Milk I'm going to vegas in June 4th and I'm in week 10 of my cycle. I still have another 4 weeks left to my cycle My weight is 210 and my body fat is 9 percent I'm 6'1 I have some clen on hand and was thinking about taking it. The Problem is this A I'm scared because I will be getting done with my cycle the week I go up to Vegas and I know I will be drinking a lot. I have never been, and I'm going up with a bunch of my girlfriends. How can you go to vegas and not drink? Also I'm wondering how much bf could I cut in the next month? with the clen? Last thing, I ran Clen about 6 months ago and when I took it I got the WORST CRAMPS EVER. I mean it was so bad I thought I was gonna die. I couldn't move my whole body was cramping. Maybe I took to much for the first time. I cramp pretty easy! Could I buy some taurine and take it? Also when using clen how much cardio should be done 20-30 mins? Should workouts consist of high intensity? Also I have been using a lot of pre-workout drinks and caffine drinks before my workouts, do you use any preworkout drinks such as noexplode or super pump 250?
Going to Vegas is your choice man, personally I would have planned a little bit better. The only thing I could suggest would be cut the cycle short by 2 weeks or extend it another 2 weeks. The ball is in your court.
If you're really 9% bf, you should already be cut to shreds and shouldn't be worrying too much about dropping more body fat. The Clen will help you drop your body fat more though, I'd say you could easily drop another 2% if your diet and training are on point.
As far as the cramps, Taurine/Potassium/Water is the only thing I could suggest. I don't get the cramps too bad from Clen, but that's what I use no matter what.
Cardio preference is up to you. I have had a lot of success doing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, but I've also had success doing it after a lifting session. Generally, I do lower intensity training because I hate cardio and it makes it more bearable. With that being said, I'm going to start PLing in July, and I will be doing sprint work then.
I've used a bunch of different pre-workout supplements and caffeine products. As far as I'm concerned, the best NO product I've used was SuperPump250.
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