Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

Since nobody seems to wanna discuss my marvelous balls with me. They are still shrinking... :(
I'll go leave bloodwork on monday.
It wont be the "good" test panel(Won't see LH, SHBG) but we'll know if the gear is bunk or not i suppose.

Writing this I realize i need the LH values, right ?
Maybe its my HCG that got destroyed or is simply bunk ?
About todays training, I did shoulders, tiny bit lower back and core.
Was a really good workout, I was content walking into the gym but had great focus and killed it today.

Had issues walking today, part my calves being sore but just walking I got such insane pump in calves that it felt like it was bending my fking bones. Had to literally stop walking...
Going for dry needling tomorrow, should solve it but still bit insane experience... :P
Since nobody seems to wanna discuss my marvelous balls with me. They are still shrinking... :(
I'll go leave bloodwork on monday.
It wont be the "good" test panel(Won't see LH, SHBG) but we'll know if the gear is bunk or not i suppose.

Writing this I realize i need the LH values, right ?
Maybe its my HCG that got destroyed or is simply bunk ?

Why would you need LH values? On cycle they are going to be about zero, so not going to give you any clues. What markers are you going to look at, and what are you looking for?
Why would you need LH values? On cycle they are going to be about zero, so not going to give you any clues. What markers are you going to look at, and what are you looking for?

This last week my balls has shrunk about 30-40% and they're still shrinking. And it freaks me out a bit.
I have this freebie test that came with membership, almost the identical test but this page is in english and same company, you'll have to scroll down a bit to see bloodmarkers [url***********read the board rules no links allowed***

It has basic testosterone values but it doesn't show LH and SHBG and it might be capped. I can order any separate test panel, like fsh + estro.

About LH, i just figured since HCG mimics LH it would show if my hcg got destroyed by shaking or is simply bunk to begin with.
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This last week my balls has shrunk about 30-40% and they're still shrinking. And it freaks me out a bit.
I have this freebie test that came with membership, almost the identical test but this page is in english and same company, you'll have to scroll down a bit to see bloodmarkers [url***********read the board rules no links allowed***

It has basic testosterone values but it doesn't show LH and SHBG and it might be capped. I can order any separate test panel, like fsh + estro.

About LH, i just figured since HCG mimics LH it would show if my hcg got destroyed by shaking or is simply bunk to begin with.

what about hcg? i cant find a post where you mention it.
what about hcg? i cant find a post where you mention it.

I have but I post so much its difficult even for me to keep track of everything :P
Been taking 250iu since day one of cycle, twice a week. Upped it last week to 350iu and now last 2 days i've done 500 iu. Still shrinking.
Didn't you have an hcg mixing issue? Seems like I remember reading you were afraid you had damaged it. Either way sounds like it isn't working. Not sure what to say other than try 1000 twice a week or get more and hope it was a bad batch.
Sorry bro. Maybe someone will help ya out. I'm no hcg pro

I'm just happy I can say "cruise" now :)
Didn't you have an hcg mixing issue? Seems like I remember reading you were afraid you had damaged it. Either way sounds like it isn't working. Not sure what to say other than try 1000 twice a week or get more and hope it was a bad batch.
Sorry bro. Maybe someone will help ya out. I'm no hcg pro

I'm just happy I can say "cruise" now :)

I shaked the vial after, maybe not the best.
The plan for now is just keep doing 500iu ED. Finish whats left and move onto the 5k iu left to be reconstituted.
In the mean time leaving bloodwork on monday. Curious anyhow to see how everything looks.

The nightmare scenario would be if the hcg turns out to be completely bunk because that means my source has nothing to offer and I'll have to try and source trough internet, customs and headaches...Time will be my worst enemy then... :(
I'm not sure what to believe, shaking it might have ruined it but the centrifugal force when drawing with a needle should be at least equal but probably worse on average. I've also read online that some shake theirs everytime but avoid doing it heavily because the air bubbles takes forever to settle.

Right now, I don't wanna be the guy thats panicking and guessing. I'll stick to the protocol, leave bloodwork and evaluate from there.
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are you having issues with your appetite in not having much of it because of eating out so much? what are you doing to get it back on track?

Right now its not so much I can do besides force feed myself and drink to much protein shakes.
Diet is a lot better since I posted what you replied to though.

The core issue is that I've been forced to eat out for over 6 months now and Ive trained as a chef in my teens so I'm pretty picky with what I eat, how its cooked, flavors, textures etc. Plus I really enjoy cooking for myself, just not as a living...
Soon as I move and can cook, diet will be so perfect. I will still be a sweet tooth and will probably fuckup and have the occasional slice of cake here or there but diet will be nothing like it is today. Today sucks... I especially have started to hate potatoes and I miss good quality properly cooked white rice like nobodys business... :(
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Was guns today again.
Really starting to kill it in the gym, strength is pretty much double for every exercise compared to when I started cycle.
Still tired, exhausted and just sore in my whole body so gonna take this weekend off as well.
No point in pushing it when body is asking for healing, thats how you injure yourself :P

I intentionally skipped pictures this week because I want bit of effect and difference.
My biceps is visually the biggest change, starting to look good, im happy, specially knowing I have barley started yet and diet is still shit... :D

I also drank another chocolate milk today after workout, no regrets!!!

Have a nice weekend everyone :)
Was guns today again.
Really starting to kill it in the gym, strength is pretty much double for every exercise compared to when I started cycle.
Still tired, exhausted and just sore in my whole body so gonna take this weekend off as well.
No point in pushing it when body is asking for healing, thats how you injure yourself :P

I intentionally skipped pictures this week because I want bit of effect and difference.
My biceps is visually the biggest change, starting to look good, im happy, specially knowing I have barley started yet and diet is still shit... :D

I also drank another chocolate milk today after workout, no regrets!!!

Have a nice weekend everyone :)

Fix that diet. Lol ;)
Fix that diet. Lol ;)

It's not that simple.
Without going into a year of my life that would depress the fuck out of everyone... I can summarize it like this.
Chaotic breakup. New apartment. Was supposed to move in 1st of april. Idiotic bureaucracy/legal hassle. Moving next month. I had already started cycle before the legal hassle arrived.

I currently dont have a kitchen and cant even get a basic kitchen stove due to..."reasons".
Don't cook. Eat canned tuna, salmon, and chicken. Eat a pack of pre cooked rice and a can of cold green beans. Eat like that and you'll forget to be depressed by life cuz you'll be so fucking depressed by the diet. Hahahaha
Eat enough of it and you'll grow like a mofo. The best results i have seen people have was off a really bland and gross diet.......even straight out of a can.

Hope things get easier for you very soon bro. Stay focused and get through this tough time.
Don't cook. Eat canned tuna, salmon, and chicken. Eat a pack of pre cooked rice and a can of cold green beans. Eat like that and you'll forget to be depressed by life cuz you'll be so fucking depressed by the diet. Hahahaha
Eat enough of it and you'll grow like a mofo. The best results i have seen people have was off a really bland and gross diet.......even straight out of a can.

Hope things get easier for you very soon bro. Stay focused and get through this tough time.

Great tips, appreciate it them but I dont eat anything from the sea. I'm actually over the whole thing, we split up just before christmas so its been a while now.
When I was younger I wanted to be a chef but after almost 2 years training I realized I dont wanna work 12-14 hour shifts and kill my body by 35, so not being able to cook really bothers me, pretty much the only thing depressing in my life right now.
I'm eating pretty good now but the macro is probably closer to 33/33/33 right now due to limited choices.

Thanks bro!
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So been reading up some on shrinking balls and hcg.
Seems like some people just have shrinkage, even on pharmacy prescribed hcg while on cycle.
Its also a poor indicator as to weather the balls actually work or not and over blasting hcg like ive been the past days is not the best course of action.

I dont actually care if they're pea sized but I do want kids in the future, thats my only concern at all here, so I guess my question boils down to this.
How do you know if your hcg is working or not ? What blood panels should you look at ?
Great tips, appreciate it them but I dont eat anything from the sea. I'm actually over the whole thing, we split up just before christmas so its been a while now.
When I was younger I wanted to be a chef but after almost 2 years training I realized I dont wanna work 12-14 hour shifts and kill my body by 35, so not being able to cook really bothers me, pretty much the only thing depressing in my life right now.
I'm eating pretty good now but the macro is probably closer to 33/33/33 right now due to limited choices.

Thanks bro!
Chefs dont kill their bodies from long hours of work, they kill their bodies from all the heavy drinking and cigarettes.
So far the most positive effect off this cycle is definitely my posture. My lower back has always been bit weak and i tend to sit long hours in front a computer like a couch potato.
Also looking forward to measurements on monday.

Will be interesting to see if its just me that see's a difference or maybe I'm actually growing :D

I'm still bit sore all around but feel like I could/should go to the gym today but gonna rest and add saturday next week instead :)