Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

So far the most positive effect off this cycle is definitely my posture. My lower back has always been bit weak and i tend to sit long hours in front a computer like a couch potato.
Also looking forward to measurements on monday.

Will be interesting to see if its just me that see's a difference or maybe I'm actually growing :D

I'm still bit sore all around but feel like I could/should go to the gym today but gonna rest and add saturday next week instead :)

Sit your ass down and eat a can of tuna and a quarter cup of brown rice. Take your ass to the gym and punish your muscles for not being as big as you want them to be. When you leave the gym eat another can of tuna.

Then come back and thank me later. Resting is for dudes that are too weak to shoot their bodies full of hormones. You need zero rest days......work days only. Sleep between work and gym time, eat when not sleeping or working out. ;)

Sorry bro......I'm at work now and I've had too many energy drinks. Lol:insane2:
Sit your ass down and eat a can of tuna and a quarter cup of brown rice. Take your ass to the gym and punish your muscles for not being as big as you want them to be. When you leave the gym eat another can of tuna.

Then come back and thank me later. Resting is for dudes that are too weak to shoot their bodies full of hormones. You need zero rest days......work days only. Sleep between work and gym time, eat when not sleeping or working out. ;)

Sorry bro......I'm at work now and I've had too many energy drinks. Lol:insane2:

You keep recommending diet stuff I HATE WITH A PASSION!!!! Where is the chocolate cake ?!? Where is the chocolate milk ?!? Where is the "insert chocolately thingy" ?!?
I thought we were friends...
Joking aside. I would rather go hungry then to eat brown rice. At least until I hit starvation levels. Brown rice is something you give to punish children ffs... :(

I'm not stressing the workout part, its literally the only thing I'm 100% confident in :D
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I just noticed today that I have a small lump in my delt from the last(only) injection. Hurts a bit if you push on it but only been 6-7 days. Not swollen or warm just a pea sized lump. Can't really see anything from the outside but def can feel it.
I just noticed today that I have a small lump in my delt from the last(only) injection. Hurts a bit if you push on it but only been 6-7 days. Not swollen or warm just a pea sized lump. Can't really see anything from the outside but def can feel it.

Don't push on it. Eat a can of tuna and some brown rice instead. :)
You keep recommending diet stuff I HATE WITH A PASSION!!!! Where is the chocolate cake ?!? Where is the chocolate milk ?!? Where is the "insert chocolately thingy" ?!?
I thought we were friends...
Joking aside. I would rather go hungry then to eat brown rice. At least until I hit starvation levels. Brown rice is something you give to punish children ffs... :(

I'm not stressing the workout part, its literally the only thing I'm 100% confident in :D

brown rice is good for you, if not, eat pasta. have you tried Jenny Craig for meals yet?
brown rice is good for you, if not, eat pasta. have you tried Jenny Craig for meals yet?

I really cant stand brown rice. Had to google jenny craig and seems like meal prep thats delivered to you ? Have a similar service here but its expensive as fuck.
Not long until I get my own kitchen anyhow though, cant wait :D
What do you guys use for the stretchmarks you get from growing "too fast" ?
If someone says olive or coconut oil i'm unfriending you.... :(
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What do you guys use for the stretchmarks you get from growing "too fast" ?
If someone says olive or coconut oil i'm unfriending you.... :(

Always used vitamin E and had some success. They say there is nothing you can do....except time, but most doctors will tell you vitamin E. I think it's less about the vitamin E and more about the oil. Keeping them oiled up helps them heal.
Gotta ask.....are you growing so fast you're getting stretch marks? Wish I had that problem ;)
Gotta ask.....are you growing so fast you're getting stretch marks? Wish I had that problem ;)

Yes, always had this problem since forever, got my first biceps marks at around 14-15.
But i've noticed this weekend I'm getting it in new, never before places, like triceps, new on right bicep, little bet on chest/delt "connection".
And I dont even wanna talk about my legs... :P
Actually, the more I look, the more its visible pretty much everywhere...gonna be fun to see how I look in 10 weeks lol...

I've been using lotion now and then but was hoping for a miracle cure.

Gonna check out vitamin e, thanks!
Also gonna buy some tattoo cream, probably wont hurt.
Going for bloodwork tomorrow, suspecting my estro will be high since i've been bit emotional past days, we'll see mid week!
Now I'm gonna play some ps4 and enjoy a chill sunday :)
This will be my new split starting tomorrow.

Shoulder+lower back+back.
Abs/core work every day.

Adding saturday so every muscle group gets hit at least twice every 7 day period.
My back and especially lower back is a problem area and something we've decided to make the focus for this cycle.

Also gonna incorporate some calisthenics into the workouts because I personally like it.
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My source currently has b vitamin shots, hydro and chlore something, 2 different versions. In glass ampules and looks legit.
Was wondering if anyone has any experince with taking bvitamin IM and if its worth it.
Think you get like 10x1ml for 22 euro or smt like that.
My source currently has b vitamin shots, hydro and chlore something, 2 different versions. In glass ampules and looks legit.
Was wondering if anyone has any experince with taking bvitamin IM and if its worth it.
Think you get like 10x1ml for 22 euro or smt like that.

Gives energy. You sure ya wanna add any more shots to your cycle? Kinda have a lot goin on already don't you?
Gives energy. You sure ya wanna add any more shots to your cycle? Kinda have a lot goin on already don't you?

The thread title is misleading. I returned the hgh to save money cuz I bought a new home. I was sold anavar as dbol so no dbol either.
I'm on test prop and var right now. Thinking of upping var to 80mg ed so I can get rid of them. Annoying having to remember to eat them.
In about 4-5 weeks i will add tren. I might add masteron but haven't decided yet.
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Today was chest day. Stressful day so didn't have time for more than 45 minutes today but did very high intensity.
First time this cycle I felt very weak and it was benchpress and incline bench...

Also left blood work today, waiting for the results.
Did measurements today.
Compared to last week:

* Gained 2.8kg
* Lost 0.7% bodyfat according to caliper (0.9% according to machine)
* Grown on average 1.5 cm across all muscles.
* Last weeks big winner was thighs and hips with 3cm each.

Diet was shit and still very poor but a big improvement over the previous week.
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Obviously all of it wont be lean muscle mass but I dont feel like i'm putting on water. I feel harder everywhere.
Which brings the question, how do you feel/look when you put on water ?
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nice socks, and when water bloating is out on muscle definition is hidden. and as far as how you feel, we all know what elevated E2 levels are like.

You are making me and my socks insecure, might have to assassinate the socks so they're never to be seen or found again. Ashes to ashes, socks to socks. Are you ready to be responsible for sock murder ?
But for real though, whats wrong with my socks lol :(
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