Keep doing box squats mategreat exercise and really easy to master the squat technique!
Loved the chest stretch milk. It took a little getting used too and it felt like I really need to bury my back against the incline pad to make it efective. Luckily some NCAA game was on right in front of me so I used the clock to time it. Shit around 40 seconds with the 50's and I felt like I was going to dye. Im finding your log very informative for ive been kinda stuck in the gym and im gonna try some of your workouts, appreciate it. Whats that shoulder stretch? Tell He-Man I will pay him for to meet him and get his stretches, lol.
Great log. How old are you? My stats are similiar so I am reading you log with interest, but I haven't read all of it yet. 6'3" 240 lbs and 14% bodyfat, 32 years old. I'd say you are stronger than me though. Hopefully I can catch up when I get back on a real cycle. I'm just doing 1-T Tren/Epistane(I am impressed btw) for now because I'm coming off of a long layoff.
I figured you were younger since you have all the papers to write. The 1-T Tren is really good for a legal compound. I would definitely recommend it stacked with Epistane for someone who isn't wanting to run a 'real' cycle. I didn't want to run a cycle until I am back to 100% after the long layoff. It has given me a huge jump start, so after I run my PCT and take a break then I can start a true cycle and take my body to a whole different level. I've never run real Tren, just Sus and D-bol. I wouldn't compare it to real Tren, but also the sides are not comparable either. Now that I am running this and liking it, I plan on trying Tren A on a future cycle, maybe later this year.
*went out for a couple drinks and had a really good time
*played baseball on Saturday, seems like the bigger I get, the more my skills diminish
Its funny you say that cause my early high school years I was great at basketball. I got on a rec league team last year cause they begged me and man do I suck now!
It's funny man. In high school, I was a very good baseball player. I hit #4, was the number one starter and it looked like I was going to have some opportunities to play at a higher level. Then I tweaked my shoulder, had to calm down on the pitching and starting hitting the weights hard. Got bigger and bigger, and ultimately worse and worse on the field.
I also always played pick up basketball my whole life and was decent at that as well. I could do all types of sweet dunks when I was in high school at a little under 6'3" and 190lbs. Now I'm just over 6'4" and 240lbs, way stronger and can still jump, but have a lot of trouble dunking. Oh well, I guess I'm happier now than I was then, so fuck it.
Hey Milkman, I am on the same training split as you. What day to you work traps? I've been training mine on shoulder days, but sometime I wonder about training them on back days.
I don't train traps... I really don't feel like I need to. Deadlifts are more than sufficient for trap growth.