ended up taking Tuesday off from the gym, super heavy rain and just didn't want to get soaked making the 15min walk there... was probably a positive as I killed legs the night before and still feeling them today (Wednesday)
so I got to the gym around lunchtime today for chest and some delts...
fly machine x 2 sets (warmup)
incline barbell presses x 5 sets
cable flys x 4 sets
incline hammer strength presses x 4 sets
fly machine x 4 sets
chest press machine x 1 set (finisher)
dumbbell laterals x 4 sets (last one a drop set)
front raises w/ cambered bar x 3 sets (no weight added)
hi cable rope pulls for rear delts x 4 sets
shoulder press machine x 4 sets
lateral raises with 5kg plates, strict form, x 3 sets (finisher)
about a week and a half til I'm back in Canada... should be interesting be back training there again. Will be hitting it hard in every way over the next week and a bit