I have been taking magnesium supplements as well as calcium/potassium.
I'll drop them and already started iron supplements.
Here is doctor comment(used google translate):
Thank you for taking samples via Werlabs. We have now looked at your values, below follows an assessment.
Please click "View More" to the right of the cursor name to see how your values ***8203;***8203;have changed over time and read more about each individual cursor.
When assessing your blood samples, you can see:
Your testosterone value is greatly increased. This is usually seen with too high a dose of testosterone preparation which you indicate that you are taking. You should discuss the dose with your attending physician as it may be harmfully high.
Your leukocytes (white blood cells) are slightly elevated, which is quite unspecified and the value can be enhanced by a variety of mild infections and inflammations as well as stress. The fact that your CRP is located normally speaks of no serious infection / inflammation.
Your platelets are high, which can sometimes be seen secondary to infection, inflammation, bleeding, trauma / surgery or after physical exertion. This value, in itself, does not lead to increased tendency, but it may be good to check the next time you take a blood sample. May be seen as a result of high testosterone levels.
Your iron value is low but then this is a fairly insecure value with high variability over a short period of time, and your Ferritin value, which is a safer measure of the body's iron storage, is good, so do not speak this for severe iron deficiency.
Your Magnesium value is just above the upper reference value, which is likely to be a normal variant without connection to ill health. Can be seen at high intake via diet (ex food supplement).
Your blood lipids are severely disadvantageous with a skew quota, elevated levels of free fatty acids (triglycerides), high levels of "bad" cholesterol LDL and low level of "good" HDL with associated HDL. This is probably due to your high testosterone level.
Your potassium value is slightly elevated, which can be seen when taking certain medicines after muscle damage or it may be a normal variant, but it is an observational that is good to follow up the next time you take a blood sample to see that the potassium value not then deviate further.
Your Calcium value is slightly elevated, which is an observation, however, the increase is very discreet and is probably about a normal variant.
Incidentally, nothing remarkable in your blood samples.
Your blood value (hemoglobin value) is good and largely unchanged compared to before.
Your regular blood sugar and long-term blood sugar (HbA1c) are good.
Your thyroid gland (TSH, T4 / Tyroxin) is normal and no signs of aberrant thyroid function are seen.
Normal levels of liver enzymes AST and ALT.
Normal kidney function.
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