Test E/EQ Spring Cycle

Day 104

375mg Enanthate... left quad
5 pumps 1-T Tren
1 pump AIFM

Day B17: Back, Biceps, Forearms

Deadlifts 405/5, 475/6, 500/3
Close Grip Lat Pulldowns 200/10, 200/10, 200/7
Underhand Lying T-Bar Rows 115/10, 125/8, 80/5RP

One Arm DB Preachers 45/8, 45/8
Seated DB Curls 45's/9, 30's/6RP

One Arm Reverse Cable Curls 50/10 (failure)

*felt really good today, needed the couple days off to rest
*going to focus more on DB's for arm work as I feel my left arm is somehow now noticeably smaller than my right
Damn Milk you weren't playin around dog. Try hennesey with Hypnotic it's called an incredible hulk, i think you will like it.
Damn Milk you weren't playin around dog. Try hennesey with Hypnotic it's called an incredible hulk, i think you will like it.

Oh I've had it... And I do like it. The bar I work at doesn't stock either, there is no real demand for it being as it's expensive lol. Everyone is too damn cheap to enjoy incredible hulks.
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One more you might like Riptide Ripper 6 shots in a smoothie but tastes like Hawain punch. Enough of the drinks though so you gonna go for a PR with your deadlift?

Also you tried Zercher Squats yet milk?
Days 105-106

5 pumps 1-T Tren
1 pump AIFM

NO TRAINING either day...

* I was planning on training Saturday and/or Sunday, but it worked out that these 2 days were the nicest days of the year thus far and I decided to go to a buddies lake house one day and take it easy the next.
*Will be back on track today and I'm planning on hitting it hard.
One more you might like Riptide Ripper 6 shots in a smoothie but tastes like Hawain punch. Enough of the drinks though so you gonna go for a PR with your deadlift?

Also you tried Zercher Squats yet milk?

I don't know if I'm going to try a PR with deadlifts... If I feel really good one day I might give it a go, otherwise I might just go for another attempt at 500+ and see how many reps I can get.

I have tried Zerchers once before and I liked them except for the fact that they murdered my arms. The arm-pit of my elbows suffered alot from them.
Day 107

375mg Enanthate... upper right quad
5 pumps 1-T Tren... AM application
10 pumps Sustain Alpha... PM application
1 pump AIFM

Day C17: Legs, Abs

Box Squats 275/6, 295/5, 335/4
Seated Leg Curls 150/15, 170/12, 190/10
Leg Extensions 230/15, 260/12, 290/10
Leg Press Widowmaker 5plates/20
45 Degree Calf Press 270/20, 270/20, 270/15, 180/8RP
Decline Crunches 3 x 20
Nautilus Ab Crunch 150/15, 150/15

*Felt pretty good, the Box Squats are pretty killer and I'm really excited about incorporating them more often.
You do some fishing at the lake house milk?

Hey been meaning to ask you have you noticed more sex drive with the sustain-alpha?

Did you use elbow wraps when you tried the Zercher squats?
You do some fishing at the lake house milk?

Hey been meaning to ask you have you noticed more sex drive with the sustain-alpha?

Did you use elbow wraps when you tried the Zercher squats?

Unfortunately no I didn't get to do any fishing, we all just hung out BBQed and did some day drinking. They have a pontoon boat at the house, so we grabbed a keg and sat out on the water for a while.

The sex drive hasn't been up per say, but the days after I apply the Sustain Alpha I feel a greater sense of well-being, etc... much like when you give yourself a good shock of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). IMHO it is much like using a low dose of HCG throughout your cycle.

I don't have elbow wraps, I have never really been too into PL so I never saw it as necessary. Come July, when I do some more serious PL (plan on going on a variation of the Variation X program, with some other PL principles) I plan on getting my hands on some along with knee wraps and lifting hooks.
Hey Milky i know you like to tweek things for yourself, but can i recommend that you do one full rotation of Variation x, before you start tweaking it. The reason being that it simply works so well and tweaking it before trying and seeing how and what works will leed to less gains, because its easy to fuck it up. Trust me, Jim Wendler knows hes shit;) But like DC says``you do what you want´´.

As for elbow wraps, lifting hooks?! Dlove, Milky WTF, thats not PL :D I hope you are kidding! Why dont you two just buy a triple ply benchshirt and get on with it;)

srsly tho, im all for pl training but dont get hooked on the gear please. I have trained with some world elite at the Metal Gym in Helsinki, and i can honestly say that those guys dont use none of that shait. The guys who bench 300 in theyre wet dreams, well they do.

hehe, please dont ban me Milky:)
^^^^^ ban the sob!

hahahaha - the benchshirt sounds like a great idea - i was looking at those online last night and read an article in M&F about how it increses your strength 10% rite out of the gate! plus it's a good look - just a step down from superhero - LOL give it a go dude - you can always sell it on Craigs list if you don't like it.
Hey Milky i know you like to tweek things for yourself, but can i recommend that you do one full rotation of Variation x, before you start tweaking it. The reason being that it simply works so well and tweaking it before trying and seeing how and what works will leed to less gains, because its easy to fuck it up. Trust me, Jim Wendler knows hes shit;) But like DC says``you do what you want´´.

As for elbow wraps, lifting hooks?! Dlove, Milky WTF, thats not PL :D I hope you are kidding! Why dont you two just buy a triple ply benchshirt and get on with it;)

srsly tho, im all for pl training but dont get hooked on the gear please. I have trained with some world elite at the Metal Gym in Helsinki, and i can honestly say that those guys dont use none of that shait. The guys who bench 300 in theyre wet dreams, well they do.

hehe, please dont ban me Milky:)

I will take your advice on this one for sure. The only thing I meant by tweaking it the slightest was that I was going to throw in some bicep curls, calf raises, things of that sort to do a little bit of bodybuilding as well. Honestly though, I haven't looked it over completely so I don't even know if that is already thrown in there to begin with.

I would only use the elbow wraps for Zercher Squats, and the hooks... well yeah, you're right I don't need them. I just don't want to rip my arms to shreds when trying to build my back/legs. I'm not strong enough to be worrying about wrapping my elbows and knees quite yet.

^^^^^ ban the sob!

hahahaha - the benchshirt sounds like a great idea - i was looking at those online last night and read an article in M&F about how it increses your strength 10% rite out of the gate! plus it's a good look - just a step down from superhero - LOL give it a go dude - you can always sell it on Craigs list if you don't like it.

No banning lol. I can take the constructive criticism.
Day 108

60mg Anavar... 3-20mg doses throughout the day
5 pumps 1-T Tren
2 pumps AIFM

Day A18: Chest, Shoulders, Tris

Flat Bench 315/4, 225/10, 185/10
Incline DB Flys 55's/10, 60's/9
Cable Cross Overs 90/10, 90/10
Smith Machine Incline Press 185/6RP
60 Second Extreme Chest Stretch

Nautilus Shoulder Press 200/10, 225/7, 130/6RP

Skull Crushers w/ Tricep Press Bar 75/12, 75/12
Straight Bar Pushdowns 150/15, 150/12

*didn't feel all that strong today, so I decided to go with slightly more volume than normal...
*gotta get more calories in and get rid of these fucking allergies
No banning lol. I can take the constructive criticism.

Not even abusive cranky old bastards like me? hahaha - J/K mikea always has good comments. so when did you start taking the Anavar (var) & why? extra kick at the end? you have about 2 weeks left till PCT?
so when did you start taking the Anavar (var) & why? extra kick at the end? you have about 2 weeks left till PCT?

I've wanted to run Anavar (var) since my second cycle and have never gotten the chance to do so. I figured what better time then now to give it a shot. I'm going to end up running it for just short of 5 weeks, so I figured I'd get a good feel for it. I'm definitely going to run it my next cutting cycle (which is going to be a Test P/Tren A/Var a year from now :().

PCT will start on June 1st. The cycle is going to end up being a total of 20 weeks, which is 2 more than I originally planned. I'm not going to be running anything again til 2010, so I figured it isn't going to create too many problems.
Aah i see what you mean about tweaking it now!

Sorry for the rant about the equipment, i mean its all fine and if it helps alliviate some pain then its more then fine. What i wanted to say is, dont get hooked on the gear because theres a lot of it on the pl side. Which i know your smart enough to not do.

For Z squat pain i always rap a beach towel around the bar and it feels comfortable. I also remember reading an article on elitefts about puttin a single board where your biceps are to make it more confortable! Or alternatively you could get this: :D


Is that Mr. Simmons?

I think the Variation X is gonna be an excellent choice to gain while off aas, and i hope you will start a log on that also!
Aah i see what you mean about tweaking it now!

Sorry for the rant about the equipment, i mean its all fine and if it helps alliviate some pain then its more then fine. What i wanted to say is, dont get hooked on the gear because theres a lot of it on the pl side. Which i know your smart enough to not do.

For Z squat pain i always rap a beach towel around the bar and it feels comfortable. I also remember reading an article on elitefts about puttin a single board where your biceps are to make it more confortable! Or alternatively you could get this: :D


Is that Mr. Simmons?

I think the Variation X is gonna be an excellent choice to gain while off aas, and i hope you will start a log on that also!

I'll use the equipment accordingly. I like wrist straps because they allow me to focus on the muscle worked rather than holding onto the damn weight and anything for support (ie. knee or elbow wraps) will only be used if I really start to feel weak in the joint.

I've seen the beach towel idea done and that's probably what I'll do as well. That lift just kills the arms and anything I can do to make it not is a plus.

That is Louie. I can't imagine many other gyms having those things lying around even though it is quite cool.

Of course I will have a log for the Variation X, it keeps me motivated to train hard and keep myself accountable.
Day 109 and 110

Day 109 - OFF

Day 110 B18: Back, Bis, Abs, Forearms

Pull Ups bw/12, bw/14, bw/7 (super wide)
Lat Pull Downs 130/7RP
Rack Pulls 405/5, 495/5, 545/4, 585/1 (PR)
Cable Rows 200/12, 200/12, 200/10

EZ Bar Curls 85/12, 85/8
Pinwheel Curls 70's/10, 70's/9

Reverse Cable Curls 100/12, 100/12
superset w/
Decline Bench Crunches 3 x 25

*bent the bar on the Rack Pulls, it is no longer usable
*overall awesome workout, was looking large and in charge

375mg Enanthate... upper left quad
60mg Anavar... 3-20mg doses throughout the day
5 pumps 1-T Tren
2 pumps AIFM
Day 111, 112, 113


60mg Anavar... 3-20mg doses throughout the day
2 pumps AIFM

*Was in Pittsburgh the whole weekend. Got to go to a Pirates game on Friday night and went to the marathon on Sunday. My girlfriends sister was running and we went to give her some support, etc... It was pretty cool to see all these people who trained to run in the marathon. It got me motivated to train harder and eventually compete in something. Powerlifting here I come.