enanthate... right delt

Day A13: Chest, Shoulders, Tris

Flat Bench 275/1, 335/1, 345/1, 350/1 (missed)
Smith Machine Incline widowmaker 225/16
Incline Flyes 55's/12, 60's/9, 65's/8

DB Shoulder Press 75's/9, 75's/7, 50's/7RP
Side Raises 30's/12, 35's/10 (hard pause at top)

Overhead DB Extension 100/12, 100/11, 100/11
Smith Machine CGBP 205/10, 225/7, 225/5

Plate Pinching 3 x failure

*felt pretty good on the Bench, would have liked to been able to hit the 350-355 range, but I think the max Squat yesterday burnt my out slightly
*workout was WAY longer than I would have liked because of the maxing out

Yo dude - looking brolic - so you are up about 50lbs on your bench in 72 days - not bad, my man! How long was your workout? - what kind of rest between sets are u looking at for the bench? what do you recommend? i usually do a stretch between so it's 2-3 mins. and why did you cut down the test E?
Yo dude - looking brolic - so you are up about 50lbs on your bench in 72 days - not bad, my man! How long was your workout? - what kind of rest between sets are u looking at for the bench? what do you recommend? i usually do a stretch between so it's 2-3 mins. and why did you cut down the test E?

Yeah man, it's right around 50lbs on the bench in 10 weeks... Not to bad as far as I'm concerned.

The workout ended up being about an hour and 40 minutes which is about 30 minutes longer than my normal 70 minutes. After about 80 minutes or so I get super restless and all I want to do is book out of the gym.

I normally take the standard 2 minute break in between sets, but when I'm maxing out, it can creep towards 4-5 minutes. I need to feel like my heart rate is all the way back down and I'm comfortable and ready to hit the set.

I'm going to be back to the normal 750mg/wk of Test E ASAP. I was having that injection swelling/soreness issue that was absolutely unbearable, so after my 375mg injection 2 Saturday's ago I decided that I would add Oil to everything and only shoot 1cc to access the problem. Now that I know it was a BA concentration/hormone concentration issue, I'll be working my way back into the normal injection schedule.
Thanks brother. 6'4" 240lbs 11-12% body fat... I'm happy with how I look right now, might even be happier when I add in either the Masteron or the Anavar lol

I respect you bro. Alot of these guys dont know how hard it is to get that thick look when your over 6 feet tall. I am 6'5". It can be a pain doing heavy squats and deads then your tall.
I respect you bro. Alot of these guys dont know how hard it is to get that thick look when your over 6 feet tall. I am 6'5". It can be a pain doing heavy squats and deads then your tall.

It sucks sometimes... You have to move the weight that much further. I wouldn't give it up for anything though, I like being taller and bigger than most.
Day 73 and 74

Day 73

Day 74
Day B13: Back, Biceps, Forearms, Abs

Lat Pull Downs 150/10, 180/10, 200/5, 200/22
Smith Machine Rack Pulls 315/8, 405/5, 495/5
Low Cable Rows 180/8-3-2RP

Standing EZ Bar Curls 65/15, 85/12, 105/8
Nautilus One Arm Preacher 80/10, 80/10, 50/8RP

One Arm Reverse Cable Curls 50/12, 50/10
superset w/
Decline Bench Crunches 2 x 20
Nautilus Machine Crunches 150/15, 150/15

*didn't really have it today... woke up early to train because I have a paper to write all day
Day 75

250mg Enanthate... left quad

Day C13: Legs

Smith Machine One Leg Squats 135/10(each leg), 165/10, 185/8, 205/6
Box Squats 135/10, 165/8, 185/8
Seated Leg Curls 150/15, 150/15, 150/15
Leg Extension 150/40

Nautilus Calf Press 300/20, 350/20, 350/20, 150/12RP

Plate Pinching 2 x failure
Max Hold's w/ 100's 2 x failure

*felt pretty good today, but I can definately tell the difference in the way I feel having had a fucked up injection schedule and cutting the dose in half for 10 days or so... injections will be back on track on Saturday w/ 375mg Enanthate and 300mg EQ
*have never done Box Squats before, but I really liked them... they were different and smoked my quads with minimal weight
*have never done Box Squats before, but I really liked them... they were different and smoked my quads with minimal weight

DOODE! you're a fukkin machine! - all that and you can write papers too? does that use a different part of yor brain? i think I may have fried that part...but I can't remember - got top takle mo of those fish oil caps! LOL I have been You Tubing the box squats and it's #1 on my list of new exercises to work in! I'm too sore now but in a few weeks - I like the idea of smokin the quads! hahaha Mikea i may hit u up for some advice when i go for the box!