Test e/NPP, 3 months, starting today...

was a battle last night doing legs, and I'm feeling it this morning already...

inner thigh machine x 4 sets
outer thigh machine x 4 sets
seated hamstring curls x 4 sets
leg extensions x 4 sets
leg presses x 10 sets (yeah, I didn't know when to quit)

back at it today (Tuesday) for Chest and maybe some delts...
ended up taking Tuesday off from the gym, super heavy rain and just didn't want to get soaked making the 15min walk there... was probably a positive as I killed legs the night before and still feeling them today (Wednesday)

so I got to the gym around lunchtime today for chest and some delts...

fly machine x 2 sets (warmup)
incline barbell presses x 5 sets
cable flys x 4 sets
incline hammer strength presses x 4 sets
fly machine x 4 sets
chest press machine x 1 set (finisher)

dumbbell laterals x 4 sets (last one a drop set)
front raises w/ cambered bar x 3 sets (no weight added)
hi cable rope pulls for rear delts x 4 sets
shoulder press machine x 4 sets
lateral raises with 5kg plates, strict form, x 3 sets (finisher)

about a week and a half til I'm back in Canada... should be interesting be back training there again. Will be hitting it hard in every way over the next week and a bit ;)
yesterday off, migraine kept me in bed til about 6pm and I was a write-off... got my appetite about 8pm and ate straight through til about midnight.

back in the gym today at noon... did a decent a back workout, but still not feeling up to par after yesterday

pull down machine
machine rows
wide grip standing cable back pulls (pullovers)
seated narrow grip pull downs

the sun is out today, first time this week so will get to the pool in about an hour (got to get some sun in while I can, won't be any swimming outdoors when I get back to Canada)

tris/bis tomorrow
appetite was back with a vengeance tonight...

after training tonight couldn't turn Mcdonald's down for a big mac and a McSpicy chicken sandwich (only available in China and it's awesome)...

came home, had a protein shake (250ml skim milk, 8 ice cubes, 3 squirts chocolate syrup, table spoon of peanut butter, 1.5 scoop unflavoured isonatural whey isolate)

went swimming... then had another protein shake (same as above)

two hours later... had a whole chicken (steamed), with rice and tomatoes (raw, stirred in the rice)... ate that meal over a couple hours

then at 11pm was starving again... had 2 big macs and 500ml of skim milk, 2 apple pies (yeah, yeah I know, not bodybuilder food, but I couldn't resist... I won't get fried apple pied in Canada haha)... I have 10 days left in China so I gotta live a little :)

12am... ate a grapefruit... and that will do it for today

got up, had a protein shake (my usual 1.5 scoops of isonatural unflavoured w/, a tablespoon peanut butter, 3 squirts of choco syrup, 250ml skim milk and 8 ice cubes... blended) and 2 pieces of toast

then was off to the gym for tris/bis:

rope push downs
dip machine
skull crushers on slight incline superset w/ straight bar push downs

hi cable concentration curls
standing ez-bar curls
standing (leaning over a bench) dumbbell hammer concentration curls
isolated curl machine

hi cable concentration curls superset w/ reverse grip pushdowns (finisher x 3 sets)

made a big pot of ground beef, onions, tomatoes... eat that with rice 3 times over the next 8 hours (one protein shake and a bowl of cheerios in between)

Sunday (today) could be legs, but could be a rest day (if a rest day I'll hit the pool)
did a mini leg workout yesterday... was better than staying at home

seated ham curls x 5 sets
leg extensions x 5 sets
calf raises x 5 sets
dumbbell shrugs x 4 sets

will do a bit more legs later in the week... today will get to the gym for some chest/delts
today was a decent chest/delt session...

hi cable flys x 4 sets
incline barbell presses x 5 sets
slight incline dumbbell flys x 4 sets
flat smith presses x 5 sets

dumbbell laterals x 5 sets
rope hi cable pulls (rear delts) x 4 sets
smith machine presses, behind the neck x 4 sets
dumbbell front raises x 3 sets
strict form laterals with 5kg plates x 3 sets (finisher)
today (Tuesday) is a day away from the gym...

went swimming in the afternoon, and will eat a big dinner tonight... tomorrow is a back workout
down to my last couple of days in mainland China, 2 workouts... will do back and a bit more legs tonight, then a bit of chest with a tri/bi workout tomorrow... then staying 2 days in Hong Kong before getting on the flight back to Toronto on Sunday
went a bit bonkers during my back session tonight, was nice to be in that zone for about 45min ;)

let out a few grunts and umphs, had more than a few people thinking I was outta my mind...

lat pull down machine x 5 sets
hammer strength low rows x 5 sets
close grip pull downs x 5 sets
seated hamstring curls x 2 sets of 25 reps (was getting dizzy so called it a night)

tomorrow will be a mixed bag of tricks as it's my last day of training til next mon or Tuesday due to travelling...
Got in a full body workout on Saturday morning in Hong Kong... Then got on the flight home to Canada on Sunday. Sure is nice to be back, looking forward to getting back to my old gym in the next couple days :)
Back to my old gym today, had a good chest/delt workout...

Fly machine x 4 sets
Incline dumbbell presses x 4 sets
Machine presses x 5 sets
Cable flys x 4 sets

Dumbbell laterals
Machine presses
Rear delt machine